Fanclub Rob Lucci X Nefertari Vivi Fanclub

[The scene opens up at the Reverie, where Vivi and Lucci are discussing matters of state. Suddenly, they hear murmurs and giggles from a group of people nearby.]

Vivi: What's going on over there?
Lucci: Let's go check it out.

[As they approach the group, they see that they are all staring at their phones and whispering to each other.]

Vivi: What are you all looking at?
NikaInParis: (excitedly) Oh my gosh, it's ViviLucci! The ship has sailed!
Ghostly: (sheepishly) Yeah, I may have started a fanfic about you two...
Lucci: (confused) What ship? What fanfic?
Vivi: (also confused) I don't understand.
NikaInParis: (enthusiastically) It's a romance between you two! Everyone on Worstgen Forums is talking about it. We even started a fan club!
Lucci: (annoyed) I have no interest in such things. This is ridiculous.
Vivi: (embarrassed) I can't believe people are writing about us like this. Father is going to be so upset.

[Cut to Cobra, who suddenly clutches his chest and falls to the ground.]
Cobra: (dramatically) The's too (dies)
Vivi: (in tears) Father! No!
Lucci: (unimpressed) This is why I avoid social gatherings.
NikaInParis: (ashamed) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone.
Ghostly: (regretful) I didn't think it would cause this much trouble.
Vivi: (sniffling) It's okay. I just wish people would respect our privacy.
Lucci: (nodding) Agreed.

[The scene ends with Vivi and Lucci walking away, with NikaInParis and Ghostly trailing behind them, looking apologetic.]

@NikaInParis @Mr. Reloaded
Post automatically merged:

You just got your wish already LMAO!
Nothing more dramatic than an important character dieing. :myman:

Gorosei Informer

:milaugh:Is that embarrassment there? About what?

Ghostly, writing something you enjoyed writing and publishing it for us like-minded-folks to enjoy it too is very nice of you.
It gives us something to imagine about and something to talk about.

Do not be discouraged only because you are embarrassed. You could even write more in here - I would be happy about that and it would let the fanclub live up.
Lmaooo, I was embarassed because I just created a shitpost about Lucci and Vivi with the fanfic, but its turning into propaganda, for a ship I actually am not fond of and thus against my own intentions LMAO! If that isn't irony I don't know what it is! Self inflicted irony at that!

Thank you very much man, thats very kind and inspiring of you to say that. Comments like that mean and help a lot to me. I didn't write this, I just relied on an AI chat bot to do it and I just feed it prompts/ideas and tweak them, reroll them or regenerate them until I get one I am happy with. So I don't want too much credit for these naturally haha.
Thank though seriously, I'm very flattered! It genuinely pleases me if you guys enjoy these, makes me happy! And thus motivated!

I am happy to generate prompt ideas for you, but I cannot guarantee I won't try to troll you guys if you suggest something I am not fond of for the AI bot to generate LOL!

If you guys wanna try it for yourselves too, here you go:
You need an account and to give a phone number BUT Google and Bing have their own alternatives now and I'm sure you can find a free one out there, that doesn't require an account nor even giving your personal details especially your phone. I just found a decent free one for mobile phones, an app version if you guys need one too.

I kinda want to write a fanfic of Pell being a traitor, based on a theory about him being a servant/accomplice for Imu or w/e IIRC? Imagine Lucci is the one who catches him and somehow Lucci is the good guy here and Pell was the corrupt one all along?!

Oh no... I'm indirectly trying to justify this ship now too!

Lmaooo, I was embarassed because I just created a shitpost about Lucci and Vivi with the fanfic, but its turning into propaganda, for a ship I actually am not fond of and thus against my own intentions LMAO! If that isn't irony I don't know what it is! Self inflicted irony at that!

Thank you very much man, thats very kind and inspiring of you to say that. Comments like that mean and help a lot to me. I didn't write this, I just relied on an AI chat bot to do it and I just feed it prompts/ideas and tweak them, reroll them or regenerate them until I get one I am happy with. So I don't want too much credit for these naturally haha.
Thank though seriously, I'm very flattered! It genuinely pleases me if you guys enjoy these, makes me happy! And thus motivated!

I am happy to generate prompt ideas for you, but I cannot guarantee I won't try to troll you guys if you suggest something I am not fond of for the AI bot to generate LOL!

If you guys wanna try it for yourselves too, here you go:
You need an account and to give a phone number BUT Google and Bing have their own alternatives now and I'm sure you can find a free one out there, that doesn't require an account nor even giving your personal details especially your phone. I just found a decent free one for mobile phones, an app version if you guys need one too.

I kinda want to write a fanfic of Pell being a traitor, based on a theory about him being a servant/accomplice for Imu or w/e IIRC? Imagine Lucci is the one who catches him and somehow Lucci is the good guy here and Pell was the corrupt one all along?!

Oh no... I'm indirectly trying to justify this ship now too!

You do realise that every fiction, can contribute to a fandom, no matter the intent of the writer? :milaugh: Especially funny ones - everyone likes to laugh.

Go on, write your Pell-fic. I would like to read it. I am a writer myself.

