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I'm serious with the offer by the way, if lynching me will help you finish the game off then go for it, you've probably earned it and this game I'm not so against it.
I’ve been trying to lynch scum for 3 days now and we’ve not hit Mafia yet. And the scum we did lynch wasn’t my wagon/I leaned Town there before their claim lol.

I am not about to lynch you, have you flip town, and expect to solve this game
Where did I say that? I said you reacted differently, which you did. If it's a legitimate reaction, I can certainly empathise, I think it's shit too, but I can't help but suspect you're more annoyed about it now because it's undermining your wincon.

Now i am not going to make a case out of that. I don't have a case to make. But we're in Day 4, I think your PoE is off and you're in scum range, me having some reservations about your slot is entirely fair no? What have you done that I should be reading you as town over?
I've been annoyed by in it in every game. Also in this game it cost me playing with Muugen and that legit lessened the enjoyment factor in this game for me. So yeah, I'm sick and tired of Flower cheating in games, especially when it costs me playing with a buddy.

What about my POE is off?

I never said you sussing me isn't fair, but you've dropped my name casually multiple times now and all you have is 'he's within scum range'. That's not much to work with. It doesn't really feel like you want to solve my slot.

I'm not going to make a case for why I should be read as town. When do I ever do that and when do you ever ask me that? If you feel off about my slot, it's not that hard to flip through my posts and tell me why you think I'm wolf.


The End and the Beginning
Sorry that I'm being emotional after I tried clearing a guy yesterday, you guys making him a wagon and pushing him so much he gave up while I was working, then I came home from work, had no food, played the game with one hand from my phone because I had an accident at work, then I was done because Saka didn't help his case at all, then I track Nat to clear my paranoia, then Muugen hounds me for a fourth day and got even Prof to vote me up.
I have no sympathy for you this game. Sorry. I hope we can play professionally and work together. We can talk about the other shit post game.
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