1. Karin. Easily the most dangerous individual amongst the Coalition commanders. She demonstrated her broader vision when she sent orders for the HQ to pass out - fighting conservatively and that in 10 days Kankoku pass should fall- which was the strategy then employed by the Coalition (though the days were then ricalculated by Riboku). She devised deadly plan to take Kankou pass who caught the Qin completely off guard (Riboku as well) and only Ousen prevented the catasthrophe. She also claims to have the same strenght of Kanmei and though this is likely an exaggeration, she should be an hell of a warrior who can lead charges from the front as well.
2. Keisha. A great instinctual commander with a knack for devising traps who was able to read the moves of Duke Hyou and put him in a bad spot. Riboku said that Keisha was able to beat him in war games a fair share of times.
3. Kanmei. I'll say this : his duel with Moubu was fucking epic, one of the very best in the manga. That said, I've never been enthusiastic about Kanmei. Sure he was the Commander in chief of the Chu army, sure he took 100 cities and never had a loss in his career, sure he defeated Oukotsu, sure he was considered the strongest man in China. But I that think Oukotsu, with his individual might and likely not brilliant mind for strategy/tactics, was very much a match made from heaven for Kanmei (and Kanmei might have been underrated by him as well). If Kanmei and his army went against someone like say Gyou’Un with his insticts/tactics (Gyou'un, not Ouki or Renpa), the Chu are in fucking trouble. The power from his individual might, charges and morale boosting was absolutely great though.
4. Gohoumei. He had a few tricks up his sleeve, from siege towers to giant crossbows. He's also able to use formations like the Ryuudou. That being said, he still has quite the grow to do at this point in time.
5. Ordo. As much as he might get memed, the guy absolutely has skills and understanding of warfare. But going up against Ousen, you're going to take that L.
6. Seikai. Nice poison skills but my man Chou Tou (

) still sent you to the next world.