CoC: Color of Clowns

You bring spice, I bring wolf
Sun God Nika forgive me, for I have fucking sinned

The Leopard and the Princess

Vivi bit her lip, imagining Shirahoshi in chains, as Rob Lucci stared straight at her, emotionless, yet somehow furious. Even worse was the unblinking pigeon on his shoulder. Why did the pigeon have that drip? Who had dressed this pigeon to the nines? Was this pigeon a pimp? Vivi could not understand. The Pigeon's hollow eyes seemed to rage with unfathomable flames of bloodshed and malice.

Shaking her head, Vivi scoffed, and stated, "Do you government assassins like watching innocent women get kidnapped and murdered by the Celestial Dragons?" Vivi expected these words to trigger some emotional response, but what came next terrified her.

"No. I enjoy killing people myself the most," the words spilled out of his mouth like hot blood, sending a shiver down Vivi's spine. "That's why I like the Celestial Dragons: they order me to murder daily. Water 7 was nice, but, too peaceful. Not enough places to get away with random killings. During this Reverie, I've already executed 20 slaves. I wonder if I'll add a princess to that list, before we're finished?"

For the first time, he smiled, a bestial grin scarring his face. Vivi took a step back, then smirked. "I heard that Luffy already beat you to a pulp when he destroyed Enies Lobby; I refuse to cower to someone Luffy's defeated."

Lucci for the first time showed surprise, his eyebrows rising before he snarled.

"So, the rumors about the Tomboy Princess of Alabasta having connections with the Straw Hats is true. How amusing. Your family is a grave threat, to the World Government. You should tread lightly, desert princess. Remind yourself where you are."

"We are no threat, you violent beast! You're the one lusting for murder, and you think we're dangerous?" Vivi raged, slapping Lucci across his face. The slow turn of his eyes back to her own, as his tongue licked a drop of blood off his lips, was a warning Vivi ignored. "You are disgusting, just like your bosses, those filthy, abusive, lying Cele-"

Vivi felt her heart stop as Lucci's arm slammed into the wall behind her. With no words, his lips, still tinged with the salt from his blood, slid against her own, stealing a kiss. As Vivi tried to speak up, his tongue stabbed past her lips, and his hands cradled her sides.

As her eyes spread wide, she noticed a disgusted Celestial Dragon walking beside them while chewing on a bag of chips. His face and hair were shaped like a crowbar, thought the rest of his body was quite obese. "Cipher Pol kissing the Alabasta Princess... it's not illegal, but I feel like someone should be executed, because I had to see this shit," the Celestial Dragon grumbled as he continued to consume chips, staring at the cavorting pair.

Vivi blushed, and was about to force Lucci off of her when she was lifted into the air; the assassin had actually grabbed her by the buttocks, and was holding her up to the wall. Such a lewd and indecent act was far beyond anything the princess, who had only ever kissed her duck, Karoo, Nami, and her parents, had ever experienced. to her surprise, the kiss was quite pleasant, thought unwanted.

The Celestial Dragon whistled, impressed by Lucci's primal sexual energy, then turned and muttered, "I'm gonna go watch some dirty videos on my den den mushi TV, and order some cuties from the pleasure halls, hehehehehehe."

As the fat cretin rounded the corner, Lucci released Vivi, dropping her unceremoniously onto the ground, and wiping his lips off. "People actually kiss for recreation, and enjoyment? Disgusting, I could smell your lunch," Lucci commented, spitting onto the ground as Vivi turned bright red like a tomato.

"I JUST ATE, YOU BIG JERK! WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT IT'S OKAY TO GO AROUND SHOVING YOUR TONGUE DOWN PRINCESS'S THROATS!? PEACOCK SLASHER"! Vivi screeched as she pulled her weapon from her cleavage, swinging her slasher up at a lethal speed.

Shocked, Lucci had no time to dodge, and instead applied Tekkai to his body. However, he was a second late, and moaned, "UNNNGH!" as the slasher cut into his left testicle, lightly scarring it.

Damn my cock and ball torture fetish, Lucci privately lamented as he leaned against the wall, wiggling back and forth.

"...If you insult the Celestial Dragons to their faces, you'll be put to death. If I actually wanted to kill you, you'd be dead, you idiot woman," Lucci hissed as he collapsed to the ground, glad Jabra wasn't here to see this.

Vivi blinked in surprise, pulling her blue hair back across her face. "I'm so sorry... I thought you were just being a creep... I mean, you are a creep, but... thanks for trying to protect me, in your own weird way, I guess. Um... are you hurt???" Vivi questioned as she squatted down, taking out a napkin and pressing it against Lucci's bloodied pants.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" Lucci shouted in shock, grabbing Vivi by the throat. The Princess slipped, applying full force from her palm onto Lucci's leopard pouch. "UNNNNGH!" Lucci moaned again, this time blushing.

"...W-Wait, do you... like getting... attacked down there???" Vivi whispered, all color draining from her face. Lucci turned over so he was facing the wall, steam coming out of his ears. "D-Do you... want women to step on you, or something?!?" She then asked, now flushed and concerned.

Kaku stood around the corner, his expression flat and his arms crossed. I am going to need hypnosis to erase this memory from my damn mind, the former shipwright mused.

