Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
106.101 :mrgo:

We didn't know what we had until we lost him :mrgo:

Now we gotta spent 3 days deciphering fucking poneglyph level hintos only to find out it's about the SHs eating Pizza on the cover :lawsigh:
I appreciate Redon being reliable with his spoilers and summary though and I understand he can't post them too early but yeah, I don't like his GIFs either.


I appreciate Redon being reliable with his spoilers and summary though and I understand he can't post them too early but yeah, I don't like his GIFs either.
Just for the record, I have nothing against Redon, his GIFs or any other provider's vague/inaccurate hints. It adds to the fun. I just pretend that I do just to keep up the fiends vs providers gimmick.
Am I the ONLY ONE who like's Redon's gifs???!!11?!?

When i have a bad day, i check worstgen to see if there are any other losers out here having even more bad days than me so i can have some comfort. And let me tell you, when i see a new hint gif from Redon, i have the biggest smile on my face. This man not only risks going to jail and dropping the soap for our spoiler pleasure, but he also has to come up with elaborate and vague hint gifs to post for it. Like, if it's too obvious, he's going to Japan jail. But if it's not obvious enough, then thousands of losers on the internet will call him names. He literally has to cook up hints like this

His gf or friends call him

"Not now babe. I gotta cook this up and post before 12"


Trolling aside. Is Ledon actually that egocentrical or is he paranoid shueisha will come after the entire community.
He's accurate in warning about the significant legal consequences that may ensue from premature leaks. However, his disposition communicating his point is egotistical and more than anything else hypocritical. He preaches exercising caution with leaks like that absolves him from engaging in the same illegal activity lmao

Don't come at me daddy Lance I still love you and dream every night about your GIFs
People still believe editor comment (preview):usoprice::usoprice:
Those aren't worth shit and you know it.
There’s a difference between generic editor comments and ones where they specifically say something happens.

Luffy vs Kizaru will definitely have a few panels in 1092 and you better believe we are going to powerscale them.