Wow, just discovered this thread. Anyway, here are my fur babies.
This is my Cat Evie, she's very sweet and loving, and always has that perpetual look of surprise lol. I adopted her specifically because she was a Black Cat, I had heard that Black Cats were very hard to adopt out. She was in the rescue for 3 years before I found her. I love her to bits!
This is my Sylvester, yes named after the bad ole puddy tat himself, and he lives up to it. He is a major Brat Cat. If you've seen the Simon Cat videos on Youtube, you'd have his personality down pat. I got him as a kitten in a shelter
& this is my Doggie Marshie, she's adorable, but very hyper. She adores Sylvester and vice versa. He raised her and she thinks she's a cat lol!
& my parents have 2 boy mini Dachshunds who I puppysit a lot, I'll try to post their pics sometime if I can.