Current Events Roger doesnt say Scopper is his "best man"

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Sad day for RoadStar Island, it got the Zolo treatment and became LoadStar island. Poor island
I think you're freaking out a bit much here. Some early scans did have Lodestar, not Loadstar.

Lodestar is an actual word in the dictionary. It's a star used as a navigational reference like the North Star.

It could reference the fact that all pirate navigators eventually end up on this island, at least following the Log Pose. Or it could serve as guiding star that sets pirates on a new path by telling them about the poneglyphs and hinting at a final island.
I think you're freaking out a bit much here. Some early scans did have Lodestar, not Loadstar.

Lodestar is an actual word in the dictionary. It's a star used as a navigational reference like the North Star.

It could reference the fact that all pirate navigators eventually end up on this island, at least following the Log Pose. Or it could serve as guiding star that sets pirates on a new path by telling them about the poneglyphs and hinting at a final island.
Let's hope
This panel prove otherwise

It was just another boot between them with Roger himself recognizing he might die if they face

And in the final panel i choose it was after he became pirate king. We see them drinking, but we don't know what they did before drinking, so you're once again jumping to conclusions
That panel would still make sense if the God Valley incident was their only former encounter.

Also how can WB be >= Roger when he was the only one who got scars from their last fight?
this oda's reality punch really hurt
@True God Moe didn't recover yet
Lol this thread and saltiness must be getting you guys since you failed with Crocus backing. Stop lying to yourself and accept Goda sees Gaban same with Rayleigh as Sanji to Zoro. Fighting canon won't help you in long run just like stating Roger is weaker to Mihawk to fit your insecurity lvls more :cheers:.
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Does it matter? You created this thread just for this? LOL
Dude, it doesn't matter if Roger said it or not

Gold Roger
Silvers Rayleigh
S-Copper Gabban

And he stands with rayleigh as the duo of the crew.

And on top of that, he was shown leading the men with Rayleigh in the attack.

Does it even fucking matter if Roger said it or not? he is the third-best (without Oden joining).

You guys gotta snap out of trying so hard to sell him short when it's fucking obvious as fuck he's the third best fighter of the original crew. This is pitiful, and the funny thing is I know it's just a pathetic attempt to sell short Sanji at the end of the day while you all will try to deny that this is your agenda LOL
They are insecure as hell cause they lost so badly in their Crocus headcannon and now trying to disprove this despite clear visible panels of Gaban and Rayleigh working together and leading together lol. Zoro-Brainers don't want to admit when they are taking Ls and it's hilarious :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:.
no bro
it s clear crocus>gaban
no bro
it s clear crocus>gaban
neither is clear
standing next to one person does not mean you are close in strength
and neither is standing out in a panel more like crocus did. For now people can rely on the name theory but nothing else is as solid as ray was the right arm. roger was the captain. anything outside of that is really your perogative.
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