Character Discussion People who hate on Sabo are weird.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Sabo -

Enters Dressrosa
Steals Mera Mera
Defeats BB's YC with ease.
Stalls Fujitora
Invades Mariejois
Fights Fujitora, Greenbull and god knows who else
Wins, escapes with Kuma and the rest with 0 casualties
Overshadows DRAGON who is a FUCKING jobber that didn't do jack shit for 1000 chapters now
Has all forms of Haki (he will get CoC too)
I don't see anything wrong with hating a fictional character. Personally, I don't seriously hate any One Piece character but I'm pretty indifferent to Sabo.

Kid Sabo was pretty good and I enjoyed his story and his relationship with his brothers but since he came back into the story, I haven't been interested in him much. Hopefully his future involvement in the story will make that change but as is, he's just a strong, important character but one I don't particularly like.

I also don't think a character succeeding means dislike is unwarranted, people can criticise his character and stuff like that though I think his achievements are pretty good. I didn't care for the amnesia thing and him getting his memories back when he saw Ace was dead. Personally, seemed a bit too contrived given how famous his brothers were and how involved they were in important conflicts pre-timeskip though I suppose the idea is that only when Ace was reported dead did he remember stuff and he had seen them in the papers prior, regardless I didn't care for it much.
This dude is now dubbed the Flame Emperor, has taken on successfully interpected two admirals. He ran off with Kuma (and Vivi?) and now because of Sabo, the revolution has already started. Why do people hate this character?
Because he's a shitty written character that was obviously just introduced bc Oda couldn't bear seeing Luffy losing his "only brother" and also tried to satisfy all the salty Ace fans sending Oda letters and complaining about Ace's death.

No halfway intelligent readers cares about power levels and likes characters just because they're strong.
This dude is now dubbed the Flame Emperor, has taken on successfully interpected two admirals. He ran off with Kuma (and Vivi?) and now because of Sabo, the revolution has already started. Why do people hate this character?
I don't hate Sabo, but I definitely don't like him either. The fact that he exists in the first place undermines the weight of Ace's death. Luffy lost his brother, but then it turned out his other brother (who was never mentioned once before Marineford) was actually alive the whole time. It's like Oda knew he needed to kill off Ace for the sake of having Luffy experience defeat, but he was so attached to the idea of Luffy having a big brother doing stuff behind the scenes that he asspulled an entirely new character to take Ace's place. And even then, Sabo lacks all the traits that made Ace interesting, like his daddy issues.

Plus I really hated the whole amnesia thing with Sabo in his Dressrosa flashback. It was such a lazy way to explain him not showing up to save Ace
Sabo -

Enters Dressrosa
Steals Mera Mera
Defeats BB's YC with ease.
Stalls Fujitora
Invades Mariejois
Fights Fujitora, Greenbull and god knows who else
Wins, escapes with Kuma and the rest with 0 casualties
Overshadows DRAGON who is a FUCKING jobber that didn't do jack shit for 1000 chapters now
Has all forms of Haki (he will get CoC too)
Mary sue
Can anyone who calls Sabo an Ace clone tell me why Ace isn’t a Luffy clone?

Luffy and Ace share more similarities than Ace and Sabo do but they swear he’s a clone
