You are Pedro!
[Passive - Failed but not in Vain] If you are performing the faction kill and it fails, you will learn the character of the target and as to what made the kill fail.
[Active - Electro] As a proficient electro user, target a player once per cycle to role block them for that phase.
---Sulong Form: on full moon nights, even nights, you will transform into your sulong form, this will allow you to role crush any player you target electro with for one cycle.
[Active - Explosives] During the day, target a player of your choice to make them go boom-boom. That player will be stunned and have their vote be locked for the remainder of the day phase.
---Suicide Bomber: in the event that you have gained 5 votes on you during the day, activate this ability on a voter and yourself. The other will have half their abilities be destroyed. You yourself will die. Your teammate, Brook, will use your sacrifice as a chance to escape. Brook will be protected against regular kills for the following night phase.
Wincon: You win when all threats to the Strawhats have been eliminated.