Future Events POLL: Is the Zoro vs King fight good or bad for Zoro

Will Zoro vs King fight be good for Zoro?

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Maybe a lot of slashes. King is a ancient zoan so he should tank most of Zoro's attacks. However, I don't think King can push Zoro past high diff because you know, Zoro is strong, not that King is weak. I don't think Zoro would use Hiryu Kaen or Asura on King cuz he already displays those against Kaido. My prediction is that Zoro will use Sanzen Sekai (the one that finished off Pica) against King, but if Zoro uses a different move then I'm also welcome that too.
new version of shi shi son son is also good
First of all, I did support my argument by pointing out that Zoro has only used Asura three times, and all three times he was heavily injured, and it only lasted a few seconds.

Your counterargument for that is that "He didn't need it for longer" which is absolute BS.
I see your posted the same BS. You supported your post but not with manga facts. Just headcannon.

There is nothing to support Zoro has to be heavily injured to use asura mode or he can't use it at will. Zoro is the type of person who trains to make sure he can use his powers at will.

At the end of Alabasta Zoro was shown training to learn how to use BOAT or CoA haki at anytime.
Your claim goes against the manga.

If Asura lasted longer, he could have used it the entire Kaku fight, and not have been on the receiving end of a beating for 20+ minutes while Robins fate was on the line.
Against Kaku, Zoro didn't create asura mode until the end of the battle so he wouldn't be able to use a power earlier if he didn't possess it at the time.

Zoro wasn't heavily injured after he defeated Kaku.

If Asura lasted longer, he would have used it the entire time on Sabaody, while the Straw Hats were being ganged up on by multiple Pacifistas, Sentormaru, and an Admiral, and getting utterly decimated.
After they defeated the Pacifistas they decided to go separate ways because they believe they needed to preserve energy to fight an admiral. Zoro was then surprised and taken out by the admiral. Zoro can't use asura if he's taken out. I once again prove your headcannon wrong with manga facts.

If Asura lasted longer, he would have used it the entire time they were fighting against two of the strongest characters in the entire series. Not wasting his time with dealing nothing but superficial damage to Kaido.
Have you ever seen a character throughout the entire manga use their strongest powers throughout the entire battle? Of course you haven't because it doesn't happen. Luffy never showed to use his King Kong gun during the rooftop. Luffy only used gear 4 once on the rooftop battle. After he recovered his haki he decided to fight in a weaker mode then gear 4. A mode he knew wouldn't be enough to defeat Kaido.

Stop trying to claim Zoro can't use a power for long because he's following the same restrictions every other character follows.

All the evidence points to Asura being a final attack, and zero evidence points to it being an extended mode that he can use whenever, for however long as he wants.
As you and anyone else can see you didn't provide any evidence to support your claim. You just claim he can't use it. You didn't even know when Zoro first obtained asura mode.

Zoro was in better shape the first time he used asura mode then the other times. We have never seen a character in a manga only able to use a power when they are severely injured. Whenever Oda limitations on characters' powers he tells us.
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Talent is something you make bloom.
Let me put it this way.

Zoro's major fights on the Grand Line were about getting stronger at each fight. Getting tools in order to be able to face Mihawk.
Mr1? Learn how to cut steel.
Ohm? Flying slashes+mastering the cut steel.
Kaku? Ashura.
Ryuma? Getting a replacement for Yubashiri.

After TS, Zoro's fights are all about him showing off.
Squidward Drunktard? Nothing "new".
Monet? Nothing "new".
Pica? Nothing "new".
Killer? Nothing "new".

Is the fight against King one he will "develop" something new like pre-TS? he's allegedly a CoC user, implied by Kaido. But Zoro himself doesn't realize he has it. Will he "master" it during this fight? Maybe.
Is King a worth opponent? yes.
Despite what some....excited people might say....YC's aren't fodders. And, as far as we know, there aren't levels "beyond Yonko".
It's like saying some old legend players from any sport would demolish today's athletes based purely on data that isn't comparable by "what I think".

The only reason I don't like Zoro vs King, is because King's main gimmick, which was fire, is ALREADY countered by Zoro. And this counter didn't even happen DURING their fight. It happened prior. It kinda killed the matchup to me. But some aren't bothered by it one bit.
In the end....to answer the question of "is it good or bad", I don't actually think it's bad for Zoro. But I find it boring.


