Powers & Abilities Rank the Tobi Roppo/Flying Six

1) Page One
2) X-Drake -
3) Uruti -
4) Black Maria-
5) -Who's Who
6) Sasaki

1) X-Drake -
2) Who's Who
3) Page One
4) Sasaki
5) Black Maria-
6) Uruti -

1) X-Drake -
2) Page One
3) Who's Who
4) Uruti -
5) Sasaki
6) Black Maria-
Viz as always with their translations...

Now rankings of F6 are less clear because in this translation Black Maria doesn't suggest anyone for the position, she only asks either Who's who or Drake "You think it's yourself?"

But this translation makes it clearer that Sasaki groups both Drake and Page One together and he is glad that Drake is dropping out of competition, after that he tries to do the same with Page One.
This basically confirms for me Drake and Page One are above Sasaki.

And apparently Page One and Ulti are siblings in this translation somehow. So they are probably around same lvl.

So basically Viz translation makes them all around same lvl without making one of them be above everyone else.

My rankings almost the same, only P1 and Ulti share a place now:
Who's who
Page One/ Ulti
Black Maria
i have the same ranking except i put uliti in last
After the clearer and better translation my ranking is still pretty good if you ask me:usosmug:Here's my post:
1. Page One (best thing that Oda had draw yet)
2. X Drake (sick and badass design)
3. Black Maria (She is perfect waifu)
4. Ulti (Best girl ftw)
5. Who's who (not a big fan)
6. Sasaki (Fishmen is always ugly as fuck)

1. X Drake (obviously)
2. Who's who
3. Ulti
4. Page One
5. Sasaki
6. Black Maria

1. X Drake
2. Ulti
3. Page One
4. Who's who
5. Sasaki
6. Black Maria
Who's who might be stronger than Drake based on their interaction but I would just leave Drake as it is for now lol.:kayneshrug::pagemoji:
Strength ranking:
1. Who's who - He seems to be the leader of the group and Black Maria's comment makes it seem as though he is confident in his strength.

2. X Drake - He is part of the worst generation, and also part of Sword.

3. Sasaki - He was happy Drake dropped out so he is probably just below him.

4. Ulti- She is confident enough to threaten Sasaki, so she is confident in her abilities.

5. Black Maria - Giants aren't usually impressive in terms of strength, so I'll place here until further showings.

6. Page 1 - Sadly pay pay cant hack it, and he is apparently the youngest so he is the least experienced.