Brother's intro feat to the war, slashing down 4 fodders from the side. Oh right since this is very important... he did it with just 1 hand.
Bananji's first intro the battlefield feat, how many is that 1 2 3 4.... damn near 7+ fodders in a single slash oh right of course with... 1 hand:
Gyou'un's first intro feat to the war 8 fodders cleared in a single slash... now I'll give you that he did it with 2 hands. But SBS 1 hand = 4 kills with a flash, Gyou'un 2 hands = 8 kills with a slash.
Ahhh of course Shibashou the great, his impecable feats that make him unprecendented don't just end there, oh no. In the recent chapter he accomplishes another amazing feat after rallying his troops and getting motivated to end the war fast to avenge his fallen people he charges at Ousen's HQ and accomplishes... the great feat of... oh right 4 fodders with 1 slash:
Oh my would you look at that a smaller sized Bananji replicating the same feat while smiling... oh even better he's sending mfs flying as well... with... oh just one hand.
Gyou'un calmly doing the same feat of cutting 4 people together.. oh my god... inb4 "B-B-B-B-But he did it with 2 hands"
@Bullet Aye bro this dude def. on a whole different level than Bananji and Gyou'un. When Gyou'un & Bananji are facing Ouhon & Shin at full power as their first 1on1 and easily deflecting fullpower-spear thrusts from Ouhon, the great Shibashou is 1-shotting an Akou with a fucked up spine who can't feel his lower body and can barely move his body with heart shutting down... Hara def. setting him apart.
BROO LOOK AT THIS HYPE!!!! HE EXCEEDED OUSEN'S EXPECTATIONS!!!....When Ousen never saw him fight a day in his life before or knew about his prowess. HOLY SHIII HE BUILT DIFFERENT.
Oh Bananji exceeded Ousen's predictions despite Ousen having 13+ days worth of info on Bananji's prowess on the frontlines? Ehhhhh naahh nothing special. Exceeding the expectations of Qin's top strategist after he has 13 days worth of info on your martial prowess? Not moving me. Wait you telling me Bananji still wasn't out of his normal state on the last day and he still reached a whole different level compared to the first 13-14 days?? Nahhhh still not moving me. Narrator states normal state Bananji's prowess is "Overpowering" after Ousen sees it? ehhh nah. Oh wait you saying we can't make up the bullshit about Bananji being in Rage mode last day? aw damn that's sad.
Man I've never seen a mf in Kingdom get glazed like this for his martial prowess without a single comparative statement and without facing a single decent combatant in 1on1. Nope, we glazing that big ass size, which he's using to do the exact same feats that people much smaller than him did at Shukai.
It's not like people who're big af have a natural advantage in fodder control when there's only fodder... not like we ain't seen Ryuusen send 3 mfs straight up as homeruns, casually. So as a dude damn near twice the size of Bananji/Gyou'un he's doing the same feats they did casually.
I thought the Kanmei glaze was insane, but atleast that mf has an actual 1on1 and proper feats that could set him apart.

Bananji's first intro the battlefield feat, how many is that 1 2 3 4.... damn near 7+ fodders in a single slash oh right of course with... 1 hand:

Gyou'un's first intro feat to the war 8 fodders cleared in a single slash... now I'll give you that he did it with 2 hands. But SBS 1 hand = 4 kills with a flash, Gyou'un 2 hands = 8 kills with a slash.

Ahhh of course Shibashou the great, his impecable feats that make him unprecendented don't just end there, oh no. In the recent chapter he accomplishes another amazing feat after rallying his troops and getting motivated to end the war fast to avenge his fallen people he charges at Ousen's HQ and accomplishes... the great feat of... oh right 4 fodders with 1 slash:

Oh my would you look at that a smaller sized Bananji replicating the same feat while smiling... oh even better he's sending mfs flying as well... with... oh just one hand.

Gyou'un calmly doing the same feat of cutting 4 people together.. oh my god... inb4 "B-B-B-B-But he did it with 2 hands"

@Bullet Aye bro this dude def. on a whole different level than Bananji and Gyou'un. When Gyou'un & Bananji are facing Ouhon & Shin at full power as their first 1on1 and easily deflecting fullpower-spear thrusts from Ouhon, the great Shibashou is 1-shotting an Akou with a fucked up spine who can't feel his lower body and can barely move his body with heart shutting down... Hara def. setting him apart.
BROO LOOK AT THIS HYPE!!!! HE EXCEEDED OUSEN'S EXPECTATIONS!!!....When Ousen never saw him fight a day in his life before or knew about his prowess. HOLY SHIII HE BUILT DIFFERENT.

Oh Bananji exceeded Ousen's predictions despite Ousen having 13+ days worth of info on Bananji's prowess on the frontlines? Ehhhhh naahh nothing special. Exceeding the expectations of Qin's top strategist after he has 13 days worth of info on your martial prowess? Not moving me. Wait you telling me Bananji still wasn't out of his normal state on the last day and he still reached a whole different level compared to the first 13-14 days?? Nahhhh still not moving me. Narrator states normal state Bananji's prowess is "Overpowering" after Ousen sees it? ehhh nah. Oh wait you saying we can't make up the bullshit about Bananji being in Rage mode last day? aw damn that's sad.

Man I've never seen a mf in Kingdom get glazed like this for his martial prowess without a single comparative statement and without facing a single decent combatant in 1on1. Nope, we glazing that big ass size, which he's using to do the exact same feats that people much smaller than him did at Shukai.
It's not like people who're big af have a natural advantage in fodder control when there's only fodder... not like we ain't seen Ryuusen send 3 mfs straight up as homeruns, casually. So as a dude damn near twice the size of Bananji/Gyou'un he's doing the same feats they did casually.

I thought the Kanmei glaze was insane, but atleast that mf has an actual 1on1 and proper feats that could set him apart.

His feats so far are nothing beyond what a Gyou'Un or Bananji can or has done
I have him above them in everything of course but people keep getting too excited when he hasn't done anything
"He sneak attacked Denrimi's boys that must mean he rivals Moubu in strength, killed 1 Hp Akou so he's beyond Houken"