General & Others Ruination of a character - Sanji, The Predator, The Gag and the Rock Lee of One Piece


Talent is something you make bloom.
The thing about Sanji "being a chef first" is weird.
He is a pirate. Pirates fight.
The whole Baratie gimmick was chefs who could fight.
Water7? Shipwrights who could fight.
Marco is a doctor, yet he has no problem fighting.
Burgess is a navigator.
Doc Q is a doctor.
Law is a doctor.
Pirates need fighters, or else they gonna get rekt.
Some are stronger than others.
Having something to show in addition to fighting is a bonus, not a "nerf".
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And to be fair:
Sexual assaults are fairly common war crimes.
Going out of your way in a war, to stop such an act doesn't seen that bad in my eyes.
The "going for prostitutes while big mom chases my friends" was.
Oda could at least have said "nah, it was just a feint. He just wanted to stealth his way during the raid and save Momo since the beginning". But no. Instead "nah, didnt find prostitutes, decided to to something else".

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
The thing about Sanji "being a chef first" is weird.
He is a pirate. Pirates fight.
The whole Baratie gimmick was chefs who could fight.
Water7? Shipwrights who could fight.
Marco is a doctor, yet he has no problem fighting.
Burgess is a navigator.
Doc Q is a doctor.
Law is a doctor.
Pirates need fighters, or else they gonna get rekt.
Some are stronger than others.
Having something to show in addition to fighting is a bonus, not a "nerf".
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And to be fair:
Sexual assaults are fairly common war crimes.
Going out of your way in a war, to stop such an act doesn't seen that bad in my eyes.
The "going for prostitutes while big mom chases my friends" was.
Oda could at least have said "nah, it was just a feint. He just wanted to stealth his way during the raid and save Momo since the beginning". But no. Instead "nah, didnt find prostitutes, decided to to something else".
Judge's son is useless fighter, he should just stay in the kitchen.
Summon @Zoro D Goat
Honestly, I always liked Sanji more for taking a L to Kalifa. I think it's important that Sanji has parts of his code(not using his hands, not attacking women) that he refuses to break even at the expense of his life. It's shit like this that makes his lecherous gag more than just an irritating joke.
Welcome to my series of Ruination of Character where I will go over certain characters in One Piece and how their characters were ruined for ridiculous reasons.
First on the table is my former favorite character Sanji.

I used to love Sanji. Sanji during Pre Timeksip had an unique swag and style to him that non of the main characters could rival him in it. Sanji was damn cool and every sane OP fan can testify that pre Time Skip. During Time Skip for reasons I will get to later Sanji was turned into something I like to call The Predator, The Gag and the Rock Lee of One Piece.

The Predator
Post time skip Sanji has gone from someone that respects women to someone that will literally spy on them naked and grope their bodies when his soul was in their body. That itself is an insane degradation of a character and something that makes a Predator. Now I can't ignore certain moments like him protecting Nami in Punk Hazard or Violet in Dressrosa but compared to sheer moments of him being a predator those moments are absurdly rare compared to what they were Pre Time skip. It got to the point that when Sanji saves a female character I can't but question is it because of his chivalric code or he just hopes for some ass if he saves them.

Sanji spying on women in the bathhouse was the low point for me and what tipped the glass over and made me say : fuck it, I am done. That sheer moment was so utterly dumb - Sanji - the dude that spent months with Nami and Robin, fighting side by side with them and bonding with them like they are his own family - had no problems literally spying on them naked - what the absolute fuck???

Could any of you do that to someone you consider family and not give a fuck? To invade a privacy and decency of someone you pretty much bonded like a family? No, the answer is a big fat no because it is utterly wrong.

Pre time skip Sanji while still a creep to some point it was still very innocent since it was naïve. He never went that far.
If you remember when they found Camie and Brook asked her how does she poop Sanji went mad and didn't let her answer because his code wouldn't allow him? Yea that Sanji now has no problem spying on women he considers family.

Oda doing this to Sanji is borderline sick and not enjoyable at all. I have no idea what was in his head when he decided to make this and think - yep that is fine. And I won't give Oda a pass because Oda. Screw that, it is just terrible writing.

The Gag
Do you remember back in E. Lobby when Sanji fought Khalifa and allowed his ass to get beaten because he refused to hit a woman?
That moment was so bad because Sanji allowed himself and his crew to be put in jeopardy over his morals and code.
Fast forward to Whole Cake Island - Sanji literally punches Big Mom to protect Reiju - Fucking amazing , good shit Sanji, you understand that sometimes morals and code have to be broken to protect ones you love and care about.
Fast forward to Wano, Sanji literally goes to get pussy in the middle of the war and put his crew, himself and allies into danger.
What. What the hell is that? You mean to tell that Sanji was about to receive character development only to be thrown into a trash can because of a comedic relief?
That pretty much sums up Sanji The Gag. If the situation demands it Sanji will either keep his morals and code or ignore them. And it is utterly destroying his character. How are we as readers supposed to give a damn about his morals and code if author himself doesn't care?
Either make Sanji dedicated to his morals and code or don't. Don't fluctuate between those two. It ruins the enjoyment of a character.
Perfect example of how properly is done is with the Raid Suit. Yes, It is something Sanji isn't proud to use but he will in order to protect the ones he loves and cares about. I can understand and respect that.... But then Oda made Sanji use Raid Suit to be a tool for Sanji to be pervert and literally prove his family a point. Like come on man, stop sacrificing Sanji's code and morals for comedic relief. It destroys the character and makes him unlikeable even more.

