[FNZ] Role Madness Round 08: Tokyo Ghoul

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Zoro Worshipper
Right now however, Finalbeta's posts are a bit alarming. First,he is pushing the Seraphoenix and Reborn night ability really hard.
Of course I do. Reborn behaved strangely since the very start of the day phase which implies that the ability on him had been casted during the night.

And I had already abudantly answered you in my previous posts, there's really nothing to reiterate.
he may attempt to stop all anti-town abilities for 1 phase including super kill
It doesn't refer to Anti Town actions bt abilities, so Mislynch might not be counted.

@Yo Tan Wa @RayanOO

Kiwipom's ability to not get lynched is a passive I guess, which means that Noctis didn't take it into account, but only active abilities to be stopped by Sera.
But passive ones are also abilities?

It now depends if Scum lynch save counts as anti town or not.
It certainly doesn't seem to be in Townie favour, i think researching into this a bit might confirm Kiwi a townie or scum.

Queen also lynched vote Kiwi last D phase. And Tac got killed he also had this ability.
How many can have these abilities in one gamd?
  • Passive abilities are not affected.
    • Lynch immunity is a passive ability.
  • You don't qualify as anti Town due to being a third party or similar.

Regardless, you have a passive ability that confers Lynch immunity, and that is unlikely to be a Town ability IMO. I would still go with your Lynch. Apart from being pretty suspicious, your Lynch is by far the most informative.

Another reason to believe what? What is the issue with Queen being Town?

See my reply to Kiwi earlier.

This makes zero sense. A Mislynch cannot be an ability. You are either obtuse or deliberately misinterpreting @Noctis' words. Seraphoenix's ability blocked abilities. Lynching mechanism is not an ability.

You've been trying pretty hard to defend Kiwi, and IMO it's a pretty bad look.
I dont care about it, you can push the lynch on me if you find me sus.

Bt if you do believe me, go through my first post carefully, actually second this Day phase.
Queen also lynched vote Kiwi last D phase. And Tac got killed he also had this ability.
How many can have these abilities in one gamd?
I think i took the bait. It was probably SK misdirection, and reading into Queen abilities i jumped the gun n mistook it was her and Kiwi explanations also made sense at first. So i connected the wrong dots i assume.

Since Queen pushed the lynch on Kiwi and knowing what i received that don't add up and i doubt another Townie would have the same ability and a Mafia with same ability is dead. Hinting it was SK itself who did so and trying to save Kiwi means she is the one, behind that.
So Kiwi should be scum.


Holy Simp
:cheers:nice try

anyway anti lynch abilities are more often anti-town than town, town's more often get bullet proofs while scum gets lynch protects.

I doubt in a setup of this size a towny having a lynch protect, it would be too swingy

my vote stays on Kiwi


:cheers:nice try

anyway anti lynch abilities are more often anti-town than town, town's more often get bullet proofs while scum gets lynch protects.

I doubt in a setup of this size a towny having a lynch protect, it would be too swingy

my vote stays on Kiwi
I'm still new on mafia but since anything is possible in mafia, is there even 1% chance that dodging lynch is townie ability? Why didn't Seraphoenix ability affect her if she were mafia? Her ability to dodge lynch should have been stopped aka she should have been lynched yesterday.


I guess it's a question of which is more likely? That Lynch immunity is a Town ability, or that:
  • Lynch immunity is not considered anti Town.
    • Perhaps due to it being a passive ability.
    • Perhaps because it doesn't directly damage Town.
  • @Kiwipom is a Third Party or her alignment is otherwise not considered anti Town.

Looking at the wiki, Lynch immunity does exist as a Town ability:

@Kiwipom's Lynch proof is probably oneshot though. I think oneshot Lynch proof is more likely to be Scum. There's a significant chance that Kiwipom is a Town with Lynch immunity, so I can understand pulling out of her Lynch. I think I'll still go with it for now though.

@Kiwipom could you please give your reads?
From that wiki, lynchproof is town ability and since it will be overkill to have lynchproof scum based on the wiki since scums who have been revealed so far are overkill. She might be townie.


Let's hear her explanation first.


The wiki entry is for Lynch immunity in general. One shot
Lynch immunity is a special variation. Lynch immune Scum would be undefeatable except via Vigilante so it's extremely broken. I think Kiwi's Lynch immunity is oneshot (which is much less broken)

One shot Lynch immunity can just be Lynched the next day.

Last game, the oneshot Lynch immune player we had was Scum, so I think it's more likely to be a Scum ability than a Town ability.
I'm still not sure. I still don't find lynchproof immunity part.


@RayanOO @Finalbeta @Jew D. Boy @Finalbeta

What are your thoughts?


Holy Simp
I'm still new on mafia but since anything is possible in mafia, is there even 1% chance that dodging lynch is townie ability? Why didn't Seraphoenix ability affect her if she were mafia? Her ability to dodge lynch should have been stopped aka she should have been lynched yesterday.
Mhh it is hard to say, I see it from the perspective that towns most valuable weapon is the lynch. So from a generic standpoint the lynch protection is considered anti town if it hinders the progress of town. It is only pro town if it helps to correct a town mistake.
Such big setups can have both aspects. But seeing how we easily lynched two mafia. One Mafiosis or Serial Killer with lynch proof is very likely. And this game is full of kills so I think that townies would rather have bulletproofs than lynch protection.


Zoro Worshipper

Cinera is right. Also by personal experience, lynch resistant players always ended up rolling Mafia in the multiple games I played so far in my game experience.

It's generally a way to help Mafia, that's why I also believe it is likely Mafia doesn't feature many components in this game.

I'm lynching Rej next day, we still need to get the SK it seems.


Holy Simp
Whether it is just a one shot lynchproof immunity or not, we can only find the answer by lynching Kiwipom.
I agree, even if it is risky, but noone is vouching for Kiwi. If the lynch immunity is cast by another person then it could be townish. There are town protective roles that can cast a lynch immunity on someone, but I doubt it would fit the flavour, I don't know shit about flavour. But ghouls seem to be resistant and some might "regenerate", in this case I speculate that Kiwi is a ghoul that can regenerate once. Multiple lynch immunities are a taboo, Drago tried to do it in an old game and the coach said no, its a no go. Lul.


Cinera is right. Also by personal experience, lynch resistant players always ended up rolling Mafia in the multiple games I played so far in my game experience.

It's generally a way to help Mafia, that's why I also believe it is likely Mafia doesn't feature many components in this game.

I'm lynching Rej next day, we still need to get the SK it seems.
:cheers: but after lynching me the SK is still in game, funny huh?

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
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