A lot of quotes from a lot of posts... is this what we call picking a fight?? btw I never got alert for it... found it randomly scrolling... use @ next time...
You asked for an answer from Oda she's there. Why do you cry ?
If we don't use VivreCard explain How do you Know Beckmann is close to Shanks ?
You can't.
My logic: Use manga till the point it provides information... if it doesn't use vivre card.
Your logic: Fuck manga vivre card are more important....
If in manga it is shown Beckmann below Shanks... can we all shove this VC up our arses??
I don't know. And it's irrelevant. Law saved Zoro. Does that mean
Law>Zoro>Luffy ?
Also if Luffy wasn't punching Kaido during the time everyone was temporarely K'O by BM everyone will be dead.
Law saved zoro but because zoro saved him first... what did law do: use room to transport... simple enough task... no one was hunting him down...
Zoro: overpowered tornado's with tatsumaki... cut boro breath... stopped BM attack.... saved luffy for 10 min from direct attacks... saved luffy beaten to pulp after ragnrok... even when man was hakaid....
your boi was knocked out cold by ragnarok my boi was standing after hakai..... do we even need to debate this??
Your point is Zoro is stronger than a non haki Luffy. Fine I don't care.
ara ara finding excuses and running away from fight just like your fav..... Non haki luffy is side effect of luffy himself coz he spams it.... own your weakness lil boi... your character was protected from 2 yonkos during this...
If Zoro didn't sacrifice himself they will be all dead.
Sure it's some great feats from Zoro. He's strong.
But stronger than Luffy no.
Luffy strongest and has FS= doesn't even has guts to stop hakai.... didnt even try....
Weak roronoa saves everyone....
get out of here man..... Roofpiece is a fan service for zoro fans... you cant even debate it....
If Luffy didn't came back after Ragnarok they will be dead.
So what's your point ?
Yes because ashura failed...
now you get my point that pushing someone on ground was giving no benefits so obviously a dying roronoa wouldn't be aiming for that with his last attack
Luffy is so strong that you expected him to beat WSC right after learning CoC coating. Not even mastering it
CoC coat was huge asspull.... okay... the dude got huge powerup....
My point was: even tho your boi got huge powerup he lost in 10-20 minutes.... with my boi present on powerup he saved his arse numerous times so he fought longer
I don't understand How VOAT gave more power to Luffy. Fighting wise.
VOAT was introduce on Sabaody.
When did VOAT got fleshed on sabondy?? anyways... VOAT saved luffy from certain death.... something roronoa was doing.... VOAT is an asspull.... never it was hinted that roger can talk in voat... he can hear voat but not talk... luffy fucking talked in voat... and no law crew member even asked... that's how asspull works... take away attention from things
Comparing Mihawk who isn't a SH to Zoro. Makes perfect sense yeah.
Mihawk don't need to progress whereas SH needs to.
So Mihawk can have shitty opponents it's not an issue.
Zoro needs to progress so he needs opponents he can show something against.
Zoro was more OP than rubber boy... own it...
btw... luffy beat crocoboi by luck or rather ass pull... a man who can suck water out of air but cant suck water on luffy's body....
luffy will never defeat mr 1... thats why roronoa fight him coz mr 1 was not beaten by asspull.... zoro said he experienced BOAT earlier....
go cry about mr 1 being more OP than croco boi when it comes to fight luffy
Good headcannons.
lmao still using doriki for W....
well my headcannons are always better than yours...
This feat was achieve thanks to Rankyaku and Kaku's DF.
Kaku's swordsmanship was trash.
CP9 members are just good at Rokushiki.
Also stop to diminish Martial arts to just brawling.
It's just retarded AF.
lmao... kaku was best swordsman they had....his rankyaku shit was on another level.... luffy was weak against swordsman until haki came... go cry about it...

