[Passive - Kira's Successor] - Light Yagami has died and someone else has to take matter into their own hands. From this point onward Teru Mikami owes Light abilities.
[Passive - Veteran] - While an unassigned quality, Teru Mikami is up to his game after Kira's death. Teru is immune to Role-crushes.
[Active - It's Over] - During Even nights, he can target a player and role-crush them for the following cycle.
--- [Steal] - He can steal his target one ability at random while they're unable to use them.
[Active - Extended DP] - Teru Mikami will learn the full identity of the player set to be lynched during the Quasi-Dusk Phase and he may act on it. He can extend the Day Phase by 2 hours in an attempt to save them. He will permanently gain the vote of the player saved through his ability and can control their full role for the following cycle. You may notify me before the Day Phase ends.
--- Light Yagami Abilities ---
[Passive - Ryuk] - Ryuk is a Shinigami who gave Kira his death note which the later uses as a means to complete his goal. He is invisible to everyone except Kira and is always following him around. Light has access to a Sock Puppet account name after Ryuk. He may use it to post in the thread and may vote(It will count as additional).
--- [Kira] - Light Yagami has another Sock Puppet name after his identity as "Kira". He may use that account to post three times per Day Phase.
[Active - Apples] - In order to manipulate Ryuk and make him do things for him. Once per cycle, Light may give Ryuk some apples to try to get something out of him. He starts the game with 10 apples.
--- [2 Apple] - Effects of the actions that targeted him during a certain phase.
--- [4 Apples] - Character and Alignment of the player that visited him the most recently.
--- [7 Apples] - He will role-block any player that visits him during that phase.
--- [6 Apples] - Role of that player that visited him during a certain phase.
[Active - Death Note] - After Kira died Teru Mikami gain his death note. He can use death in a number of creative ways. Each cycle, Teru Miakmi may choose how to utilize his Death Note. As for the common use, Kira may write the name of a player in his Death Note. There are several rules, that he must follow in order to successfully use it. First, alongside their name, he must submit their correct role name. Second, he must submit the date of death as well as the reason for their death. The date of death must be no later than 2 cycles from when he first write the name of the target and the reason for death. If the cause of death isn't specified, the victim dies of a heart attack next day phase.
[Active - Shinigami Eyes] - Each cycle he may target a player to investigate. He'll learn their full role (including any hidden ability) bypassing any kind of immunity. He will also learn the entire history of their role, every player they ever targeted.
Wincon - Eliminate All Threats to Kira