"...Even carnivorous mammals crave affection. Some enjoy it rougher than others. I don't like kissing... I like biting... Maybe I should take a chomp out of you, hmmm, princess?" Lucci stated, finally standing up, and shrugging his shoulders. Vivi gasped as the shadow of the assassin rose to consume her, his profile eclipsing her own as his taut, dangerous muscles flexed into a more feral, regal form.

Vivi swallowed, her knees shaking as she scanned the elegant markings lining the Leopard man. Lucci's white suit looked ready to burst, his burly, muscular figure straining it as he stretched his fingers in front of her. Like a prowling snake, his tail reached around, and danced in front of her face, looking like it might hiss, or bite.

As her knees became weak, the princess whispered a soft, timid question, her eyes downcast. Lucci smiled, finally in control of the situation. While he knew he couldn't outright attack the princess, after all the trouble she had caused him, he wanted to at least put her in her place.

"What was that, Princess? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your frightened, beating heart," Lucci whispered, licking his lips as he tilted his head. When Vivi looked up, he was shocked to find her excited, and panting, like a young boy seeing giant boobs for the first time.

"...Can I suck on your tail? Oh my gosh, you... I had no idea you were this... oh, but... you're such a bad person... It's so naughty... With a Cipher Pol agent? Kya, what would Daddy think?!?" Vivi erupted, grabbing Lucci's tail and rubbing it all over her face. Without waiting for an answer, as Lucci's face was frozen in fear, Vivi slipped his tail into her mouth, gagging on it, then giggling.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmmm," Vivi muttered mindlessly with Leopard tail clogging her throat, Lucci staring down in confusion.

Is this chick okay? Oh, no... is she... one of THOSE people? The ones Kaku was talking about? Furries??? Someone save me from this... Lucci thought, moving his hand to her hair to pull her back. Just as he did, sharp, but gentle teeth sunk into the flesh of his tail, playfully gnawing on it.

"UNGHHHH! Damn it, stop making me moan like that!" Lucci roared, his massive hands clawing at her dress, ripping its back as her gagging increased, spit flying everywhere as she gulped down his forbidden appendage. Lucci held his tongue as she chomped again, starting to enjoy the hungry, primal look in Vivi's teary eyes as she rejected her humanity and chose furrydom over it.

Lucci's tail suddenly flung out of Vivi's mouth, filling the air with spit, strings of drool seeping from his soaked appendage. "You like choking on my tail that much, you dirty princess? I thought romance was boring, but, you're more fun with my tail in your mouth than when you're complaining."

"I-I'm sorry, I just... growing up around so many men with Zoans... I've always thought hybrid forms were so mysterious and compelling... Besides, if my words can't change your mind... maybe the love from a woman, can show you that their are better things to have on your hands, than blood," Vivi teased, pressing her chest up against his leg as she continued to pant. "Why don't you show me how messy your hands can be, Leopard-san?"

Lucci's tail slipped in between Vivi's plump breasts, the princess moaning as its furry tip danced against her neck. Before she knew it, the sly, slithering, muscular tail was wrapping around her throat, choking her.

"You're covered in sweat... is it from just arousal, or fear? Every part of my body grows when I transform, you know," Lucci whispered, lifting Vivi up into the air by her neck, then cupping her buttocks with his hybrid hands. Vivi moaned as his sharp claws dug into her skin, then took a deep waft, smelling the pheromones leaking from Lucci's erect member pressing against her dress. Lucci likewise snorted as he sucked in the air through his wide nostrils, the scent of Vivi's blood delicious to peruse.

A lone fang dragged across her cheek, before his thick tongue slurped against her face, lapping up her royal blood. Vivi giggled, then gasped as she was spanked. "Screw being a desert princess... make me your Leopard Queen," Vivi whispered, her sweaty body desperate for Lucci. "Press me down, and ravage my holy land."

Lucci silenced Vivi's horrible dirty talk with his lips, his massive maw engulfing and over-powering her fair face. As much as he hated to admit it, Tekkai could never make his body as hard as this woman. Vivi ran her kneecap up against his wounded scrotum, her spine shivering as Lucci moaned in pain and pleasure. As her tongue started to dance against his white fangs, there was a sudden crash behind them.

Vivi and Lucci turned to see Cobra collapsed onto the ground, vomiting up blood. "My daughter is a fucking furry, god fucking damn it, I'm fucking dying, SHIT. Someone... save Karoo from Vivi, before she commits more crimes against humanity... Pell... please, don't daddy-bird-dick my daughter, or so help me I hope Pluton blows up this cursed fucking planet," Cobra forced out his last words, Vivi fainting in Lucci's arms as she realized her long hidden fetish had triggered her father's tragic death.

"...What the hell am I doing???" Lucci questioned himself, finally, shaking his head before running off, tossing Vivi behind his back like a live grenade as he did so.

This year's Reverie is a giant mess, holy moley. Why Lucci? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SEDUCE THE PRINCESS WITH YOUR FURRY WILES??? Kaku thought while sweating and shaking his head, running off to meet up with the rest of CP0 before Lucci.

"Uh... guys, I think I heard some stuff going on inside... we should do a perimeter and interior sweep..." Lucci announced to CP0 five minutes later. Another five minutes, and Kalifa was shouting near the scene of the crime. Lucci ran over to where he knew the corpse would be, to find Jabra standing over Cobra.

