Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
This is most likely just the mangastream/Jaimini scanlation team using the word Buccaneer as it's real life meaning of "pirate"

But, if someone knows japanese and has access to the japanese scans, could you check whether Sengoku said "Buccaneer" specifically or just the word for Pirate? It's from Chapter 957

On a side note, i always liked the way Sengoku described Rocks and his actions and subsequent disappearance here. He leaves it pretty vague whether Rocks was on the bad side of history or not. Actually, he leans a bit on Rocks being a good dude with his line of "touching stones the world would rather be left untouched".

The only ones who are tying to stop people from turning stones and peeking what's underneath is the WG. So Sengoku is basically saying that Rocks was directly against the WG. We knew all these for years now. But as we're getting more and more context in the present, it's super interesting to look back on one of one piece's best chapters of all time.

Rocks being a chaotic, but ultimately good pirate in the grand scheme of things is becoming more and more of a possibility.

I don't know what the hell Roger and Garp were thinking going against him to protect celestial trash that were literally playing a game of island genocide in the same damn island lol.

Oda better have a damn good reason for their actions.

This could very well be an Oden flashback 2.0 too. Where the added context we got on Oden and Whitebeard ultimately ended up making WB look bad for not sending help to Wano even after they knew what was going on. Not to mention Izo too. The best explanation we have for that now is some lukewarm "going to war will have many casualties" excuse from WB. Like, dude you're a fucking pirate in the sea. Death comes with the Job lol. I guess he didn't know he was in one piece and nobody ever dies.

Feels like the only options are either Oda makes Rocks unquestionably and comically evil and ruins his hype, or Oda makes him good/grey and fumbles the characterizations of Garp and Roger he built up for the whole manga.

I wouldn't like either. But would prefer Rocks being good just for the chaos it would bring lol.

Anyway, i am here for the Rocks Mythos. Hope Oda delivers :shocking: