Amazing chapter !!
Where to start....
- Bloodlust in general is constantly being showcased a lot in this chapter. I believe in general bloodlust will be the Powersystem in this verse. Exposing it or concealing has benefits and cons.
When you expose a lot of bloodlust, you can make people hallucinate and then knock them out like conquerors haki. But when you conceal it, you can take a person without them even knowing. This is "Invisible Killing Intent"....Yotsumaru shows it a lot. I wonder if we will see more different applications of bloodlust.
- Rion destroying all these assassin in that crazy gauntlet was so badass. Man Suzuki is really hitting home that she was a badass and that were never gonna see her in the current story. Its not fair lol.
- Finally the end with the Order member reveal, was so cool. Is this how they both get recruited for The Order ? Sakamoto gotta fight and defeat the Leader of the Order.
Btw this dude could potentially be the current JAA boss. Or possibly the dude who got snaked and got killed off. Either way him being the "Leader of The Order" makes sense why this is an impossible task.