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Pot Goblin

When i saw your character description it literally remined me of King Shark from Suicide Squad II
I dig it
Maybe even some Columbo elements where I seem more clever than at first glance
I remember that I have 8 INT and 14 WIS so that's something lmao
Could be fun

Pot how do you feel about evil and people who do it, say someone wanted to stop by and torture a bunch of villagers for their gold. Maybe some light water boarding and or killing of loved ones for motivation.
I think I would have some tolerance for a little bit depending but I would have a limit
Like torturing a bunch of villagers would be way too much in my eyes but if we wanted to try to pull some scores for cash/treasure I would be down for that

I wouldn't want to involve loved ones directly but say if we did have a fella we had to squeeze for info I'd be down for intimidation the fella directly to get what we need if it calls for it

Character motivation stuff is not something I'm used to and will have to learn but the vibe I'm going for is kinda going with the flow but try to have some good core values still

Like I wouldn't steal/swindle from a kid unless that kid was a real asshole kinda thing

Chaotic Good is the alignment I'm goin for
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