General & Others Ruination of a character - Sanji, The Predator, The Gag and the Rock Lee of One Piece


Talent is something you make bloom.
Sanji is the only SHs who his character improved in post ts compared to pre ts

am specifically talking about Sanji from WCI to the current events

Zoro character regressed , but far from being ruined , and if Oda decide to give him a character arc that's not just " showing great feats" , I think his character will improve as well

the characters who I would say straight up ruined are Ussop and maybe Chopper
I ALSO think WCI Sanji was a major improvement. His dynamic with Pudding during the cake baking, where Pudding was the one with the heart eyes was actually a breath of fresh air.
But then...we got the bath house.
AND THEN, we got the "I'm gonna go look for prostitutes while Big Mom chase you all".
For this last one, him saving Momo in front of everybody kinda compensated it for me.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Oh boy just wait until I get to Zoro. He got shafted to be Luffy's guard dog
If you think that's bad for Zoro's character, then you don't understand Zoro's character. That you even describe Zoro protecting Luffy as "shafting" indicates that you have some deep misconceptions about who Zoro is and what he is supposed to be.

If this is the basis of your criticism, then I'd recommend you save yourself future embarrassment by not going ahead with the post.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
If you think that's bad for Zoro's character, then you don't understand Zoro's character. That you even describe Zoro protecting Luffy as "shafting" indicates that you have some deep misconceptions about who Zoro is and what he is supposed to be.

If this is the basis of your criticism, then I'd recommend you save yourself future embarrassment by not going ahead with the post.
Zoro was never a guard dog, he was always a man for himself that respected Luffy and his position as a captain and did his best to do right by it which was evident during Water 7 when Sanji smashed Luffy in the face and Zoro didn't react at all. Post TS Zoro is me slash me a beast. No depth to it , no creativity. Just a guy that has his 3 swords and will cut shit.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Dude it is picture of Supernovas
Let me post a picture of Vinsmoke family and ask where are Zoro and Luffy
Wow buddy, you so smart.
Wanna a cookie?
Supernovas dynamic is exactly the same dynamic as the SH's.
Very good Mr. Enlightened.
Why didnt zoros equal make the cut ? This is pre skip. That decision back then led to zoro fighting two yonko and his supposed equal bleeding running from fodder


World's Strongest Swordsman
Zoro was never a guard dog, he was always a man for himself that respected Luffy and his position as a captain and did his best to do right by it which was evident during Water 7 when Sanji smashed Luffy in the face and Zoro didn't react at all. Post TS Zoro is me slash me a beast. No depth to it , no creativity. Just a guy that has his 3 swords and will cut shit.
He literally give up his dream for luffy.
He also threatened to leave the crew just if ussop didnt apologise to luffy

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
You didn't give any solid reason to why Sanji is ruined

You even ignored most of what happened in his character arc in WCI, and made a big deal out of some gags and him blocking BM, oh and his power lvl in wich case you're wrong (he's not weak and still on Zoro lvl)
It aint some gags, it is serious stuff which are dumb and bonkers. Yea he had his moments in WCI but they were thrown in the trash arc later and he was reverted to his former self