Who did Zoro low or mid diff pre-TS ?
Bar from fodders no one.
Shanks never fought against that bandit mountain.
You are desilusionnal. comparing Characters like Shanks and Mihawk who already reached their prime to Zoro is stupid.
lmao apart from mr 1 when did roronoa faced problem??
let me add salt in your burns....
luffy was knocked out cold by the same damage but roronoa wasn't in TB.... go cry mate...
he fought Oars without some powerup and still cut Kuma..... dude he cut Kuma.... your boi couldn't even land a punch in saboandy....
ara ara I am feeling bad for you.....
Zoro did get his first bounty when he beat Daz Bones. Daz bones who had himself a bounty. So you prove that Zoro need to beat strong a strong guy to get one.
what do you mean?? you want zoro to go on his own and fight everyone?
Great feat doesn't know how it can help you.
In the same arc they set all their hopes on Luffy to beat the villain not Zoro.
Had huge powerups didnt even had a good fight....
Luffy is the MC... he will get MC moments.... but he required help.... he failed badly against moria.. but you wont bring it up
Keep complaining Idc
Lmao keep crying
How did you come to that conclusion ?
Even WB recognize him at MF previously he was making fun of him.
Sengoku Akainu and so on... Consider them as a threat. Even Gorosei knows him.
Zoro's record ?
lmao... when was he referred as powerhouse??? what did mihawk said his greatest ability??
yeah sure people know more about luffy since entire notority goes to captain.... he is the leader.. but leader aint strongest always...
Except to beat strong people
and dude was saved by nami's sister... fuck pick another example.... lmao..... dude... he beat big bad... he is MC but he needs help and assistance a lot....else he wont even reach there... arlong crew was soloed by roronoa in his absence... hatchin was crushed... hell zoro gave 30 seconds to sanji to save luffy.... all of this with a split body.... arlong park is a nightmare for examples for MC bois
Not now but soon he will. Be ready.
that would be trashiest thing coz then no difference in naruto and one piece.... but yeah I can expect that thanks to SUN GOD NIKA.... your boi so weak he needs to be a god now this late in series...hehehehe
Pinnacle of piracy is to be PK.
Current WSC is looking for the OP not for WSS
WSC wants to destroy the world needs ancient weapon... he isn't focused on PK shit else he wont be sitting in wano and get cucked by shanks......
No one wants to be WSM
No one wants to be WSC
1 man wants to be WSS
so all three WS titles are trash from now on..... who WB ?? who Kaido???
series name is One Piece not Moby dick or Onigashima... move on...
My logic: Use manga till the point it provides information... if it doesn't use vivre card.
Your logic: Fuck manga vivre card are more important....
If in manga it is shown Beckmann below Shanks... can we all shove this VC up our arses??
I told you second of Younko are a lot weaker than their captains you told me except Beckmann. If you only use manga you can't put Beckmann equal to Shanks.
Give me one feat of Beckmann who puts him close to Shanks ? Just one
Stop your Bs you accept VivreCards when they fit your agenda.
Law saved zoro but because zoro saved him first... what did law do: use room to transport... simple enough task... no one was hunting him down...
Zoro: overpowered tornado's with tatsumaki... cut boro breath... stopped BM attack.... saved luffy for 10 min from direct attacks... saved luffy beaten to pulp after ragnrok... even when man was hakaid....
your boi was knocked out cold by ragnarok my boi was standing after hakai..... do we even need to debate this??
Law saved Zoro twice. As I said does saving someone puts him above you ?
If you goes by that Logic Luffy saved everyone first when he was plummeling Kaido during they were K.O a short time.
saved luffy for 10 min from direct attacks..
Strong headcannons I see.
Luffy strongest and has FS= doesn't even has guts to stop hakai.... didnt even try....
Weak roronoa saves everyone....
get out of here man..... Roofpiece is a fan service for zoro fans... you cant even debate it....
First time I see someone being happy of fanservice same guy who complains about Luffy being MC.
Block hakai and eat a senzu bean to fight again is not what Oda did plan for Luffy. I wont complain about Luffy not eating a Senzu bean even more if it's to fight a mere YC1
Yes because ashura failed...
now you get my point that pushing someone on ground was giving no benefits so obviously a dying roronoa wouldn't be aiming for that with his last attack
Still with your headcannon Zoro tried at least to knock down Kaido but failed. You read knock down not Knock out. Stop the copium

