General & Others Rest fights of Monster Trio

Finally someone who thinks.

It's completely stupid to think that Zoro will become the strongest swordsman before Luffy becomes the Pirate King (Those who think Mihawk will join Shanks)

And it's also stupid to think that during the Final War against the World Government and its tyranny, Zoro and Mihawk will fight each other when the two are up against the World Government.

On the contrary, Oda has already shown that it is more important for the Straw Hats to fulfill Luffy's dream than theirs, especially with Zoro.

Oda made Zoro put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew on Thriller Bark.

Oda made Robin put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew in Enies Lobby

Oda made Sanji put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew in Whole Cake.

And the examples continue. It has several dreams to be fulfilled only after the final battle. Or do you think they will travel all over the world, going through all the routes of paradise before the final war for Nami to draw the world map, Sunny to be the second ship to sail all seas, Brook to find Laboon and etc?

The world is changing very fast, now in chapter 1037 this has been stated to us again, there is no time for these dreams to come true between Wano and the Final War.
But they will. Oda will make them. Namis map of the world will be complete once she finishes mapping the grand line. Usopp will become a brave warrior of the sea soon. Chopper will discover the miracle medicine. Frankys ship will circumnavigate the globe when it gets back to W7. Brook will meet Laboon again after Raftel, Robin will discover the truth in Raftel. The all blue will be found during or right before the final war.

Every other straw hat will complete their dream before Luffy vs imu. Zoro is no different
But they will. Oda will make them. Namis map of the world will be complete once she finishes mapping the grand line. Usopp will become a brave warrior of the sea soon. Chopper will discover the miracle medicine. Frankys ship will circumnavigate the globe when it gets back to W7. Brook will meet Laboon again after Raftel, Robin will discover the truth in Raftel. The all blue will be found during or right before the final war.

Every other straw hat will complete their dream before Luffy vs imu. Zoro is no different
I see the exact opposite, all the Straw Hats will fulfill their dreams after Luffy and some after the final war.

To make Nami and Franky's dream come true, you have to go around the world 7 times, it's totally stupid to do that in the urgency of a war.
I see the exact opposite, all the Straw Hats will fulfill their dreams after Luffy and some after the final war.

To make Nami and Franky's dream come true, you have to go around the world 7 times, it's totally stupid to do that in the urgency of a war.
Why about Brook and Robin and Usopp? Characters who have to complete their dreams before the WG fight?

And I disagree on Nami and Frankys dream. Frankys dream is a ship that sails around the world braving the harshest fights and surviving once it makes it back to W7 it’s done it’s job. And namis been copying and studying navigational charts since she was a child. She likely already has the entirety of the east blue and the other maps she can find and add to her world map through the countless books.

This is Luffys story. It started with his dream and it’ll end with his dream
Why about Brook and Robin and Usopp? Characters who have to complete their dreams before the WG fight?

And I disagree on Nami and Frankys dream. Frankys dream is a ship that sails around the world braving the harshest fights and surviving once it makes it back to W7 it’s done it’s job. And namis been copying and studying navigational charts since she was a child. She likely already has the entirety of the east blue and the other maps she can find and add to her world map through the countless books.

This is Luffys story. It started with his dream and it’ll end with his dream
I don't say they need to complete it first, I say it's possible, unlike the case of Nami and Franky, which is practically impossible.

Robin will fulfill his dream soon after Luffy becomes the Pirate King. they will arrive in Laugh Tale and Luffy becomes the Pirate King, there they will find the Road Poneglyph that Robin will read and fulfill her dream. Usopp I believe he will only become a brave warrior in the final war.
I mean I don’t see why not? This is Luffys story of becoming the freest man in the world. Zoros dream is just a side quest in the story just like every other straw hat.
Well yea Oda could do it that way or he could go another, idk how we’ll see Laboon before that time but Oda can make it work.
Finally someone who thinks.

It's completely stupid to think that Zoro will become the strongest swordsman before Luffy becomes the Pirate King (Those who think Mihawk will join Shanks)

And it's also stupid to think that during the Final War against the World Government and its tyranny, Zoro and Mihawk will fight each other when the two are up against the World Government.

On the contrary, Oda has already shown that it is more important for the Straw Hats to fulfill Luffy's dream than theirs, especially with Zoro.

Oda made Zoro put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew on Thriller Bark.

Oda made Robin put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew in Enies Lobby

Oda made Sanji put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew in Whole Cake.

