General & Others Ruination of a character - Sanji, The Predator, The Gag and the Rock Lee of One Piece

There's salvation.
If the bath peep was a "one time thing" just to bring back the joke from TB, I can actually live with it, despite hating it with all my guts.
That's why I'm waiting until the end of Wano to re-evaluate if Sanji is still my favorite SH. The nosebleed is basically gone, only happened with Nami, and basically everybody there had a nosebleed, he actually had a nice dynamic with Pudding, so I'm willing to wait, for now.
Sanji has always been one of my favourites, I mean I need to put myself in others shoes to get their perspective on the matters at hand but I honestly can’t believe people are taking his gags so seriously to the point where that’s become their issue with his character, seems like just an excuse for people to hate on Sanji for yet another thing. As @Zoro D Goat said, there’s many other examples of perverted behaviour in other anime and yet people never mention it and absolutely love those characters. Like it’s pretty clear what’s going on here. It’s not baseless hate, but they’re picking and choosing reasons to hate on him when they see fit. I mean I’m gonna wait too but I’ve never disliked Sanjis character, just the way Oda has treated him since the timeskip, franky Oda ruined one of his best characters for reasons unknown to me, I mean he will get his moment for sure I always say that. But even going off chapter 1003 I’m like “Really Oda? Are we still doing this?. I mean I’ve never regarded myself as a patient guy, but I’m still waiting and I haven’t lost hope lol
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I'm a brazilian man and I also love good cuisine.
But I also like the cool dude in a suit kicking the living shit out of people.
I’ll never forget first time seeing Sanji, spinning on his hands and kicking the shit out of Fullbody. Dude suited up, hair covering his eye, holding up Fullbody dripping with blood like he was nothing and then our crew enters.

Sanji has always been one of my favourites, I mean I need to put myself in others shoes to get their perspective on the matters at hand but I honestly can’t believe people are taking his gags so seriously to the point where that’s become their issue with his character, seems like just an excuse for people to hate on Sanji for yet another thing. As @Zoro D Goat said, there’s many other examples of perverted behaviour in other anime and yet people never mention it and absolutely love those characters. Like it’s pretty clear what’s going on here. It’s not baseless hate, but they’re picking and choosing reasons to hate on him when they see fit. I mean I’m gonna wait too but I’ve never disliked Sanjis character, just the way Oda has treated him since the timeskip, franky Oda ruined one of his best characters for reasons unknown to me, I mean he will get his moment for sure I always say that. But even going off chapter 1003 I’m like “Really Oda? Are we still doing this?. I mean I’ve never regarded myself as a patient guy, but I’m still waiting and I haven’t lost hope lol
People hate on Sanji is the same view as Hody hating on humans on Fishman Island. Literally no reason for it, only grudge. It's like Sanji stole their girlfriends in real life so they have to shit on Sanji.:kayneshrug:


Talent is something you make bloom.
Sanji has always been one of my favourites, I mean I need to put myself in others shoes to get their perspective on the matters at hand but I honestly can’t believe people are taking his gags so seriously to the point where that’s become their issue with his character, seems like just an excuse for people to hate on Sanji for yet another thing. As @Zoro D Goat said, there’s many other examples of perverted behaviour in other anime and yet people never mention it and absolutely love those characters. Like it’s pretty clear what’s going on here. It’s not baseless hate, but they’re picking and choosing reasons to hate on him when they see fit. I mean I’m gonna wait too but I’ve never disliked Sanjis character, just the way Oda has treated him since the timeskip, franky Oda ruined one of his best characters for reasons unknown to me, I mean he will get his moment for sure I always say that. But even going off chapter 1003 I’m like “Really Oda? Are we still doing this?. I mean I’ve never regarded myself as a patient guy, but I’m still waiting and I haven’t lost hope lol
Only reason I still like Sanji, is because he was, by far, my favorite SH.
But I don't find myself liking many of the SH's post TS.
Only really like Sanji, Luffy, Franky and Usopp (almost becoming irrelevant to me). Jinbei I'm stil proccessing. Yamato looks a lot promising to me.
The rest are....there.
I dont dislike any of them. I just dont really care.:kayneshrug:
Thing with Sanji is, it gets me a little more sad than others because, since he is my favorite, "losing" him would be more of a hit than it were with the others. That's all.
People hate on Sanji is the same view as Hody hating on humans on Fishman Island. Literally no reason for it, only grudge. It's like Sanji stole their girlfriends in real life so they have to shit on Sanji.:kayneshrug:
i dont think anyone who hate on Sanji is always solely because Sanji is not their favorite. I mean it's normal tho if people hate on a person who likes to sexually harras women. I agree tho there are more that hate him for no reason than people that hate him for his pervy personality
Is Usopp and Robin loyal to Luffy?
Robin left for the good of the crew, she sacrificed herself for them. Ussop left because he thought he wasnt good enough to be a part of the crew but not only he properly APOLOGIZED before comming back but he was also there when the crew needed him the most.