CoC coat was huge asspull.... okay... the dude got huge powerup....
My point was: even tho your boi got huge powerup he lost in 10-20 minutes.... with my boi present on powerup he saved his arse numerous times so he fought longer
You keep complaining it's so laaame. Man if you don't like Luffy why you still reading OP drop it.
Luffy's 1v1 against Kaido on the rooftop last more than all the rooftop (1v1 between Kaido and Luffy excluded)
When did VOAT got fleshed on sabondy?? anyways... VOAT saved luffy from certain death.... something roronoa was doing.... VOAT is an asspull.... never it was hinted that roger can talk in voat... he can hear voat but not talk... luffy fucking talked in voat... and no law crew member even asked... that's how asspull works... take away attention from things
I understand everything Zoro don' have is an asspull for you. Meh meh asspull, meh meh asspull
They have someone to save but you expect them to have a discussion about how he can talk underwater ? Which situation can make Roger use VOAT like Luffy did. Does Rayleigh even know Luffy have VOAT ? Who will told him about VOAT on Wa No ?
Zoro was more OP than rubber boy... own it...
btw... luffy beat crocoboi by luck or rather ass pull... a man who can suck water out of air but cant suck water on luffy's body....
luffy will never defeat mr 1... thats why roronoa fight him coz mr 1 was not beaten by asspull.... zoro said he experienced BOAT earlier....
go cry about mr 1 being more OP than croco boi when it comes to fight luffy
Crocodile can dry water from air. He used a product who call rain but the more you use this product the less rain will came back.
If Crocodile could dry water from Air or Body it wil just be OP
It's so childish gne zoro can beat Mr1 Luffy can't, just give proofs
Luffy will have beat Mr1 Zoro won't have beat Croco it's manga facts.
lmao... kaku was best swordsman they had....his rankyaku shit was on another level.... luffy was weak against swordsman until haki came... go cry about it...
Best swordsman or only swordsman. I don't remember an other CP9 memeber who used swords.
Luffy is weak against swordsman but Zoro didn't achieve to beat him on WP considering he had a favorable match-ups. LUFFY IS TOO STRONG THEN
lmao apart from mr 1 when did roronoa faced problem??
Pretty much everywhere. Against Baggy, against Ryuma, Against nyan brothers and so on...
You don't even know Zoro
let me add salt in your burns....
luffy was knocked out cold by the same damage but roronoa wasn't in TB.... go cry mate...
Can we count how much time you said cry or salt ? Are you sure you are fine ?
he fought Oars without some powerup and still cut Kuma..... dude he cut Kuma.... your boi couldn't even land a punch in saboandy....
ara ara I am feeling bad for you.....
He fought Oars without using PU's ? The first time he used Shusui was against Oars. Did you skip pre-TS OP ?
Kuma's jacket you mean.

Couldn't land a Punch on Sabaody ? Man Kuma didn't fought SH on Sabaody. If you talk about Pacifista it's Luffy who land the final blow. You definitely have skip pre-ts OP.
Had huge powerups didnt even had a good fight....
Luffy is the MC... he will get MC moments.... but he required help.... he failed badly against moria.. but you wont bring it up
He had two fights. He destroyed Oars with Nightmare Luffy and Beat Shadow Asgard Moria with G2/G3.
Everyone one was waiting for him to do it. Even Kuma and WG knew he will beat Kuma.
lmao... when was he referred as powerhouse??? what did mihawk said his greatest ability??
Man WB trusted Luffy to save Ace, Sengoku recognized Luffy have a huge potential, All admirals were shocked about his CoC
Everyone recognized Luffy's potential.
His greatest ability doesn't mean he don't have others abilities.
yeah sure people know more about luffy since entire notority goes to captain...
And he defeated the strongest at each arc, participated to MF, ID and so on... He have feats no one have in the Crew so is more famous.
he is the leader.. but leader aint strongest always...
Still waiting for a leader weaker than one of his underlings.
and dude was saved by nami's sister... fuck pick another example.... lmao..... dude... he beat big bad... he is MC but he needs help and assistance a lot....else he wont even reach there...
He have more 1vs1 than he had help. Which one of Luffy's opponents could still beat him after their fight ? I wait for one. None because they are acknowledge their defeat.
arlong crew was soloed by roronoa in his absence
Zoro beats the fodders. Sanji took Kuroobi (second strongest BTW) and Ussop took that other guy. Killing fodder isn't something amazing.
arlong park is a nightmare for examples for MC bois
You mean best arc. Luffy dominated Arlong at the end.
that would be trashiest thing coz then no difference in naruto and one piece.... but yeah I can expect that thanks to SUN GOD NIKA.... your boi so weak he needs to be a god now this late in series...hehehehe
You keep complaining about a Manga that you didn't read entirely it's funny. So know if Luffy beats Kaido it will be trash lmaaoooo
WSC wants to destroy the world needs ancient weapon... he isn't focused on PK shit else he wont be sitting in wano and get cucked by shanks......
They are looking for RP. They need more power to break the balance and beat their concurrents. Why do you think they keep making alliances and buying weapons and so on...
BTW how could he find the ancient weapons he can't read Ponegliffs. He literally said at the start of the Rooftop that he is looking for the OP, also stated on his VC and Him and BM will fight after they have conquer the world to know which one will be the PK. You skip a lot panels.
No one wants to be WSM
No one wants to be WSC
1 man wants to be WSS
And 99% of pirates are looking for PK hence PK is the pinnacle for a Pirate. Thanks to agree.

You obviously skip some parts of the manga, keep complaing and say cry or salt. If it's all you have let me I dont want to lose time with you
Good if he has another fight, preferably a serious fight with kaido. Bad if it's his only fight this ark. IF he keeps fighting the same tier enemies ( you know, right hand mans), then how can he throw hands with top of the top tier people in the world strongest category, which he is trying to become. Zoro needs to proof himself with top top tier people just like luffy, otherwise WSS is not on the same tier as the other two and that's why he needs this kaido fight


I told you second of Younko are a lot weaker than their captains you told me except Beckmann. If you only use manga you can't put Beckmann equal to Shanks.
Give me one feat of Beckmann who puts him close to Shanks ? Just one
Stop your Bs you accept VivreCards when they fit your agenda.

