CoC: Color of Clowns

You can do it! And you will!!!
If there is a live action season 2, Oda is going to drive us crazy with Break?:chirstsad:
This is my greatest fear. That the Live Action leads this to becoming a bi-monthly manga, which it's already getting close to. Hopefully Oda's done a lot of set-up work for the future arcs in the live action, so he doesn't have to be as involved in filming and casting going forward.
This is my greatest fear. That the Live Action leads this to becoming a bi-monthly manga, which it's already getting close to. Hopefully Oda's done a lot of set-up work for the future arcs in the live action, so he doesn't have to be as involved in filming and casting going forward.
He can also send one of his assistants to help them
Oda better choose actors during his regular weekly break this year