Roe vs Wade Overturned?

The same argument that the child will endure more pain if it allowed to be born rather than killed in the womb can also be used to support the euthanasia of disabled persons as ultimately they will deal with more pain
I am admittedly a little intoxicated—I don’t care about the stuff posted tbh. My plans are more geared to my social calendar tonight
I wish I could join you, but I'm anti-biotics now, so I'll have to wait for another time. What are you going to do?
That was your name when I was Active on NF so that's what I am gonna call you
Ooh, an oldie? That had to be over 6 years ago. I wonder who you are. Will you tell me? I'm sure I'll remember you. I have an amazing memory, you know?
No **** by that logic killing off homeless people is perfectly morallly right as their life would be worse if they continued to live homeless
Or you could have just said kids in the system who have no home or family. Either way, that's a batshit statement and idk what kind of comparison you are trying to make.

You are comparing unborn zygotes with no organs to already born humans.

People always take this shit to the extreme lmao.

Deleted member 10278

I just had a great idea. Why don't we all go back to traditional roles, traditional values, traditional society?
All that emancipation stuff ruined our culture.
Is this what you mean?

I really can’t help you if you have poor reading comprehension. But I’ll entertain it. There is a reason why Western traditionalism pre modernity failed, why would I advocate going back to something that will eventually birth the problems that are being dealt with today?


They do this in Vinland saga??
Damn what strong and manly men!

They still has the balls to take what they want, show the bitches their place and make sure the species survives!