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from the ningens ive interacted with so far or read a few post:

these two i can heavily agree with

these two i cant get a read on cause their post are confusing in regards to what their actual actions are and what their objective is. feels more like forced confusion than anything.

from what i read so far it feels like hes just tunneling flower and havent such much else from him - can read him scum cause it feels forced and out of spite more than anything.

only thing i saw from sigi was a sheep vote on hime - could also be scum from the vote and dip.

if afk i can also assume scum cause hes usually vocal as town and doesnt care to ruffle feathers and pick fights to get reads

my guy chuck cold haha

do they have equity together?
something wrong happened here, like idk which comment correspond with which quote
i mean, maybe i'll just use Endeavour on Prof, idk

that could end up better than your superkill actually

i mean, if we're sure we want to focus our abilities on prof instead of hoping mafia will take him out instead
I don't want you to waste resources on Prof. I'm not 100 if I'll shoot him for the lols yet or not. Realistically, I'm already dead, so me choosing to target whomever I do shouldnt be a big deal.


The End and the Beginning
I'll just yeet you instead then since you're saying no to everyone.
I mean if your way of leading is to just threaten to kill players who disagree with you then sure. I'm not saying no to everyone, I'm voting Michelle currently, I'm saying no to players that I think you're wrong on.
Why? hime as town usually drives things and is someone I can find. Activity might be NAI, but she's literally done nothing with her posts and time in thread.
Because she generally has some obligation as scum to not be a terrible teammate - as town apathy is easier to accept because there are greater numbers = she individually is less important.
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