"Damn... that Revolutionary asshole, Sabo, actually killed a king... even if we wanted him dead, this is going to be a real pain to cover up," Jabra muttered, scratching his chin.

Lucci collapsed to his knees, wiping sweat off his forehead in relief. "Y-Yeah, that Sabo is truly an evil villain. L-Let's go find him, to protect the Celestial Dragons from the terrible, king-killing Revolutionary Army. We must avenge Cobra. Yes," Lucci forced out, as Jabra gave him a weird look, before sniffing the air.

"...You smell weird today, Lucci. I mean, you never smell good, and it's not like I sniff you, or anything, but... your odor is... kind of... girly. Eh, whatever, let's kill this stupid kids with his goggles and dumbass pipe, already," Jabra noted, passing his companion.

Hattori coughs as Jabra leaves, then whispers in his master's ear, "Yer a fookin furry, mate. Ya just choked that hot princess with yer tail, ya sick fuck. Thought ya were about to shove it up her pussy. Get help, Lucci. Murder is one thing, but furries? God save the Queen."

Lucci sighed, ignoring the auditory hallucinations of his mute pigeon, muttered an apology to Cobra's corpse, then took off after Jabra.

Little did Lucci know, that soon, he would reunite with Vivi on Egghead island, leading another man, a certain cook, into violently expelling blood from his face upon seeing IRL furry fucking.

But, that is a story for another time

Holy fuck I wish I could blame this on some AI program, but, nope.

I wrote this shit

RIP Cobra, furries must be stopped before they destroy more of our society /s
Sun God Nika forgive me, for I have fucking sinned

The Leopard and the Princess

Vivi bit her lip, imagining Shirahoshi in chains, as Rob Lucci stared straight at her, emotionless, yet somehow furious. Even worse was the unblinking pigeon on his shoulder. Why did the pigeon have that drip? Who had dressed this pigeon to the nines? Was this pigeon a pimp? Vivi could not understand. The Pigeon's hollow eyes seemed to rage with unfathomable flames of bloodshed and malice.

Shaking her head, Vivi scoffed, and stated, "Do you government assassins like watching innocent women get kidnapped and murdered by the Celestial Dragons?" Vivi expected these words to trigger some emotional response, but what came next terrified her.

"No. I enjoy killing people myself the most," the words spilled out of his mouth like hot blood, sending a shiver down Vivi's spine. "That's why I like the Celestial Dragons: they order me to murder daily. Water 7 was nice, but, too peaceful. Not enough places to get away with random killings. During this Reverie, I've already executed 20 slaves. I wonder if I'll add a princess to that list, before we're finished?"

For the first time, he smiled, a bestial grin scarring his face. Vivi took a step back, then smirked. "I heard that Luffy already beat you to a pulp when he destroyed Enies Lobby; I refuse to cower to someone Luffy's defeated."

Lucci for the first time showed surprise, his eyebrows rising before he snarled.

"So, the rumors about the Tomboy Princess of Alabasta having connections with the Straw Hats is true. How amusing. Your family is a grave threat, to the World Government. You should tread lightly, desert princess. Remind yourself where you are."

"We are no threat, you violent beast! You're the one lusting for murder, and you think we're dangerous?" Vivi raged, slapping Lucci across his face. The slow turn of his eyes back to her own, as his tongue licked a drop of blood off his lips, was a warning Vivi ignored. "You are disgusting, just like your bosses, those filthy, abusive, lying Cele-"

Vivi felt her heart stop as Lucci's arm slammed into the wall behind her. With no words, his lips, still tinged with the salt from his blood, slid against her own, stealing a kiss. As Vivi tried to speak up, his tongue stabbed past her lips, and his hands cradled her sides.

As her eyes spread wide, she noticed a disgusted Celestial Dragon walking beside them while chewing on a bag of chips. His face and hair were shaped like a crowbar, thought the rest of his body was quite obese. "Cipher Pol kissing the Alabasta Princess... it's not illegal, but I feel like someone should be executed, because I had to see this shit," the Celestial Dragon grumbled as he continued to consume chips, staring at the cavorting pair.

Vivi blushed, and was about to force Lucci off of her when she was lifted into the air; the assassin had actually grabbed her by the buttocks, and was holding her up to the wall. Such a lewd and indecent act was far beyond anything the princess, who had only ever kissed her duck, Karoo, Nami, and her parents, had ever experienced. to her surprise, the kiss was quite pleasant, thought unwanted.

The Celestial Dragon whistled, impressed by Lucci's primal sexual energy, then turned and muttered, "I'm gonna go watch some dirty videos on my den den mushi TV, and order some cuties from the pleasure halls, hehehehehehe."

As the fat cretin rounded the corner, Lucci released Vivi, dropping her unceremoniously onto the ground, and wiping his lips off. "People actually kiss for recreation, and enjoyment? Disgusting, I could smell your lunch," Lucci commented, spitting onto the ground as Vivi turned bright red like a tomato.

