[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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I will never forgive Oda
Sold? This is an inappropriate term lololol. Looks like you were prepared to jump on a Gambit wagon whenever someone started the engine.
Okay scum.
It didn't point to town last game either, but he was in the end. You're gonna need to be a bit more specific than that.
between the fake claim as L, which could be a joke or could be fishing, his general defensiveness this actual day, or his weak case on me that he spun out of yarn. I still think the most condemning piece of evidence is from Kiwi’s post where he waits until other people say they think I’m more sus before Gambit goes for me. His mind wasn’t made up on his own deductions but based on the whims of other players—who didn’t put any reason behind it.

It’s a more elaborate Cobra coin toss.


I will never forgive Oda
Ending it like this is not very convincing :yasu:
That is in reference to how Gambino picked me to push over Zara. Not my sus on him.
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let’s just forget about everything i said just pretend the coin toss thing never happened
I respect the fact you stick by fandom even in mafia. I just find it super funny, especially when the person you voted is a Zoro fan.
Oh yeah, i forgot yo voted her down cause of code geass and death note lol, forgot :P

How was sleep bb, you left our bed early :blush:
Im still in bed now actually, about to shower and eat breakfast soon

What do you think gambit vs tac and now gambit vs queen?


Asking reads without giving yours is not nice Fuji

I saw your nice little list but this is not reads just names written in different colors
He identified players that he thought were town, slightly suspicious, and full on scummy. I don't understand how those aren't reads.
Hi there, good afternoon to you too!

Like, should I not claim my character name? Or just not claim altogether? is this related to a mechanic?

Cuz I'm thinking about claiming a passive I have to just get it out of the way.

Help Reborn, I don't know what to make of Nat's message above. Should I trust her?

Also. Now that I think about it, I think you told me something among the lines of "trust me" last ToL and you tried to betray me.....I see how it is......

He didn't even cast a vote on you, no need to get so defensive. People have first impressions and guts feelings.


You always told me mafia is better than townie

This seems kinda rushed tbh......

And about the exchange, I think TAC seems more townie. People making bold statements about first impressions are usually good in my books. It's scums that would try to prey on that as an opportunity to build a case.

When I played his last game as mafia, I didn't get fake claims. But it was also a no claim game so that's probably not a good comparison.
This is a very good entrance post from Kiwi.

This Tac read is also solid. Not necessarily that I agree with it, but I like the explanation and the comparison to what the scum perspective, showing us why she doesn't see what Tac did as scum indicative.

Yeah, Kiwi is town. Putting a lock on it too.

Better not flip wolf on me Kiwi.
lemme do it now since youre asking so nicely

Zara, he is reacting badly to being sussed by tac and then gambit, if he is town he shouldnt be this reactive. Also said he wanted to stop the fluff but then just kept on doing it while at the same time defending himself against gambit. If you are town and someone susses you, you either check what they are saying/ignore them and carry on scumhunting. Only reason he would be so defensive is if he maybe is scum(the informed minority) and knows gambit aint one of them.

TAC, for as much as the guys like to troll in the begining, he is an aggressive one. He would not spend so many pages fluffing, say,again just like zara did, to stop the fluff cause reborn might not like it, and then keep on fluffing some more for a few pages. Hence in the grey area.

Neutralwatcher, was the only one for a while to try to move the discussion, and is still doing so, therefore green/town for now.

Reborn, i dont trust for now. He is off, says he drunk but how can i know exactly? For now hes there because he didnt try to move the convo, gave one post with cryptic reads then moved on.

You, you say that asking for reads aint nice, and that my list was just names in different colors but you did the same didnt you? :cheers:, did you not see the lets start it off with this part ? At the top of my post?
But wait, arent you supposed to be ''sleeping'' bro? Or are you just using that as an excuse to lurk?

Queen, fluff, kept on fluffing while people were trying to move the discussion, therefore scum till further notice

Light, same.

Melon, she fluffed a bit, then disappeared for a while, then came back to discuss game mechanics and sussing obvious stuff. Scum till she proves herself not to be.
Cobra and poison, im unsure off, cobra i honestly cant fking read early and poison is the first time i see her playing and also while she was being helpfull-ish, she seemd to be parroting as gambit said.

Now what are your reads buddy?
Why you gotta make this post so long?


Vote lynch Gambit

He voted TAC yet he lean Neutral on him? Not a good look.

First, I wasn't nitpicking TAC. I was seriously addressing/probing all of her posts because there were some inconsistencies with that. By probing, I would clear the inconsistencies one-by-one, which I did. The only reasons now why I am still not clearing him was: 1. For declining her pursuit on Zara snd 2. For that quick jump on me after Kiwi's post - which I will address next.

Now, there were many reasons why I voted TAC in the first place before I made my wallie against him. First, I was actively hunting reactions and I want to say that i was the first few who really did the work. I was expecting Melon to get a jump on it but she didn't so it gave her a plus point from me.

When I made my wallie, I was also expecting TAC to respond but it took a while before he reverted. I understand that he could've been not interested in replying to that if he felt that there's no weight on it but I wasn't understanding why he put a halt in scum hunting after being called out so I called him out again and asked why.

When he finally did, he was able to defend himself pretty well and from a townie's perspective, you have to clear all your doubts on a certain player which you deemed kinda suspicious and not easily accuse him/her 100%. Therefore, he might've been able to defend himself well but I am still neutral on him because of his swift vote after Kiwi. And above all, whilst I voted her earlier, I can always unvote him when necessary and /or until he is cleared.
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