Now Sanji not only left for personal reasons not related to the crew, but also beat his captain who was NOT RESISTING, unlike Ussop who had a proper duel with Luffy. He only didnt go through with the marriage because Pudding fucked up and let BM's plan leak, otherwise he would have left Luffy to starve and die while fighting BM's soldiers. Not only that but he dosent show a shread of remorse and the first thing he did when he came back was to put Luffy and his crew at even more risk for no reason at all other than to save his stupid brothers and dad. Pedro died because of his stupid selfishness, it could have been one of the crew, hells a lot of them would have died if not for Jinbe.
i dont think anyone who hate on Sanji is always solely because Sanji is not their favorite. I mean it's normal tho if people hate on a person who likes to sexually harras women. I agree tho there are more that hate him for no reason than people that hate him for his pervy personality
The point is that if you overlooked Sanji's good traits (badass, smart, strong, unique fighting styles) and only focus on Sanji's bad traits (womanizer) so that you could shit on him is just stupid at this point.:kayneshrug:
Only reason I still like Sanji, is because he was, by far, my favorite SH.
But I don't find myself liking many of the SH's post TS.
Only really like Sanji, Luffy, Franky and Usopp (almost becoming irrelevant to me). Jinbei I'm stil proccessing. Yamato looks a lot promising to me.
The rest are....there.
I dont dislike any of them. I just dont really care.:kayneshrug:
Thing with Sanji is, it gets me a little more sad than others because, since he is my favorite, "losing" him would be more of a hit than it were with the others. That's all.
I’m with you 100%, I can’t even front Sanji was literally my favourite character, that hasn’t changed but I’ve found myself with a lot more favourites too, I even had a huge Franky phase, but Franky hasn’t been the same since timeskip so I don’t really care for him much anymore, his design is still weird to me lol, sometimes I like it, I enjoy the hair changing thing but at times he looks flat out ridiculous lol. I only just warmed up to Brook in WCI, I mean he was the newest member and then bam Sabody happened, we never really got much interactions with him and the crew as a whole, in punk Hazard he was by himself for the most of it, with Kin or just not being shown.

I don’t get Ussop to be honest like his gag is one that’s overused to hell as well and people still praise him day in and day out. He comes back fresh man and all and then bam he’s a coward again and still hiding with Chopper and Nami. Ussop was a huge favourite of mine too but now meh.

I’ve never been a huge fan of Jinbe if I’m honest, don’t get me wrong he was dope in WCI and had me going crazy with hype but there’s just something off about him being in the crew it just hasn’t settled in for me yet. I’m sure it will just like it did with Brook, but as we went along and whenever we got a potential crew member I was praying and begging that they’d join but I’ve never had that with Jinbe.

