Road to Laugh Tale Booklet

So Kid was gonna lose his leg too
Shanks was really ruthless
Imagine Shanks just lecturing kidd about how he's not going to be the king of the pirates while he chops off his arm, "Don't lie to me Kidd, I've known since the beginning who would become the king of the pirates! That's why I stole joyboys devilfruit from the world government like Roger told me to. I watched the child destined to become the king of the pirates eat the the devilfruit right before letting some mountain bandit almost drown him, that's when I lost this arm. See now we match!! This is what happens when you do something stupid, you lose an arm, I almost let luffy die and you tried to kill me before I get to see luffy become king of the pirates!


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀

Oh yeah sorry thanks for correcting me i mean kozuki sukiyaki is still alive.
And one of zoro sword is his sword, maybe he will upgrade it with his ancestor at least.
Or even he will give the shodai kitetsu.
Sukiyaki making a sword for Zoro would be cool! I’m kind of on the side of him just keeping Sandai now after the focus his swords got in 1033, but I really want to see something happen with the Nidai soon
I like the scarecrow concept of Ulti tbh. I prefer that over her generic design.

I imagine it might have been an actual scarecrow but coming to life due to an ancient zoan
Sukiyaki making a sword for Zoro would be cool! I’m kind of on the side of him just keeping Sandai now after the focus his swords got in 1033, but I really want to see something happen with the Nidai soon
Yeah ichimonji and enma were 21 great sword but sandai is far from them. Atleast sandai got to changed at least become nidai. Even though i really hope its shodai.
Its just my thought if sandai kept and become black it will cool too
We have known the 10 captains since very early dressrosa, not Wano, if Moria joins he either is an ally like pinkbeard or 11th captain.
Maybe Blackbeard's underworld broker... and this could be the main reason for Kuzan to ally Blackbeard, to look for this broker or something.

Remember back at Punk Hazard Kuzan-Smoker dialogue.