And the examples continue. It has several dreams to be fulfilled only after the final battle. Or do you think they will travel all over the world, going through all the routes of paradise before the final war for Nami to draw the world map, Sunny to be the second ship to sail all seas, Brook to find Laboon and etc?

The world is changing very fast, now in chapter 1037 this has been stated to us again, there is no time for these dreams to come true between Wano and the Final War.
I also happen to think that Luffy will achieve his dream first.

I mean that makes the most sense considering his dream is the main thing in the series and it would look overshadowed if everything I mean happened earlier.

Besides practically I don't see why Zoro should face off Mihawk before Zoro becomes PK.
But they will. Oda will make them. Namis map of the world will be complete once she finishes mapping the grand line. Usopp will become a brave warrior of the sea soon. Chopper will discover the miracle medicine. Frankys ship will circumnavigate the globe when it gets back to W7. Brook will meet Laboon again after Raftel, Robin will discover the truth in Raftel. The all blue will be found during or right before the final war.

Every other straw hat will complete their dream before Luffy vs imu. Zoro is no different
Huh ? When Fishman island and redline is destroyed , all sea will emerged and sanjis dream come true . Only crew member that recruited by sharing dreams woth Luffy is Sanji . Sanjis introduction arc just composed of dream and believing . And you claim that zoro has special dream more than both . Funny
Honestly how I think/expect/want it to go down (but it'll be wrong obviously):

- Elbaf: Kizaru/Kuma/Vegapunk/SSG stuff with Giants, etc

- Lodestar: Kid and Luffy fight over the last Road Poneglyph. Quick and short, Kid becomes a full ally. This is with the assumption that Kid beat Big Mom and Law doesn't (which I'm not sure about we'll see)

- Laugh Tale: Blackbeard. After terrorizing the world with Pluton and cheating their way to Laugh Tale (the dude doesn't even seem to be trying to looking for the RPs). One Piece is found/true history is known.

- Final War/Mariejois/New Marineford: Vs Akainu/Admirals/VAs/Marines in first part. Vs Im/Gorosei/Kong/WG in second part. Yes I think there will be a few breather chapters in the middle of the war.

- God Valley: The end. Vs Shanks/Mihawk/RHP for reasons we do not know yet. God Valley has way more significance than we know.

You can assume the M3 fights based on these (except maybe Elbaf's if it has to do with those people)
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Finally someone who thinks.

It's completely stupid to think that Zoro will become the strongest swordsman before Luffy becomes the Pirate King (Those who think Mihawk will join Shanks)

And it's also stupid to think that during the Final War against the World Government and its tyranny, Zoro and Mihawk will fight each other when the two are up against the World Government.

On the contrary, Oda has already shown that it is more important for the Straw Hats to fulfill Luffy's dream than theirs, especially with Zoro.

Oda made Zoro put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew on Thriller Bark.

Oda made Robin put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew in Enies Lobby

Oda made Sanji put his dream aside and surrender for Luffy and crew in Whole Cake.

And the examples continue. It has several dreams to be fulfilled only after the final battle. Or do you think they will travel all over the world, going through all the routes of paradise before the final war for Nami to draw the world map, Sunny to be the second ship to sail all seas, Brook to find Laboon and etc?

The world is changing very fast, now in chapter 1037 this has been stated to us again, there is no time for these dreams to come true between Wano and the Final War.
Honestly think it's gonna be a mixture of things. Firstly, becoming PK isn't Luffy's only dream. He has a second one that seemingly can't be achieved until the final war is over (as its implied by Roger sharing that dream and not achieving it).

Second, it's you have certain characters dreams will be achieved during/after Luffy's PK dream:

- Robin achieves hers by finding the true history, which happens the same time Luffy finds One Piece

- Franky technically achieves his when they sail to Laugh Tale, which is technically before anyone acheives theirs.

- Usopp's is super arbitrary, and is a measure of his own growth as a person when he decides.

- Brook's can't happen until we physically see Laboon again

- I've accepted the common theory that Luffy destroys Red Line, which might achieve both Sanji and Jinbe's dreams.

- Zoro's would happen on the last fight.

- Nami and Choppers are the hardest to achieve, but we may get significant moments where nobody else does what they do (cure some incurable disease; map Laugh Tale or God Valley or some other hidden shit)

Really it can just happen whenever, but I do expect Luffy's secret/final dream to occur last.
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