Yamato, I cant lie but I’m all aboard that train and I don’t even know why I’m just really for her. She needs to defining moment though like maybe when or if she fights Kaido. She needs to drop the Oden bullshit and be her own gal. It’ll probably be Luffy to talk no justu that one out of her lol

I mean of course a lot more could have happened for Sanji but at this point anything is better than nothing such as WCI. I mean he’s had some dope ass moments this arc and no one can take those away from him no matter how hard they try.

Fighting with Page 1
Using the Raid Suit
Clashing with Drake
Zoro and Sanji reunion feud and their sick ass panel together
Clashing with King
Saving Momo

Just need to get him away from Black Maria, get him a good 1v1 fight and we Gucci.
The point is that if you overlooked Sanji's good traits (badass, smart, strong, unique fighting styles) and only focus on Sanji's bad traits (womanizer) so that you could shit on him is just stupid at this point.:kayneshrug:
It's not overlooking, it's just too strong to deflect from, i mean you can have a person with the same good traits (badass, smart, strong, etc), but if they turn out to be a series killer for example, then there's enough reason to hate on them. Sexuall harassment is literally one of the worst sins
Now Sanji not only left for personal reasons not related to the crew, but also beat his captain who was NOT RESISTING
I don’t think you actually understand any of the reasoning or thoughts behind Sanjis actions in WCI lol....

Like yeah it was out of order but he was literally between a rock and a hard place. Compare to Ussop if you want but the same can be said about him. Ussop was being an absolute asshole too lol you’re trying to justify it because he had “A proper duel”. Come off it lol


Talent is something you make bloom.
I’m with you 100%, I can’t even front Sanji was literally my favourite character, that hasn’t changed but I’ve found myself with a lot more favourites too, I even had a huge Franky phase, but Franky hasn’t been the same since timeskip so I don’t really care for him much anymore, his design is still weird to me lol, sometimes I like it, I enjoy the hair changing thing but at times he looks flat out ridiculous lol. I only just warmed up to Brook in WCI, I mean he was the newest member and then bam Sabody happened, we never really got much interactions with him and the crew as a whole, in punk Hazard he was by himself for the most of it, with Kin or just not being shown.

I don’t get Ussop to be honest like his gag is one that’s overused to hell as well and people still praise him day in and day out. He comes back fresh man and all and then bam he’s a coward again and still hiding with Chopper and Nami. Ussop was a huge favourite of mine too but now meh.

I’ve never been a huge fan of Jinbe if I’m honest, don’t get me wrong he was dope in WCI and had me going crazy with hype but there’s just something off about him being in the crew it just hasn’t settled in for me yet. I’m sure it will just like it did with Brook, but as we went along and whenever we got a potential crew member I was praying and begging that they’d join but I’ve never had that with Jinbe.

Yamato, I cant lie but I’m all aboard that train and I don’t even know why I’m just really for her. She needs to defining moment though like maybe when or if she fights Kaido. She needs to drop the Oden bullshit and be her own gal. It’ll probably be Luffy to talk no justu that one out of her lol

I mean of course a lot more could have happened for Sanji but at this point anything is better than nothing such as WCI. I mean he’s had some dope ass moments this arc and no one can take those away from him no matter how hard they try.

Fighting with Page 1
Using the Raid Suit
Clashing with Drake
Zoro and Sanji reunion feud and their sick ass panel together
Clashing with King
Saving Momo

Just need to get him away from Black Maria, get him a good 1v1 fight and we Gucci.
Agree with Franky's design change. Not a fan. Pre TS design was way WAAAAAAY better IMO.
Agree again with Usopp reverting back to his old self right after his introduction post TS.
Jinbei I like more as a support character for the SH's, than an actual SH. He seems way out of place. Maybe it will change. Too soon to tell.
Brook....meh. Dont care. Didn't like him stealing the poneglyph. Would expect the CAT BURGLAR NAMI to actually be the one to steal it.
So far, there are 3 things that I disliked about Sanji this arc.
Bath house.
Going after prostitutes in the beginning of the raid.
Kalifa 2.0
To be fair, I dont think the last one is his "fault". Dude sensed some sexual assault taking place and went there to stop it. That's pretty good in my book. I just dont like the stalling. :P
At least this week chapter might show something good out of it.
I hope for Robin to be awesome again so much. It's not even funny. So far, she's been doing fine in Wano. Going all "spy mode" around orochi's castle and all.
I want to like Robin again. I'm happy she is getting some attention now.
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A preemptive "screw you" to whoever say "but sanji should have trusted Luffy!!!! =( ".
That's all I'm gonna say on this matter. :P
I don’t think you actually understand any of the reasoning or thoughts behind Sanjis actions in WCI lol....

