Speculations Ryokugyu will arrive at the end of Wano

nah, I don't think Ryokugyu's dumb enough to pick a fight with an alliance that defeated 2 yonkos.

Like Akainu said, he's not going to do anything crazy. I think him restoring the forests is a very huge possibility. But I think he's really just there to arrest kaido, big mom, and maybe take the poneglyph.
Considering the fact that he went there without being ordered to and how he's literally going in without an army, i doubt he's there with the intention to fuck shit up.
I don't expect much of a fight between them. Personally, I expect him to lie to Akainu about Wano's condition to keep the Marines/WG from attacking so they can recover, establishing him as a decent guy like Fujitora.
It's hard to say. I think GB will do something impressive. After all this is his first time in action so there's a good chance that he will show some feats or at least look pretty capable. It may even be against Luffy for all we know.

I guess it all depends on whether Greenbull's devil fruit ability is tricky to deal with similar to Apoo's sound attacks or King's fire durability. Even someone as powerful as Luffy can be dealt with using a broken DF. Admirals are fairly capable as they are the closest to Yonko level. I suspect GB will snatch Robin out of Wano even with all the protection she has if it comes down to a fight. If it doesn't then GB might just be there to talk.

Our assumption here is that there is no way Robin can be captured with the alliance close by. But I think Oda will as usual subvert expectations. No doubt this will lead into a Admiral vs Yonko discussion not matter what happens.
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Here we discuss right now while the thread had been here on Jan is a great foreshadhowing skill.

Admirals which not FA isnt really worth anymore, they are for ZSY.
If Ryukugyu actually come to fight (which is doubtful), he'll get ping-pong-ed ZSY.

But i only though that he had hidden agenda like Issho had his own as it's normal because they come from outsider,
we'll see.
I think this is the first thread of yours I fully agree with. I can see this happening, especially the forest regrowth part.

One question though: If the SHs are now able to fend off an Admiral, how do you think Oda will be able to make them feasible threats in the final war?