Powers & Abilities Power ups for Jinbe?

If Jinbe joins in on Wano. He’d most likely face off against a Yonkou Commander. Either Jack or Smoothie would be my guess. So question will be whether or not Jinbe can beat either without a PU. I’d personally scale Jinbe to around high vet level~low high tier so I think he’d be needing a bit extra if he’s gonna be taking out either Jack or Smoothie.

Regardless of which of the two Jinbe fights, I can’t help but feel that fishman karate will be heavily focused on. (I.e. Fishman v Fishman or Fishman v Sponge😂) So if Jinbe gets a PU, it’d prolly be fishman karate related. Maybe not even a PU per say but some sort of Fishman Karate secret technique ^^. Onigashima is surrounded by water so would be sick if Oda incorporates that into a finisher for Jinbe ^^.

In this arc I can imagine we’d be seeing Zoro
& Sanji use Improved forms of Ashura & DJ as finishers in their climax fights again King & Queen so would be sick to also see Jinbe use some secret type Fishman Karate technique. :finally:

Also has any SH that joined gotten PUs in the arc they joined?🤔Neither Franky or Brook did IIRC.
It really depends on what structure Oda is going for.
It can be

1) Captain and his right hand man, with Zoro being a high diff opponent for Luffy and the rest of the crew significantly below (Sanji Y1C to low top tier), then Jinbe does not need a powerup, like i said new leader of the mid group

2) Captain and his right and left hand man, which only means Sanji is stronger than above, no influence on Jinbe, stays leader of mid group (which is really the age and maturity group of the Strawhats, so he fits in really, at least personality-wise)

3) Captain and below him his 3 commander like guys, which would entail Jinbe needing a powerup to at least Y1C
Jinbei doesn't need any upgrades right now.
He tanked Big Mom's spear of elbaf in Wci and had good feats against her in her skinny state(which is still top tier).
He scales already at yc2-yc1 level(stronger thann doffy),so he should be fine for eos already since he is a character in his prime.