Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.6%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 105 62.9%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.6%

  • Total voters


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Last time pero wanked someone

Mihawk became Buggy's subordinate

Ronaldo left ManU disgracefully

Brazil knocked out of wc

France lost the final

And, Zoro's fight ( only thing which he actually do in this manga ) got off-panelled

Real Madrid next??:shocked:
I didn't say it's complete trash.
I said it's on that trajectory. It may hit it in one year, may hit it in ten; it may never. But it's been on a steady path ever since FI.
Dont know if I agree with this. I don't think FMI go egghead is clear trajectory. It had clearly up and downs and some peaks in between.
I just think Wano uniquely shitted the bed with how long it was and its not landing.

Funny enough it brought a ton of new fans during covid with the anime. Lets pray to nika oda doesn't think that means its good. :josad: The manga volume says absolutely tanked tho

Last time pero wanked someone

Mihawk became Buggy's subordinate

Ronaldo left ManU disgracefully

Brazil knocked out of wc

France lost the final

And, Zoro's fight ( only thing which he actually do in this manga ) got off-panelled

Real Madrid next??:shocked:
Zolow agenda clears leal ladrid don't put them into the same sentence


Last time pero wanked someone

Mihawk became Buggy's subordinate

Ronaldo left ManU disgracefully

Brazil knocked out of wc

France lost the final

And, Zoro's fight ( only thing which he actually do in this manga ) got off-panelled

Real Madrid next??:shocked:
all lies, also i wanted france to lose
Bro it was that bad

The scabbard served zero purpose

Momo having ami no habikiri and not using it against orochi made zero sense

Yamato character was a waste and the plot should have been focused on momos sister plotting behind orochis back actually training and being decent at fighting

The concept of zoro obtaining enma males zero sense since it did not complete the objective that was mentioned from it....besting kaido. They could have given zoro ami no habikiri instead with the same principle as Emma and it would have been better since that sword is indeed a serpent killer.

Kidd was useless. Giving him coc was useless since he wasn't even capable of using it.

Sanji should have fought king

Jimbe should have fought queen

Drake should have fought Jack

It should have been hiyori or momo that killed orochi

Luffy and zoro only vs kaido at the end