The Rock Lee of One Piece
And now for my favorite part.
Sanji, Zoro and Luffy have always been put forward as the main 3 fighters of the crew. We the readers understood this logic and agreed with it hence we made the term - Monster Trio. And it worked beautifully. All 3 of them got their moments of shine in each arc and we could see a clear display of their power.
Post Time Skip Sanji has been put in shadows while more spotlight was given to Zoro and Luffy.

I believe Oda did this to appease the mainstream fandom and prevent a potential Rock Lee of One Piece. If you would remember at the start of Naruto when Rock Lee bodied Gaara and we believed that alongside Naruto and Sasuke we will have Rock Lee as a third main driving force. Yea no, Kishimoto made sure to gut Rock Lee because 3 is too much. It needs to be 2. Now you might say - But Beky there is Sakura - yeah no man there is no Sakura - there is only Naruto and Sasuke. Same thing is with One Piece, Oda made sure to gut Sanji the same way and make sure there is only Zoro and Luffy wheres Sanji was put with the rest as a back up.

Sanji has clear potential, he could easily be made to be strong as Zoro but Oda doesn't wanna do it like that despite that being the case up until Post TS. He just wants to keep it Zoro and Luffy. Revert Sanji to a comedic gag that sells or holds his morals depending how the wind blows while pumping the other 2 more and more. Doesn't matter if it is Jimbei, Yamato or Sanji, there is no more 3, only 2.

Sanji held a lot of promise post TS. We never saw his skills learned from Ivankov and we even barely saw his cooking talents.
Do you guys remember the fact Sanji's food boosts energy? Yeah, so much for Sanji cooking food for warriors before battle.
The Rock Lee of One Piece

Character of Sanji was gutted and reduced to a comedic gag. His character and skills are wasted and I wouldn't be surprised if his popularity sinks more and more. Oda doesn't want to deliver on the promises he made for Sanji nor does he wanna develop him properly. I used to love Sanji, he was such a bad ass character and while I am sure he had some really good moments post TS they are pale in comparison to his bad moments. I hope Oda proves me wrong and does something good with his character but allas my faith is small

Next up
Zoro - The Emo, The One Trick Pony and Soulless Character
Sanji is a sack of shit and he's always always been that.

If you wanna enjoy Sanji, just look at him as a gag character, the moment you try to take him seriously and look at him as any more more that, he would look like dog shit he is.
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uhm, no? big no! noest no!

it was clear from the very beginning that Zoro and Luffy stand out.

there never was a monster trio and there never will be.

Any one who suggests otherwise is fucked in head
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So basically 95% of readers are wrong and 5% of you are right. Got it
No majority of casual fan base don't put Sanji in Zoros league.

It is dumbfucks on YouTube and mentally retarded section of online fan base
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Dude it is picture of Supernovas
Let me post a picture of Vinsmoke family and ask where are Zoro and Luffy
Who gives a shit about sacks of shits?
You comparing Vinsmokes to worst generation?
Its like comparing Los Angeles Lakers to some middle school basket ball team in Bronx
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Talent is something you make bloom.
Honestly, I always liked Sanji more for taking a L to Kalifa. I think it's important that Sanji has parts of his code(not using his hands, not attacking women) that he refuses to break even at the expense of his life. It's shit like this that makes his lecherous gag more than just an irritating joke.
I'm totally in favor for Sanji to keep this "character flaw", of not hitting women at any cost.
After years playing and DM'ing DnD games, characters with "flaws" are 99% of the time more interesting characters than the "overpowered never loses" ones.
Sucks that Oda can't create more unique scenarios about it and we have Kalifa 2.0. There's still time to make it unique, but, so far, doesn't seen Oda is gonna pull it off. :kayneshrug:

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
Honestly, I always liked Sanji more for taking a L to Kalifa. I think it's important that Sanji has parts of his code(not using his hands, not attacking women) that he refuses to break even at the expense of his life. It's shit like this that makes his lecherous gag more than just an irritating joke.
Nobody care for Judge's son life!
The problem is Judge's son endangour other people lifes!
Tell that to Luffy and Zoro going wild at the beginning of the raid and almost blowing it for everyone.
Tell that to Usopp insisting of travelling on a ship that would sink with everyone on board.
These people....geez.
Zoro is strong enough to ruin a plan and make one on own.
He is carrying four super turds on his back as we speak against two yonko.

