[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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natalija's invest results lined up exactly with tris
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I would be really impressed if nat bullshitted through all her abilities.
Yep. I'm starting to doubt Meg too.
Nat has zero invest abilities but was still able to guess that Ali was guilty. That hints at someone on their team having the power and then the information was shared between them allowing Nat to go in pursuit against Ali.



@Trismegistus [Near] has been poisoned
You are Near!

[Passive - L's Successor] - After L died Near has succeeded L and has up his game to capture Kira. His role has been upgraded to capture Kira.

[Passive - The Game Holder] - L has died in his pursuit of capturing Kira, Near has become the next hope of town to capture Kira to bring Justice. If Near dies town will lose the game.

[Passive - Near] - No one knows Near identity. As such, investigative abilities targeting Near will always fail. However, Shinigami's eyes bypass this passive.

[Passive - A Genius] - Near can predict his enemies' actions. He will permanently develop an immunity against the first type of negative action used against him.

[Passive - Cautious] - Near is immune to first regular kill targeting him every cycle, he's immune to role-crushes and negative actions performed by the town only has a 33% chance of targeting him.

[Active - Keen Perspective] - Each night, you may target a player and discern their alignment. You will receive results in the form of [Innocent] or [Guilty].

[Active - Meeting] - Once during the game, Near may arrange a meeting. He may select four players. During Night Phase Near will share Private Chat with these players and they may discuss to lynch one of them. You're not allowed to use any other abilities for the following night. [1-shot]

[Active - Manipulation] - Once during the game, you may attempt to erase 1 vote from any one player. [1-shot]

[Active - headquarters] - Once during the game, he may target a player and invite them to to the HQ. They will gain a private chat and may communicate for a cycle.

-- Ability Inherited from L role --

[Active - Well You Are Bad] - L is very intelligent with his great powers of deduction. He presented to be extremely meticulous and analytical. He's L is pretty certain that the people he suspects are bad. Each day, he may target a player and ask them for help in voting a target of his choice. If they accept, his vote will count double for that phase. If he successfully lynch a Guilty player, L will gain a one-shot version of one of their abilities. If he lynches an Innocent player, L and the other player appear as [Guilty] during the following phase.

Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Town
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