But you're not getting under my skin, or really even bothering me personally - you're just rolling through the game without actually playing it. You're not reading, you're not willing to claim to help inform your slot, you're not scum hunting, you're not even fake scumhunting - I really don't understand why you're even playing. I certainly wouldn't want to waste any time on something I have no interest in. And no, it's not subjective - if you're town there is a basic level of engagement that you're expected to maintain, that is, at the very least, a sincere effort to play to your wincon. There is nothing sincere, or even effort, about your approach this game. That's why I asked "is this fun for you", I genuinely don't know what you're getting out of signing up to play like this. You must be really bored or something I guess.
I've gone over why I'm not voting you - I do consider Fuji's take quite highly given he has a pretty good eye for this stuff and he was in a good position to view how you approached last game, enough to not actually lynch you. Orca I have no specific read on, but I've seen his name crop up a few times and I'm happy to support that wagon for now, nothing I've seen from him suggests town to me so happy with the direction.