General & Others Rank the Supernova based on importance to the plot

1. Luffy
2. Zoro
3. Kid
4. Law
5. Drake
6. Bonney
7. Bege
8/9/10. Killer/Hawkins/Apoo
11. Urouge

Luffy and Zoro are obvious. Oda always had plans for Kid, unlike the other SN, so he should be the next in line. Law is pretty obvious. Drake will be one of the leaders of the reformed Marines. Bonney will almost certainly play a fairly important role in a later arc, given her DF ability and mystery around her, and she could be higher than Drake. Bege was a key player in WCI arc. Killer/Hawkins/Apoo aren’t that relevant to the story of Wano so far. Urouge could maybe get an important role in a later arc, but I doubt it.


The Road To Harmony
The 2nd half of WCI wouldn’t have even happened without Bege. He’s definitely more important that Urouge and Hawkins
I'm basing it off past and possible future events. I believe Hawkins will be instrumental in Kaido's defeat, and Urouge being so isolated from the rest is no accident. He might be part of something crucial later down the line.
1. Luffy
2. Zoro/Kid - (only if kid will make it to the final war)
3. Kid/Zoro/Law (only if law will make it to the final war)
4. Law
5. Drake/ Urouge (only if Urouge will make it to the final war)
6. Apoo/Killer (only if killer will make it to the final war)
7. Urouge
8. Killer
9. Hawkins
10. Capone
11. Bonney
1. Zoro - because he will kill Kaido
2. Luffy - because he will provide small assist to Zoro against Kaido
3. Killer - because he clashed against Zoro once
4. Apoo - because he also clashed against Zoro
5. Urouge - because he praised Zoro in Sabaody
6. Bonney - because she called Zoro as onii chan in Sabaody
7. Kidd - because he commented on Zoro's action in last chapter
8. Law - because he shared same opinion on Kanjuro's drawing with Zoro at Zou
9. Hawkins - because he lost 3 of his lifes against Zoro
(Big gap)
10. Bege / Drake
11. Bege / Drake, both haven't interacted with Grandmaster yet
1) Luffy
2) Zoro
3) Law
4) Kid
5) Drake
6) Bonney
7) Urouge
8) Hawkins
9) Apoo
10) Killer
11) Bege

Law has already been much more relevant than Kid throughout the new world but Kid easily has the potential to surpass him after this arc.
But, if Law doesn't die in this arc I can see him being relevant for the endgame too considering he's a D.

Drake and Bonney are interchangeable depending on what the future holds for them.
Bonney would much more relevant if her role isn't solely being related to Kuma's story, while Drake naturally will be relevant because of the eventual coup d'etat by SWORD in the future.
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1) Luffy - (Literally the main character and strongest of the supernovas)

2) Kid - (Oda setting up kid to be the ultimate rival to Luffy)

3) Law - (Dofamingo has been defeated which was his main goal, his side goal is to take down kaido..what does he do after wano?)

4) Zoro - (Future world strongest swordman and apart of the future pirate king's crew...probably should put him above law maybe)

5) Drake - (Will mostly likely be apart of the reformed marines or plays a huge in changing the marines from the shadows)

6) Bonney - (Interesting ability and her unknown back ground)

7) Killer - ( 2nd strongest apart of what seems to be the major rivals to the strawhat crew)

8) Bege - (Possibility that he will play a role in Elbaf with the two fugly chicks)

9) Apoo - (His style makes good anime character that voice actors would enjoy and maybe even the production team with his music ):feelsokeman:

10) Urouge D Monk - ( Will of D)

11) Hawkins - (too much faith in the heart of the cards, hopefully oda does more with devil fruit though)

For now this is my list, things can change by the end of wano.
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You can't win
In terms of importance i'd rank them this way

Kid / Law

> For Luffy and Zoro, it's obvious. The future pirate king and his firstmate that have been in this adventure since the beginning of the series, and whose goals are bound to be followed through til the end of the manga

> For Kid or Law, it's because so far Law has higher importance since Punk Hazard(starting the gears of the new era, being part of Doffy's defeat, a D with a devil fruit hinted to have an importance comparatively to Marijoa's national treasure, Kaido / Akainu / Fujitora wanting him to be captured), but Kid's development has potential to be higher due to being portrayed as Luffy's main rival since Udon, having conqueror haki, with Kaido having similar interest towards him than Luffy, and more importantly Oda saying he was the one he aimed at being the most important

> For Drake, it's due to his role as double spy in Beast Pirates and marines, his will of marines to change, affiliation with SWORD which might hint at him playing a role from the marine's side by end of serie

> For Bonney, it's because of her seemingly deep link concerning everything World Government related, with Akainu targetting her

> For Killer, it's due to him having higher chance to be highlighted than the rest of the list due to affiliation to Kid

> For Hawkins, it's because of his arc potential being higher than the rest("the 19% survival rate on Luffy / Zoro still has to come in play", his "maximal cards potential, with them allowing someone to go beyond natural limits" has to come in play). Additionally, was portrayed as top5 highlighted captain, but could depend on the way it goes for him this arc

> Urouge because while less highlighted than the ones above, he defeated Snack off-panel

> Bege, he had great importance in WCI, but not sure where his story line will go now

> Apoo for him, he has always been portrayed as a snitch, and outside of that, no clue. At this rate, he might end up defeated by Kid, but who knows
In terms of importance i'd rank them this way

Kid / Law

> For Luffy and Zoro, it's obvious. The future pirate king and his firstmate that have been in this adventure since the beginning of the series, and whose goals are bound to be followed through til the end of the manga

> For Kid or Law, it's because so far Law has higher importance since Punk Hazard(starting the gears of the new era, being part of Doffy's defeat, a D with a devil fruit hinted to have an importance comparatively to Marijoa's national treasure, Kaido / Akainu / Fujitora wanting him to be captured), but Kid's development has potential to be higher due to being portrayed as Luffy's main rival since Udon, having conqueror haki, with Kaido having similar interest towards him than Luffy, and more importantly Oda saying he was the one he aimed at being the most important

> For Drake, it's due to his role as double spy in Beast Pirates and marines, his will of marines to change, affiliation with SWORD which might hint at him playing a role from the marine's side by end of serie

> For Bonney, it's because of her seemingly deep link concerning everything World Government related, with Akainu targetting her

> For Killer, it's due to him having higher chance to be highlighted than the rest of the list due to affiliation to Kid

> For Hawkins, it's because of his arc potential being higher than the rest("the 19% survival rate on Luffy / Zoro still has to come in play", his "maximal cards potential, with them allowing someone to go beyond natural limits" has to come in play). Additionally, was portrayed as top5 highlighted captain, but could depend on the way it goes for him this arc

> Urouge because while less highlighted than the ones above, he defeated Snack off-panel

> Bege, he had great importance in WCI, but not sure where his story line will go now

> Apoo for him, he has always been portrayed as a snitch, and outside of that, no clue. At this rate, he might end up defeated by Kid, but who knows
Bege’s role in WCI has already been very important to the story. He was the one who brought Sanji to WCI, triggering the arc. Without his assassination plot, the latter half of WCI never happens, Sanji and Vinsmoke development never happens, Nami never captures Zeus, Luffy vs Katakuri never happens, Luffy doesn’t get FS, and Luffy doesn’t get his huge bounty increase and “5th Emperor” title.

If you remove Hawkins and Killer from Wano, the current story remains mostly unchanged. I don’t see Killer doing anything important. Maybe Hawkins could return and help fight Kaido, but I don’t think he would make a major contribution. Urouge defeating Snack is pretty much irrelevant to the story