Like yeah it was out of order but he was literally between a rock and a hard place. Compare to Ussop if you want but the same can be said about him. Ussop was being an absolute asshole too lol you’re trying to justify it because he had “A proper duel”. Come off it lol
Ussop was there when the crew needed him the most in ennies where was Sanji in WCI? Almost left Luffy to starve, would have left Luffy to starve and die if BM was willing to go through her promisse with Germa, and dont pretend that was not the case. Not only that but made Luffy go against BM to save his stupid family, putting the crew in even more risk...He never even properly apologized to Luffy and everyone.

Where is Sanji now in Wano? Ran off the moment he saw a brothel, now ran off again when he heard a girl and got captured.

Thats the diference between Ussop and Sanji.
Would expect the CAT BURGLAR NAMI to actually be the one to steal it.
Damn you’re right lol Nami ain’t been stealing like she used to I actually almost forgot that was part of her character lol she’s just become to cliche I’mma beat the MC ass the second he opens his mouth 😂

Going after prostitutes in the beginning of the raid.
Kalifa 2.0
Yeah these have been a right kick in the balls to be honest. Kalifa 2.0 some of the most pointless, stalling and time wasting shit this arc. So unnecessary, if you’re not gonna have Sanji have a defining moment where he would change and not lust over even the enemy when times are dire, then why have him come across her at all. I highly doubt there’s some silver lining to all this. I just don’t get why Oda would have Sanji say “let’s go to the roof let’s help our friends” for him to be like nah you lots go ahead this is more important.

Like for Gods sake Kinemon and co were done for, Nami and Ussop were getting their skulls absolutely rocked yet all of this means nothing in comparison. I respect the chivalrous behaviour I really do but it’s not that it’s becoming too much it’s just that it’s taking priority for him over actual important matters.
Robin left for the good of the crew, she sacrificed herself for them. Ussop left because he thought he wasnt good enough to be a part of the crew but not only he properly APOLOGIZED before comming back but he was also there when the crew needed him the most.
Robin sacrificed herself to protect the Strawhats from danger. No one denies that. Usopp left because he can't go with the Strawhats without Going Merry. Not because he wasn't good enough. And Going Merry was tearing apart. That's a selfish reason for leaving the crew. Even Zoro got mad about it.
Now Sanji not only left for personal reasons not related to the crew, but also beat his captain who was NOT RESISTING, unlike Ussop who had a proper duel with Luffy. He only didnt go through with the marriage because Pudding fucked up and let BM's plan leak, otherwise he would have left Luffy to starve and die while fighting BM's soldiers. Not only that but he dosent show a shread of remorse and the first thing he did when he came back was to put Luffy and his crew at even more risk for no reason at all other than to save his stupid brothers and dad. Pedro died because of his stupid selfishness, it could have been one of the crew, hells a lot of them would have died if not for Jinbe.
Sanji wanted to protect Zeff AND his crew. I don't think you understand what's going on in Sanji's situation. Luffy let Sanji hits him and Sanji only wants to drove Luffy away. Sanji can't leave his family behind because he's too GODDAMN KIND despite the fact that the Vinsmokes treated him like shit. Even Reiju stated that Sanji is the kindest person in the world. Oh and Pedro died because of Sanji even though Pedro was ready to sacrifice himself?:christindeed:Even Carrot say that it wasn't Sanji's fault. And what did Jinbei even do?