"I JUST ATE, YOU BIG JERK! WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT IT'S OKAY TO GO AROUND SHOVING YOUR TONGUE DOWN PRINCESS'S THROATS!? PEACOCK SLASHER"! Vivi screeched as she pulled her weapon from her cleavage, swinging her slasher up at a lethal speed.

Shocked, Lucci had no time to dodge, and instead applied Tekkai to his body. However, he was a second late, and moaned, "UNNNGH!" as the slasher cut into his left testicle, lightly scarring it.

Damn my cock and ball torture fetish, Lucci privately lamented as he leaned against the wall, wiggling back and forth.

"...If you insult the Celestial Dragons to their faces, you'll be put to death. If I actually wanted to kill you, you'd be dead, you idiot woman," Lucci hissed as he collapsed to the ground, glad Jabra wasn't here to see this.

Vivi blinked in surprise, pulling her blue hair back across her face. "I'm so sorry... I thought you were just being a creep... I mean, you are a creep, but... thanks for trying to protect me, in your own weird way, I guess. Um... are you hurt???" Vivi questioned as she squatted down, taking out a napkin and pressing it against Lucci's bloodied pants.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" Lucci shouted in shock, grabbing Vivi by the throat. The Princess slipped, applying full force from her palm onto Lucci's leopard pouch. "UNNNNGH!" Lucci moaned again, this time blushing.

"...W-Wait, do you... like getting... attacked down there???" Vivi whispered, all color draining from her face. Lucci turned over so he was facing the wall, steam coming out of his ears. "D-Do you... want women to step on you, or something?!?" She then asked, now flushed and concerned.

Kaku stood around the corner, his expression flat and his arms crossed. I am going to need hypnosis to erase this memory from my damn mind, the former shipwright mused.

"...Even carnivorous mammals crave affection. Some enjoy it rougher than others. I don't like kissing... I like biting... Maybe I should take a chomp out of you, hmmm, princess?" Lucci stated, finally standing up, and shrugging his shoulders. Vivi gasped as the shadow of the assassin rose to consume her, his profile eclipsing her own as his taut, dangerous muscles flexed into a more feral, regal form.

Vivi swallowed, her knees shaking as she scanned the elegant markings lining the Leopard man. Lucci's white suit looked ready to burst, his burly, muscular figure straining it as he stretched his fingers in front of her. Like a prowling snake, his tail reached around, and danced in front of her face, looking like it might hiss, or bite.

As her knees became weak, the princess whispered a soft, timid question, her eyes downcast. Lucci smiled, finally in control of the situation. While he knew he couldn't outright attack the princess, after all the trouble she had caused him, he wanted to at least put her in her place.

"What was that, Princess? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your frightened, beating heart," Lucci whispered, licking his lips as he tilted his head. When Vivi looked up, he was shocked to find her excited, and panting, like a young boy seeing giant boobs for the first time.

"...Can I suck on your tail? Oh my gosh, you... I had no idea you were this... oh, but... you're such a bad person... It's so naughty... With a Cipher Pol agent? Kya, what would Daddy think?!?" Vivi erupted, grabbing Lucci's tail and rubbing it all over her face. Without waiting for an answer, as Lucci's face was frozen in fear, Vivi slipped his tail into her mouth, gagging on it, then giggling.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmmm," Vivi muttered mindlessly with Leopard tail clogging her throat, Lucci staring down in confusion.

Is this chick okay? Oh, no... is she... one of THOSE people? The ones Kaku was talking about? Furries??? Someone save me from this... Lucci thought, moving his hand to her hair to pull her back. Just as he did, sharp, but gentle teeth sunk into the flesh of his tail, playfully gnawing on it.

"UNGHHHH! Damn it, stop making me moan like that!" Lucci roared, his massive hands clawing at her dress, ripping its back as her gagging increased, spit flying everywhere as she gulped down his forbidden appendage. Lucci held his tongue as she chomped again, starting to enjoy the hungry, primal look in Vivi's teary eyes as she rejected her humanity and chose furrydom over it.

Lucci's tail suddenly flung out of Vivi's mouth, filling the air with spit, strings of drool seeping from his soaked appendage. "You like choking on my tail that much, you dirty princess? I thought romance was boring, but, you're more fun with my tail in your mouth than when you're complaining."

"I-I'm sorry, I just... growing up around so many men with Zoans... I've always thought hybrid forms were so mysterious and compelling... Besides, if my words can't change your mind... maybe the love from a woman, can show you that their are better things to have on your hands, than blood," Vivi teased, pressing her chest up against his leg as she continued to pant. "Why don't you show me how messy your hands can be, Leopard-san?"

Lucci's tail slipped in between Vivi's plump breasts, the princess moaning as its furry tip danced against her neck. Before she knew it, the sly, slithering, muscular tail was wrapping around her throat, choking her.

"You're covered in sweat... is it from just arousal, or fear? Every part of my body grows when I transform, you know," Lucci whispered, lifting Vivi up into the air by her neck, then cupping her buttocks with his hybrid hands. Vivi moaned as his sharp claws dug into her skin, then took a deep waft, smelling the pheromones leaking from Lucci's erect member pressing against her dress. Lucci likewise snorted as he sucked in the air through his wide nostrils, the scent of Vivi's blood delicious to peruse.

