Break Week Outside of Zolo fans, is Zolo overrated or underrated? (not battledome)

Now it is difficult to understand who is whose fan in fact. I saw so many people claiming to be Jinbe fans when all they wrote about was defending Zoro and attacking Sanji. But if they themselves claim that they are not part of the Zoro fandom, then... Overrated)
Zoro in general is overrated. Also over hyped. To me he's just a regular crewmate. He's popular but his feats throughout the manga weren't even impressive. It took all the way to alabasta for him to cut steel. East blue luffy and sanji were breaking steel no problem. He got speed blitzed by a giant with Luffy's agility that alone should tell you how much faster Luffy was in his base form compared to Zoro. Sanji had by far the best feats on thriller bark bit Oda just couldn't help but hype his little ticket seller. His role as second hand man was completly filled by Usopp and honestly the manga would have been much better that way.

He only leadership role is telling Luffy to act more adult which Luffy doesn't even do and we can see how little Luffy actually cares about zoro from the many times he's launched him into the stratosphere or even the time he tried to kill him. I don't know what's up with his eye but I'm a decade past caring and he was way better pretimeskip like most strawhats. His fight against Daz bones and kaku were great but every other fight has been a boring wank fest. It's ridiculous how much attention he gets and Oda setting him up to be more powerful than he actually is. He cut pica and everybody lost their minds then Luffy almost splits the island in half without even touching it and we don't even get to see people's reactions and it's never mentioned or seen again.

He's also the reason characters like Mihawk and Akainu get hyped up because Zoro is the source of this shounen formulaic bullshit that one piece was never suppouse to follow. Like shiryuu must hurt garp because he's Zoro's eos fight and he needs the hype. Worst of all his his rivalry with Sanji the cook who doesn't use weapons or his hands and Zoro can barely compete using three swords.

Story is better off without him or him playing lesser role. All he is is a fanservice for eleven year old gayboys and a Japanese are so powerful self insert ooh look japanese are greater than black people.
If we consider the entire community outside of WG definitely underrated. I think the majority of people still think Current Zoro is some YC1+ level fighter even though he's a solid Top Tier at this point and barely slightly inferior to Goofy.
Zoro in general is overrated. Also over hyped. To me he's just a regular crewmate. He's popular but his feats throughout the manga weren't even impressive. It took all the way to alabasta for him to cut steel. East blue luffy and sanji were breaking steel no problem. He got speed blitzed by a giant with Luffy's agility that alone should tell you how much faster Luffy was in his base form compared to Zoro. Sanji had by far the best feats on thriller bark bit Oda just couldn't help but hype his little ticket seller. His role as second hand man was completly filled by Usopp and honestly the manga would have been much better that way.

He only leadership role is telling Luffy to act more adult which Luffy doesn't even do and we can see how little Luffy actually cares about zoro from the many times he's launched him into the stratosphere or even the time he tried to kill him. I don't know what's up with his eye but I'm a decade past caring and he was way better pretimeskip like most strawhats. His fight against Daz bones and kaku were great but every other fight has been a boring wank fest. It's ridiculous how much attention he gets and Oda setting him up to be more powerful than he actually is. He cut pica and everybody lost their minds then Luffy almost splits the island in half without even touching it and we don't even get to see people's reactions and it's never mentioned or seen again.

He's also the reason characters like Mihawk and Akainu get hyped up because Zoro is the source of this shounen formulaic bullshit that one piece was never suppouse to follow. Like shiryuu must hurt garp because he's Zoro's eos fight and he needs the hype. Worst of all his his rivalry with Sanji the cook who doesn't use weapons or his hands and Zoro can barely compete using three swords.

Story is better off without him or him playing lesser role. All he is is a fanservice for eleven year old gayboys and a Japanese are so powerful self insert ooh look japanese are greater than black people.
Lmao, atleats list stuff that's not easily proven wrong by the manga
When you make people he's stronger than his equal, when they're not.
When you put time limits on his powers, when it don't exist.
When you claim a portion of his power comes from sword, when it clearly doesn't.
When you downplay literally every feat of his, due to insecurity or for the lols.
When you hate to see him fight strong opponents and misinterpret his fights, due to ignorance or just being born dumb...

Yeah Zoro's underrated af outside of his fandom. Yet you would still sell your grandma, if it meant Oda draws Zoro fighting alongside whoever the fuck you Stan.

Goat for a reason :cheers:
Outside his Fanbase people think of him the way he was really is, Just a typical Soldato of the main character, not Equal or stronger than the main character, When it comes to sword fighting or being edgy, he is your guy, People aren't Under estimating zoro because they think of him like that, most of the time, the Downplay comes because of his annoyingly Insecure fans, Trashing other characters. so my answer is Overly wanked.