OPM is doing a collab with Overwatch


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The thumbnail has him at c. I'm not going to pie it makes you look dumb. Like I've been saying I'm sure people can get good at doomfist doesn't make him a good character. You could be good af with sombra
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Lmao so by your own admission he's only strong for the top 1 percent players and not even meta but garbage for everyone else. Just stop bro. Doomfist sucks. It's not our fault. Just stop. Hit kit is punch, slam earth and shitgun fist. He's the raikage๐Ÿคฃ
If doomfist was bad then he would be worse in higher levels because better players would be able to exploit him. Stop being an idiot dude, are you actually trolling? How old are you? What school did you go to? You're shit at the game so you can't play him, people that are good at the game can play him because he takes skill to play.
My guy if doomfist himself was BAD, then why would he be GOOD in the higher tiers?? If doomfist was bad, he'd be WORSE in the higher tiers. Bad characters fall off the higher you go. Good characters get better the higher you go. Karq does his lists like that for the sake of simplicity. There are diamond/masters level doomfist players that have success with him, its just not AS MUCH as the highest skill tier. Good LORD. Why the hell would a bad character be good AT ALL in the highest tiers of play? It doesn't make sense.
Is widowmaker bad because everyone below GM is shit with her?? Is Zenyatta bad because everyone below GM can't play him efficiently and he's the most vulnerable character in the game?? No, because they are GOOD CHARACTERS. They are just hard to get value out of because they have high skill floors but you don't seem to understand this simple concept. Instead you wanna come in here with 3 days of experience and argue with people who have been playing this game for years. YOU LOOK SILLY.
I've been playing other games for far longer than you have. It's pretty much the same with Asstra from Valorant. Ever since she was nerfed she's not good but people still use her the higher up you go. There's better communication and she makes for very good strategies. Doesn't make her good. A good agent is one with a good kit, is very viable and doesn't need a million conditions for them to be great. I've put so many hours into her I feel good playing against anyone. That doesn't mean if I could I wouldn't go back and main a better character that's going to give me better stats. In order to be top tier with doomfist you have to play him so long have such good strategy and muscle memory that you know the best play for every situation. I don't know who's s tier in valorant but I'm sure it's somebody who has been good from the start and remains viable consitently. Sym for example might fall off the higher you go but Sojourn is top tier all the way. I make a habit of using the worse characters because as you get good with them people have less strategies against that player but when you break it all down Doomfist isn't really a tank. A tank refers to somebody who can take alot of damage.. as far as I know and from what you said he can cause real havoc if all you play is doomfist which I've started to see from my last couple of games.ypu can beat a samuraibwith a rock if your good enough but that doesn't make the rock better than a sword.
He's not meta in any sense of the word even for these top 1 percenters. Like I said he's VIABLE if your a goated player but I can see his kit is abysmal.

Luckily when I play with him my teammates know what to do. When they're buy holding an area I come in and destroy. I literally change the trajectory of the game but if they regroup and take out some of my players it's no way doomfist can hold an area with only himself. He's not a tank, he doesn't have insane damage and he doesn't heal. He's just a try hard character that Overwatch keeps just good enough so that a few people play with him. None of his moves even make sense and they took away his uppercut because they don't want him to be viable.youbtelling me that the best players in the world use him from time to time isn't a valid argument because the best players in the world don't consistently use him and he's not scared tier even for them.

His kit sucks period.
I've been playing other games for far longer than you have. It's pretty much the same with Asstra from Valorant. Ever since she was nerfed she's not good but people still use her the higher up you go. There's better communication and she makes for very good strategies. Doesn't make her good. A good agent is one with a good kit, is very viable and doesn't need a million conditions for them to be great. I've put so many hours into her I feel good playing against anyone. That doesn't mean if I could I wouldn't go back and main a better character that's going to give me better stats. In order to be top tier with doomfist you have to play him so long have such good strategy and muscle memory that you know the best play for every situation. I don't know who's s tier in valorant but I'm sure it's somebody who has been good from the start and remains viable consitently. Sym for example might fall off the higher you go but Sojourn is top tier all the way. I make a habit of using the worse characters because as you get good with them people have less strategies against that player but when you break it all down Doomfist isn't really a tank. A tank refers to somebody who can take alot of damage.. as far as I know and from what you said he can cause real havoc if all you play is doomfist which I've started to see from my last couple of games.ypu can beat a samuraibwith a rock if your good enough but that doesn't make the rock better than a sword.
He's not meta in any sense of the word even for these top 1 percenters. Like I said he's VIABLE if your a goated player but I can see his kit is abysmal.

Luckily when I play with him my teammates know what to do. When they're buy holding an area I come in and destroy. I literally change the trajectory of the game but if they regroup and take out some of my players it's no way doomfist can hold an area with only himself. He's not a tank, he doesn't have insane damage and he doesn't heal. He's just a try hard character that Overwatch keeps just good enough so that a few people play with him. None of his moves even make sense and they took away his uppercut because they don't want him to be viable.youbtelling me that the best players in the world use him from time to time isn't a valid argument because the best players in the world don't consistently use him and he's not scared tier even for them.

His kit sucks period.
There you go AGAIN, making shit up. I've hit platinum in overwatch and stopped playing ranked because I don't enjoy it. I've had friends who have been GM tell me I could easily climb to masters if I wanted to and they're not the type to gas people up who don't deserve it. I've hit champion in rocket league before they lowered the requirements so much that it might as well be plat. I've grinded smash against PR'd players and taken games off them. I've climbed to masters in pokemon unite. I've played in tournaments in street fighter. I've hit diamond in Halo and could have grinded higher if I wanted to. You have no idea what I play and how long I've been playing them.
Doomfist's kit is not abysmal, he's simply a high skill floor character. I'm going blue in the face repeating this. You just started this game and you clearly do not understand it. Just because doomfist isn't the type of tank who wants to sit in the front line forever to hold space and soak endless damage does not make him a bad tank, that simply isn't how you're supposed to play him. Overwatch has main tanks, off tanks, recently a tempo tank got added... they all have different strengths and play styles vary drastically between them.
There you go AGAIN, making shit up. I've hit platinum in overwatch and stopped playing ranked because I don't enjoy it. I've had friends who have been GM tell me I could easily climb to masters if I wanted to and they're not the type to gas people up who don't deserve it. I've hit champion in rocket league before they lowered the requirements so much that it might as well be plat. I've grinded smash against PR'd players and taken games off them. I've climbed to masters in pokemon unite. I've played in tournaments in street fighter. I've hit diamond in Halo and could have grinded higher if I wanted to. You have no idea what I play and how long I've been playing them.
Doomfist's kit is not abysmal, he's simply a high skill floor character. I'm going blue in the face repeating this. You just started this game and you clearly do not understand it. Just because doomfist isn't the type of tank who wants to sit in the front line forever to hold space and soak endless damage does not make him a bad tank, that simply isn't how you're supposed to play him. Overwatch has main tanks, off tanks, recently a tempo tank got added... they all have different strengths and play styles vary drastically between them.
Do you play doomfist?
Why don't you play doom fist. Do you not play tanks?
Tank is actually my main role. I don't play doomfist because I know he's a hard character and I don't have the time nor dedication to put into learning him. I would love to learn him though, doomfist is sick and he's my favorite character in the game to watch.
Tank is actually my main role. I don't play doomfist because I know he's a hard character and I don't have the time nor dedication to put into learning him. I would love to learn him though, doomfist is sick and he's my favorite character in the game to watch.
You should play with him he's incredi ly op and has a great kit. He serves mutiple roles and he's the best at alot of things.