A lone fang dragged across her cheek, before his thick tongue slurped against her face, lapping up her royal blood. Vivi giggled, then gasped as she was spanked. "Screw being a desert princess... make me your Leopard Queen," Vivi whispered, her sweaty body desperate for Lucci. "Press me down, and ravage my holy land."

Lucci silenced Vivi's horrible dirty talk with his lips, his massive maw engulfing and over-powering her fair face. As much as he hated to admit it, Tekkai could never make his body as hard as this woman. Vivi ran her kneecap up against his wounded scrotum, her spine shivering as Lucci moaned in pain and pleasure. As her tongue started to dance against his white fangs, there was a sudden crash behind them.

Vivi and Lucci turned to see Cobra collapsed onto the ground, vomiting up blood. "My daughter is a fucking furry, god fucking damn it, I'm fucking dying, SHIT. Someone... save Karoo from Vivi, before she commits more crimes against humanity... Pell... please, don't daddy-bird-dick my daughter, or so help me I hope Pluton blows up this cursed fucking planet," Cobra forced out his last words, Vivi fainting in Lucci's arms as she realized her long hidden fetish had triggered her father's tragic death.

"...What the hell am I doing???" Lucci questioned himself, finally, shaking his head before running off, tossing Vivi behind his back like a live grenade as he did so.

This year's Reverie is a giant mess, holy moley. Why Lucci? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SEDUCE THE PRINCESS WITH YOUR FURRY WILES??? Kaku thought while sweating and shaking his head, running off to meet up with the rest of CP0 before Lucci.

"Uh... guys, I think I heard some stuff going on inside... we should do a perimeter and interior sweep..." Lucci announced to CP0 five minutes later. Another five minutes, and Kalifa was shouting near the scene of the crime. Lucci ran over to where he knew the corpse would be, to find Jabra standing over Cobra.

"Damn... that Revolutionary asshole, Sabo, actually killed a king... even if we wanted him dead, this is going to be a real pain to cover up," Jabra muttered, scratching his chin.

Lucci collapsed to his knees, wiping sweat off his forehead in relief. "Y-Yeah, that Sabo is truly an evil villain. L-Let's go find him, to protect the Celestial Dragons from the terrible, king-killing Revolutionary Army. We must avenge Cobra. Yes," Lucci forced out, as Jabra gave him a weird look, before sniffing the air.

"...You smell weird today, Lucci. I mean, you never smell good, and it's not like I sniff you, or anything, but... your odor is... kind of... girly. Eh, whatever, let's kill this stupid kids with his goggles and dumbass pipe, already," Jabra noted, passing his companion.

Hattori coughs as Jabra leaves, then whispers in his master's ear, "Yer a fookin furry, mate. Ya just choked that hot princess with yer tail, ya sick fuck. Thought ya were about to shove it up her pussy. Get help, Lucci. Murder is one thing, but furries? God save the Queen."

Lucci sighed, ignoring the auditory hallucinations of his mute pigeon, muttered an apology to Cobra's corpse, then took off after Jabra.

Little did Lucci know, that soon, he would reunite with Vivi on Egghead island, leading another man, a certain cook, into violently expelling blood from his face upon seeing IRL furry fucking.

But, that is a story for another time

Holy fuck I wish I could blame this on some AI program, but, nope.

I wrote this shit

RIP Cobra, furries must be stopped before they destroy more of our society /s
Sun God Nika forgive me, for I have fucking sinned

The Leopard and the Princess

Vivi bit her lip, imagining Shirahoshi in chains, as Rob Lucci stared straight at her, emotionless, yet somehow furious. Even worse was the unblinking pigeon on his shoulder. Why did the pigeon have that drip? Who had dressed this pigeon to the nines? Was this pigeon a pimp? Vivi could not understand. The Pigeon's hollow eyes seemed to rage with unfathomable flames of bloodshed and malice.

Shaking her head, Vivi scoffed, and stated, "Do you government assassins like watching innocent women get kidnapped and murdered by the Celestial Dragons?" Vivi expected these words to trigger some emotional response, but what came next terrified her.

"No. I enjoy killing people myself the most," the words spilled out of his mouth like hot blood, sending a shiver down Vivi's spine. "That's why I like the Celestial Dragons: they order me to murder daily. Water 7 was nice, but, too peaceful. Not enough places to get away with random killings. During this Reverie, I've already executed 20 slaves. I wonder if I'll add a princess to that list, before we're finished?"

For the first time, he smiled, a bestial grin scarring his face. Vivi took a step back, then smirked. "I heard that Luffy already beat you to a pulp when he destroyed Enies Lobby; I refuse to cower to someone Luffy's defeated."

Lucci for the first time showed surprise, his eyebrows rising before he snarled.

"So, the rumors about the Tomboy Princess of Alabasta having connections with the Straw Hats is true. How amusing. Your family is a grave threat, to the World Government. You should tread lightly, desert princess. Remind yourself where you are."

"We are no threat, you violent beast! You're the one lusting for murder, and you think we're dangerous?" Vivi raged, slapping Lucci across his face. The slow turn of his eyes back to her own, as his tongue licked a drop of blood off his lips, was a warning Vivi ignored. "You are disgusting, just like your bosses, those filthy, abusive, lying Cele-"

Vivi felt her heart stop as Lucci's arm slammed into the wall behind her. With no words, his lips, still tinged with the salt from his blood, slid against her own, stealing a kiss. As Vivi tried to speak up, his tongue stabbed past her lips, and his hands cradled her sides.

