Roe vs Wade Overturned?

Realistically it's really these Women who don't want to take responsibility for having sex.
You are free to have sex but prepared for what comes after. Just with everything else, Why should this be any different?

And before you jump me, yes there "are" exceptions.

Life lesson, You can't always get what you want.
I just don't see how abortions being legal can ever be a bother to anyone, most arguments against it i ever see are either religious (poor unborn children who don't get a chance to go heaven or whatever) or misogyistic (assuming women are just irresponsible and don't want to bother with protection).

The more nuanced discussions around how long into pregnancy should they be allowed/how much a fetus must be developed before being considered a fully formed human are where the real issues lie, but allowing it to be banned outright is just denying a potential right to women.