Law saved Zoro twice. As I said does saving someone puts him above you ?
If you goes by that Logic Luffy saved everyone first when he was plummeling Kaido during they were K.O a short time.

Strong headcannons I see.

First time I see someone being happy of fanservice same guy who complains about Luffy being MC.
Block hakai and eat a senzu bean to fight again is not what Oda did plan for Luffy. I wont complain about Luffy not eating a Senzu bean even more if it's to fight a mere YC1

Still with your headcannon Zoro tried at least to knock down Kaido but failed. You read knock down not Knock out. Stop the copium

You keep complaining it's so laaame. Man if you don't like Luffy why you still reading OP drop it.
Luffy's 1v1 against Kaido on the rooftop last more than all the rooftop (1v1 between Kaido and Luffy excluded)

I understand everything Zoro don' have is an asspull for you. Meh meh asspull, meh meh asspull
They have someone to save but you expect them to have a discussion about how he can talk underwater ? Which situation can make Roger use VOAT like Luffy did. Does Rayleigh even know Luffy have VOAT ? Who will told him about VOAT on Wa No ?

Crocodile can dry water from air. He used a product who call rain but the more you use this product the less rain will came back.
If Crocodile could dry water from Air or Body it wil just be OP
It's so childish gne zoro can beat Mr1 Luffy can't, just give proofs
Luffy will have beat Mr1 Zoro won't have beat Croco it's manga facts.

Best swordsman or only swordsman. I don't remember an other CP9 memeber who used swords.
Luffy is weak against swordsman but Zoro didn't achieve to beat him on WP considering he had a favorable match-ups. LUFFY IS TOO STRONG THEN

Pretty much everywhere. Against Baggy, against Ryuma, Against nyan brothers and so on...
You don't even know Zoro

Can we count how much time you said cry or salt ? Are you sure you are fine ?

He fought Oars without using PU's ? The first time he used Shusui was against Oars. Did you skip pre-TS OP ?
Kuma's jacket you mean.

Couldn't land a Punch on Sabaody ? Man Kuma didn't fought SH on Sabaody. If you talk about Pacifista it's Luffy who land the final blow. You definitely have skip pre-ts OP.

He had two fights. He destroyed Oars with Nightmare Luffy and Beat Shadow Asgard Moria with G2/G3.
Everyone one was waiting for him to do it. Even Kuma and WG knew he will beat Kuma.

Man WB trusted Luffy to save Ace, Sengoku recognized Luffy have a huge potential, All admirals were shocked about his CoC
Everyone recognized Luffy's potential.
His greatest ability doesn't mean he don't have others abilities.

And he defeated the strongest at each arc, participated to MF, ID and so on... He have feats no one have in the Crew so is more famous.

Still waiting for a leader weaker than one of his underlings.

He have more 1vs1 than he had help. Which one of Luffy's opponents could still beat him after their fight ? I wait for one. None because they are acknowledge their defeat.

Zoro beats the fodders. Sanji took Kuroobi (second strongest BTW) and Ussop took that other guy. Killing fodder isn't something amazing.

You mean best arc. Luffy dominated Arlong at the end.

You keep complaining about a Manga that you didn't read entirely it's funny. So know if Luffy beats Kaido it will be trash lmaaoooo

They are looking for RP. They need more power to break the balance and beat their concurrents. Why do you think they keep making alliances and buying weapons and so on...
BTW how could he find the ancient weapons he can't read Ponegliffs. He literally said at the start of the Rooftop that he is looking for the OP, also stated on his VC and Him and BM will fight after they have conquer the world to know which one will be the PK. You skip a lot panels.

And 99% of pirates are looking for PK hence PK is the pinnacle for a Pirate. Thanks to agree.

You obviously skip some parts of the manga, keep complaing and say cry or salt. If it's all you have let me I dont want to lose time with you
I am evaluating my life choices right now that why did I started this argument....
Mate I got a job and this is not the only thing I want to do on WG in free time....
You can keep luffy as strongest I will keep zoro.... you will never agree to me neither I am gonna agree to you so lets just stop here...
I am evaluating my life choices right now that why did I started this argument....
Mate I got a job and this is not the only thing I want to do on WG in free time....
You can keep luffy as strongest I will keep zoro.... you will never agree to me neither I am gonna agree to you so lets just stop here...
You should have keep your free time to read OP properly I guess.
I just follow the author's word.