As her eyes spread wide, she noticed a disgusted Celestial Dragon walking beside them while chewing on a bag of chips. His face and hair were shaped like a crowbar, thought the rest of his body was quite obese. "Cipher Pol kissing the Alabasta Princess... it's not illegal, but I feel like someone should be executed, because I had to see this shit," the Celestial Dragon grumbled as he continued to consume chips, staring at the cavorting pair.

Vivi blushed, and was about to force Lucci off of her when she was lifted into the air; the assassin had actually grabbed her by the buttocks, and was holding her up to the wall. Such a lewd and indecent act was far beyond anything the princess, who had only ever kissed her duck, Karoo, Nami, and her parents, had ever experienced. to her surprise, the kiss was quite pleasant, thought unwanted.

The Celestial Dragon whistled, impressed by Lucci's primal sexual energy, then turned and muttered, "I'm gonna go watch some dirty videos on my den den mushi TV, and order some cuties from the pleasure halls, hehehehehehe."

As the fat cretin rounded the corner, Lucci released Vivi, dropping her unceremoniously onto the ground, and wiping his lips off. "People actually kiss for recreation, and enjoyment? Disgusting, I could smell your lunch," Lucci commented, spitting onto the ground as Vivi turned bright red like a tomato.

"I JUST ATE, YOU BIG JERK! WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT IT'S OKAY TO GO AROUND SHOVING YOUR TONGUE DOWN PRINCESS'S THROATS!? PEACOCK SLASHER"! Vivi screeched as she pulled her weapon from her cleavage, swinging her slasher up at a lethal speed.

Shocked, Lucci had no time to dodge, and instead applied Tekkai to his body. However, he was a second late, and moaned, "UNNNGH!" as the slasher cut into his left testicle, lightly scarring it.

Damn my cock and ball torture fetish, Lucci privately lamented as he leaned against the wall, wiggling back and forth.

"...If you insult the Celestial Dragons to their faces, you'll be put to death. If I actually wanted to kill you, you'd be dead, you idiot woman," Lucci hissed as he collapsed to the ground, glad Jabra wasn't here to see this.

Vivi blinked in surprise, pulling her blue hair back across her face. "I'm so sorry... I thought you were just being a creep... I mean, you are a creep, but... thanks for trying to protect me, in your own weird way, I guess. Um... are you hurt???" Vivi questioned as she squatted down, taking out a napkin and pressing it against Lucci's bloodied pants.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" Lucci shouted in shock, grabbing Vivi by the throat. The Princess slipped, applying full force from her palm onto Lucci's leopard pouch. "UNNNNGH!" Lucci moaned again, this time blushing.

"...W-Wait, do you... like getting... attacked down there???" Vivi whispered, all color draining from her face. Lucci turned over so he was facing the wall, steam coming out of his ears. "D-Do you... want women to step on you, or something?!?" She then asked, now flushed and concerned.

Kaku stood around the corner, his expression flat and his arms crossed. I am going to need hypnosis to erase this memory from my damn mind, the former shipwright mused.

"...Even carnivorous mammals crave affection. Some enjoy it rougher than others. I don't like kissing... I like biting... Maybe I should take a chomp out of you, hmmm, princess?" Lucci stated, finally standing up, and shrugging his shoulders. Vivi gasped as the shadow of the assassin rose to consume her, his profile eclipsing her own as his taut, dangerous muscles flexed into a more feral, regal form.

Vivi swallowed, her knees shaking as she scanned the elegant markings lining the Leopard man. Lucci's white suit looked ready to burst, his burly, muscular figure straining it as he stretched his fingers in front of her. Like a prowling snake, his tail reached around, and danced in front of her face, looking like it might hiss, or bite.

As her knees became weak, the princess whispered a soft, timid question, her eyes downcast. Lucci smiled, finally in control of the situation. While he knew he couldn't outright attack the princess, after all the trouble she had caused him, he wanted to at least put her in her place.

"What was that, Princess? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your frightened, beating heart," Lucci whispered, licking his lips as he tilted his head. When Vivi looked up, he was shocked to find her excited, and panting, like a young boy seeing giant boobs for the first time.

"...Can I suck on your tail? Oh my gosh, you... I had no idea you were this... oh, but... you're such a bad person... It's so naughty... With a Cipher Pol agent? Kya, what would Daddy think?!?" Vivi erupted, grabbing Lucci's tail and rubbing it all over her face. Without waiting for an answer, as Lucci's face was frozen in fear, Vivi slipped his tail into her mouth, gagging on it, then giggling.

"Mmmm mmmm mmmmm," Vivi muttered mindlessly with Leopard tail clogging her throat, Lucci staring down in confusion.

Is this chick okay? Oh, no... is she... one of THOSE people? The ones Kaku was talking about? Furries??? Someone save me from this... Lucci thought, moving his hand to her hair to pull her back. Just as he did, sharp, but gentle teeth sunk into the flesh of his tail, playfully gnawing on it.

