[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 13: One Piece Whole Cake Island

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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
What is it?

correction ... a scum heading for the gallows ...
Forest: We can’t say without claiming.

Saxon: We understand that most players have sussed us on and off since the game began!!


Quantro: However, we know Marimo is scum beyond a shadow of a doubt??

Gorilla: We’re curious why you don’t want him to go ASAP...


Katakuri Makes His Claim To Be Next Captain!

[Katakuri] used [Mogura] to kill @Marimo_420

[Flampe] used [Goon Squad] on ???

[Bege] activated [Daddy's Home]

@Marimo_420 [Pedro] has been killed!

You are Pedro!

[Passive - Failed but not in Vain] If you are performing the faction kill and it fails, you will learn the character of the target and as to what made the kill fail.

[Active - Electro] As a proficient electro user, target a player once per cycle to role block them for that phase.
---Sulong Form: on full moon nights, even nights, you will transform into your sulong form, this will allow you to role crush any player you target electro with for one cycle. [2-shots]

[Active - Explosives] During the day, target a player of your choice to make them go boom-boom. That player will be stunned and have their vote be locked for the remainder of the day phase. [3-shots]
---Suicide Bomber:
in the event that you have gained 5 votes on you during the day, activate this ability on a voter and yourself. The other will have half their abilities be destroyed. You yourself will die. Your teammate, Brook, will use your sacrifice as a chance to escape. Brook will be protected against regular kills for the following night phase.

Wincon: You win when all threats to the Strawhats have been eliminated.
so, here is the things I noticed in the write up:

Oh my, what is that? It looks like [Mother Carmel Picture] is on display! Somewhere off and away, the [Tamatebako Box] is getting ready to explode! However, perhaps it can it be stopped?
like al sama said yesterday or d2, something bad for town will happen if we don't do something about kiwi

[ Vinsmoke Family] used [Electric Boogaloo] on ??? and [Poisonous Touch] on ???
vinsmoke family already used both abilities before and there was no kill announcement because of it

[Nami] uses Thunderbreed Tempo on ??? and used [Genie] to kill Natalija!
nami stole light's ability (cat burglar) and that's how gambit killed nat
nami also could make fake write ups by using (mirage tempo)
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