Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
We ain't Hating admiral , we countering you with facts ๐Ÿ’€. You're the keeping your delusions.

It's not even about snowflake lol , argue with facts not insults. It's simple common sense
Random person: hi
Admiral fan: hi??? what hi???? you clown idiot believe you can say hi to admiral fans???? how dare you????? When you clowns start hating on Admiral fans this is what you get, donโ€™t be a snowflake๐Ÿคฃ
@HA001 OF THE RAIN Admiral fans dudes say that Logia Awakening>>everythingb and CoC is dogshit, but at the same time, they want ACoC and Black Blade lol.
They can't admit that the Yonko (and Mihawk) are above the Admirals, that's why they want the Admirals to have everything they have, so they can then pretend that these things were never special and that the Admirals don't even need them anyway.
They can't admit that the Yonko (and Mihawk) are above the Admirals, that's why they want the Admirals to have everything they have, so they can then pretend that these things were never special and that the Admirals don't even need them anyway.
World's strongest man = yonko
World's strongest creature = yonko
World's strongest swordsman = strength of Cross Guild (yonko crew)
Closest rival to WSS who scared off an admiral = yonko
World's future pirate king / JoyBoy = yonko
World's only multiple devil fruit eater, including WSM's = yonko

Whoever wants to argue back, feel free, I'm just stating the facts.
They took my "Luffy might one shot Kizaru" argument out of context to try to clown me.

Little they knew I would respond back with the whole argument quoted in my post and ready to face any shit they'd say.
Except you legit believe it happen like shanks on Kidd as one shot .
It is ainโ€™t even starwman when you legit argue for it .

It is like arguing goku or Superman will one shot Darkseid /frieza as legit theory

โ€˜You are same person believe zoro struggle on base rob lucci spoiler when people repeatedly told you it is fake spoilers .

Like come on your head,

Do you actually seriously believe luffy will low diff Kizaru ? Be honest about yourself .
Wait so youโ€™re trying to use logic now? Lmao
My Dude, I'm not going to be extending this discussion, let's just wait for the next chapters, if I'm wrong, I'll take an L on my ass, simple, but if I'm right then I'll be right lol.

But don't jump to conclusions and when I say conclusions, I mean jokes, because if Zoro vs Kizaru happens, what will you claim? Are you going to say you were wrong or are you going to run away?
I swear to god @Pringles and @Durableguy literally showed up out of nowhere and just started throwing hands with admiral fans lmfao
I have nothing against admiral fans per se and you guys know that. When did I ever care about admirals in the story? When did I care about you admiring the admirals?

It's just recent since Kizaru has become the main focus of the story.

It just bothers me when I share my view and opinion, like I always did, and then I get jumped on by a specific fandom because I dared to share a hot take.

You made me choose a side because you guys jumped on me the second I dared to share my opinion and this bothers me.

This is after all a place where everybody can share their opinion.

Worry not though, it'll be temporary until the end of Egghead. Then, you'll see I won't care about admirals anymore.