"UNGHHHH! Damn it, stop making me moan like that!" Lucci roared, his massive hands clawing at her dress, ripping its back as her gagging increased, spit flying everywhere as she gulped down his forbidden appendage. Lucci held his tongue as she chomped again, starting to enjoy the hungry, primal look in Vivi's teary eyes as she rejected her humanity and chose furrydom over it.

Lucci's tail suddenly flung out of Vivi's mouth, filling the air with spit, strings of drool seeping from his soaked appendage. "You like choking on my tail that much, you dirty princess? I thought romance was boring, but, you're more fun with my tail in your mouth than when you're complaining."

"I-I'm sorry, I just... growing up around so many men with Zoans... I've always thought hybrid forms were so mysterious and compelling... Besides, if my words can't change your mind... maybe the love from a woman, can show you that their are better things to have on your hands, than blood," Vivi teased, pressing her chest up against his leg as she continued to pant. "Why don't you show me how messy your hands can be, Leopard-san?"

Lucci's tail slipped in between Vivi's plump breasts, the princess moaning as its furry tip danced against her neck. Before she knew it, the sly, slithering, muscular tail was wrapping around her throat, choking her.

"You're covered in sweat... is it from just arousal, or fear? Every part of my body grows when I transform, you know," Lucci whispered, lifting Vivi up into the air by her neck, then cupping her buttocks with his hybrid hands. Vivi moaned as his sharp claws dug into her skin, then took a deep waft, smelling the pheromones leaking from Lucci's erect member pressing against her dress. Lucci likewise snorted as he sucked in the air through his wide nostrils, the scent of Vivi's blood delicious to peruse.

A lone fang dragged across her cheek, before his thick tongue slurped against her face, lapping up her royal blood. Vivi giggled, then gasped as she was spanked. "Screw being a desert princess... make me your Leopard Queen," Vivi whispered, her sweaty body desperate for Lucci. "Press me down, and ravage my holy land."

Lucci silenced Vivi's horrible dirty talk with his lips, his massive maw engulfing and over-powering her fair face. As much as he hated to admit it, Tekkai could never make his body as hard as this woman. Vivi ran her kneecap up against his wounded scrotum, her spine shivering as Lucci moaned in pain and pleasure. As her tongue started to dance against his white fangs, there was a sudden crash behind them.

Vivi and Lucci turned to see Cobra collapsed onto the ground, vomiting up blood. "My daughter is a fucking furry, god fucking damn it, I'm fucking dying, SHIT. Someone... save Karoo from Vivi, before she commits more crimes against humanity... Pell... please, don't daddy-bird-dick my daughter, or so help me I hope Pluton blows up this cursed fucking planet," Cobra forced out his last words, Vivi fainting in Lucci's arms as she realized her long hidden fetish had triggered her father's tragic death.

"...What the hell am I doing???" Lucci questioned himself, finally, shaking his head before running off, tossing Vivi behind his back like a live grenade as he did so.

This year's Reverie is a giant mess, holy moley. Why Lucci? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SEDUCE THE PRINCESS WITH YOUR FURRY WILES??? Kaku thought while sweating and shaking his head, running off to meet up with the rest of CP0 before Lucci.

"Uh... guys, I think I heard some stuff going on inside... we should do a perimeter and interior sweep..." Lucci announced to CP0 five minutes later. Another five minutes, and Kalifa was shouting near the scene of the crime. Lucci ran over to where he knew the corpse would be, to find Jabra standing over Cobra.

"Damn... that Revolutionary asshole, Sabo, actually killed a king... even if we wanted him dead, this is going to be a real pain to cover up," Jabra muttered, scratching his chin.

Lucci collapsed to his knees, wiping sweat off his forehead in relief. "Y-Yeah, that Sabo is truly an evil villain. L-Let's go find him, to protect the Celestial Dragons from the terrible, king-killing Revolutionary Army. We must avenge Cobra. Yes," Lucci forced out, as Jabra gave him a weird look, before sniffing the air.

"...You smell weird today, Lucci. I mean, you never smell good, and it's not like I sniff you, or anything, but... your odor is... kind of... girly. Eh, whatever, let's kill this stupid kids with his goggles and dumbass pipe, already," Jabra noted, passing his companion.

Hattori coughs as Jabra leaves, then whispers in his master's ear, "Yer a fookin furry, mate. Ya just choked that hot princess with yer tail, ya sick fuck. Thought ya were about to shove it up her pussy. Get help, Lucci. Murder is one thing, but furries? God save the Queen."

Lucci sighed, ignoring the auditory hallucinations of his mute pigeon, muttered an apology to Cobra's corpse, then took off after Jabra.

Little did Lucci know, that soon, he would reunite with Vivi on Egghead island, leading another man, a certain cook, into violently expelling blood from his face upon seeing IRL furry fucking.

But, that is a story for another time

Holy fuck I wish I could blame this on some AI program, but, nope.

I wrote this shit

RIP Cobra, furries must be stopped before they destroy more of our society /s
You had me with this :suresure::
as the slasher cut into his left testicle,
And this killed me:
Lucci sighed, ignoring the auditory hallucinations of his mute pigeon