Flying 6 level- Trans power ranger Raid Shit lanji can't


Talent is something you make bloom.
That was the plan though
can you even read
law planned for the 2 idiots to go straight through the front and cause havoc
Yeah. Good plan.
Send right in the dude that was supposed to be imprisoned.
Thank god for them they have plot at their side.
Any normal development would be:
They get spotted.
Luffy is identified.
Queen says he should be in Udon.
Him being there means something is off.
Beast Pirates stay on high alert.
No sneak attack.

Instead we have:
0 communication between the Beast Pirates at the beginning, despite they having a hack network in Bao Hwang and the others with the paper on their faces.
The classic "main villain keeps downplaying the heroes up to the point he gets rekt".
0 organization until the moment Kaido fly upstairs with the scabbards and King take the reins of the situation.
2 Calamities guarding a hole in the ceiling? Why? What about the rest of the freaking castle? LMAO.
Big Meme memeing.



World's Strongest Swordsman
Yeah. Good plan.
Send right in the dude that was supposed to be imprisoned.
Thank god for them they have plot at their side.
Any normal development would be:
They get spotted.
Luffy is identified.
Queen says he should be in Udon.
Him being there means something is off.
Beast Pirates stay on high alert.
No sneak attack.

Instead we have:
0 communication between the Beast Pirates at the beginning, despite they having a hack network in Bao Hwang and the others with the paper on their faces.
The classic "main villain keeps downplaying the heroes up to the point he gets rekt".
0 organization until the moment Kaido fly upstairs with the scabbards and King take the reins of the situation.
2 Calamities guarding a hole in the ceiling? Why? What about the rest of the freaking castle? LMAO.
Big Meme memeing.

that was the plan
they were all a diversion to catch them when they were drunk

they were getting attacked from all sides
and even that was a distraction from the true attack of the scabbards
the plan went exactly like law said 10 chapters earlier


Talent is something you make bloom.
that was the plan
they were all a diversion to catch them when they were drunk

they were getting attacked from all sides
and even that was a distraction from the true attack of the scabbards
the plan went exactly like law said 10 chapters earlier
Again, the plan depends on the enemy army being completely retarded.
And again, they have a network of communication in Bao Hwang and the Paper Face Squad that should be spread around the island. But nooooooooo. That would make things too haaaaaaaaard.
Even during a feast, you need a defense system.
Big Mom had the snails all around the ocean near her domain.
Kaido has nothing.
And just the "big brute baddie that underestimates everyone because he so big and strong".
Beast Pirates domain is a bad joke.
Totto Land>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wano.
"Kanjuro is traitor."
No consequences. Momo is alive, they have their soldier on Onigashima.
"Kyoshiro interpreted something Kinemon never even meant"
The way this raid started, is not made for kids/teens.
It's made for babies. Dumb ones.

Send in a small stealth force to clear the path and scout ahead.
Move your main force as the small group clears the way.
Not "send in the dumbheads to be spotted and alert the entire island that they are being attacked".


World's Strongest Swordsman
Again, the plan depends on the enemy army being completely retarded.
And again, they have a network of communication in Bao Hwang and the Paper Face Squad that should be spread around the island. But nooooooooo. That would make things too haaaaaaaaard.
Even during a feast, you need a defense system.
Big Mom had the snails all around the ocean near her domain.
Kaido has nothing.
And just the "big brute baddie that underestimates everyone because he so big and strong".
Beast Pirates domain is a bad joke.
Totto Land>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wano.
"Kanjuro is traitor."
No consequences. Momo is alive, they have their soldier on Onigashima.
"Kyoshiro interpreted something Kinemon never even meant"
The way this raid started, is not made for kids/teens.
It's made for babies. Dumb ones.

Send in a small stealth force to clear the path and scout ahead.
Move your main force as the small group clears the way.
Not "send in the dumbheads to be spotted and alert the entire island that they are being attacked".
half the strawhat crew went to totland beat 2 yc stole a rp left totland in ruin and escaped with no problem
dont even talk about totland
Again, the plan depends on the enemy army being completely retarded.
And again, they have a network of communication in Bao Hwang and the Paper Face Squad that should be spread around the island. But nooooooooo. That would make things too haaaaaaaaard.
Even during a feast, you need a defense system.
Big Mom had the snails all around the ocean near her domain.
Kaido has nothing.
And just the "big brute baddie that underestimates everyone because he so big and strong".
Beast Pirates domain is a bad joke.
Totto Land>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wano.
"Kanjuro is traitor."
No consequences. Momo is alive, they have their soldier on Onigashima.
"Kyoshiro interpreted something Kinemon never even meant"
The way this raid started, is not made for kids/teens.
It's made for babies. Dumb ones.

Send in a small stealth force to clear the path and scout ahead.
Move your main force as the small group clears the way.
Not "send in the dumbheads to be spotted and alert the entire island that they are being attacked".
Um, it wasn't Kinemon's message. Kinemon misinterpreted the message and passed it to his group, everyone else got the message.