Pet Owners Discussion Thread

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Do you own any animal bud?

It would be enthralling to hear your story
I used to:feelsokeman::feelsokeman:

Here's my story if you haven't see it:kata:
Alright, here's a brief backstory:yodaswag:

When I was 6, I have a yellow cat that's looks almost exactly like @Admiral Lee Hung one except mine is a bit skinnier and then the cat just gone couple of weeks later:josad:In the same year, I got a black and white cat and it's literally the best thing ever:blush:And then it just gone as well:josad:And then when I was 8, I had a small white puppy as well and that's where my love for dog began:endthis:And then it got kidnapped by some thief at midnight:josad:And then when I was about to turn 9, I got two cats this time and yeah:funky:But then one of them got run over by a car and the other one got kidnapped by a thief:seriously:I was about to catch the thief but he was too fast and strong for me:josad:And then I got a big white dog and it's kinda friendly lol:watchout:And then my family realized that they can't take care of a dog so they decided to take him to different family that will adopt him:ronalugh:He was the best dog for me lol :pepemy: And then I have two cats and one dog when I was 10 and they didn't get along very well so they got separated and I never got to see them again :pepemotion: And then I got a pure black cat and she was amazing:kata:But she got transferred as well:fuah:And then the last cat aka pet that I got was the pure white small kitten and he was the cutest thing ever:sweat:And then he died because of a disease:lusalty:And then I swear of myself that I will never own a pet again:josad:
I assume you all aren't surprised to learn that I'm a cat lady. :luuh:

This is Puff. She's 15. We found her in a dumpster on my birthday in the freezing cold! She's a grumpy princess.

^this is her curly belly fluff. the penalty for touching it is death.

Next is my big boy Oliver. He's 8. We got him from an old woman who was giving him away at our office. I spent the day with a kitten under my desk hoping that my boss didn't come by. :believe:He's a big baby who's really sweet and smart.

When he was a kitten, he was super fucking ripped, but now he's a fatty around 20lbs.

Look at those muscles. My cat is a Jojo character....

Freddie is 5. He can't see very well and spins in circles. He gets scared easily, but he has a pretty happy life for a disabled cat.

This is Sanji! He's 3. We named him Sanji because he was such a sweet kitten with long black legs. Later, we found that he also meows incessantly at anyone in the kitchen and is also kind of a pervert who humps blankets, so the name really fits, lol. He's a goofy pretty boy.

His eyes are a little crossed, hehe.

We found Cricket recently in March, hiding in our shed on my husband's birthday. She's our 2nd birthday cat! She's very dainty and is best friends with Sanji. They like to play chase.

Julius and Stax were our two orange brothers that passed away recently at 13 and 14 years old. Julius (the one with white feet) was a big stubborn asshole, and of course that made him my favorite. His brother was more cuddly.
Omg Sanji is hilarious! :milaugh:

They're all gorgeous <3 Shout out to Oliver with his pet Mihawk.
I assume you all aren't surprised to learn that I'm a cat lady. :luuh:

This is Puff. She's 15. We found her in a dumpster on my birthday in the freezing cold! She's a grumpy princess.

^this is her curly belly fluff. the penalty for touching it is death.

Next is my big boy Oliver. He's 8. We got him from an old woman who was giving him away at our office. I spent the day with a kitten under my desk hoping that my boss didn't come by. :believe:He's a big baby who's really sweet and smart.

When he was a kitten, he was super fucking ripped, but now he's a fatty around 20lbs.

Look at those muscles. My cat is a Jojo character....

Freddie is 5. He can't see very well and spins in circles. He gets scared easily, but he has a pretty happy life for a disabled cat.

This is Sanji! He's 3. We named him Sanji because he was such a sweet kitten with long black legs. Later, we found that he also meows incessantly at anyone in the kitchen and is also kind of a pervert who humps blankets, so the name really fits, lol. He's a goofy pretty boy.

His eyes are a little crossed, hehe.

We found Cricket recently in March, hiding in our shed on my husband's birthday. She's our 2nd birthday cat! She's very dainty and is best friends with Sanji. They like to play chase.

Julius and Stax were our two orange brothers that passed away recently at 13 and 14 years old. Julius (the one with white feet) was a big stubborn asshole, and of course that made him my favorite. His brother was more cuddly.
Madness in good way. As an agressive person , i have soft side toward cats. Just recently discovered tho


Zoro Worshipper
I assume you all aren't surprised to learn that I'm a cat lady. :luuh:

This is Puff. She's 15. We found her in a dumpster on my birthday in the freezing cold! She's a grumpy princess.

^this is her curly belly fluff. the penalty for touching it is death.

Next is my big boy Oliver. He's 8. We got him from an old woman who was giving him away at our office. I spent the day with a kitten under my desk hoping that my boss didn't come by. :believe:He's a big baby who's really sweet and smart.

When he was a kitten, he was super fucking ripped, but now he's a fatty around 20lbs.

Look at those muscles. My cat is a Jojo character....

Freddie is 5. He can't see very well and spins in circles. He gets scared easily, but he has a pretty happy life for a disabled cat.

This is Sanji! He's 3. We named him Sanji because he was such a sweet kitten with long black legs. Later, we found that he also meows incessantly at anyone in the kitchen and is also kind of a pervert who humps blankets, so the name really fits, lol. He's a goofy pretty boy.

His eyes are a little crossed, hehe.

We found Cricket recently in March, hiding in our shed on my husband's birthday. She's our 2nd birthday cat! She's very dainty and is best friends with Sanji. They like to play chase.

Julius and Stax were our two orange brothers that passed away recently at 13 and 14 years old. Julius (the one with white feet) was a big stubborn asshole, and of course that made him my favorite. His brother was more cuddly.
Puffy-sama is my new idol :)

I shall venerate


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