Powers & Abilities Sanji and his accomplishments as a lifter: I’ll let you discuss the wedding cake while I prepare for a big Vergo thread coming up


critical mindset

Monet was serving me some very nice pastry lately, and after a hard days work in the dojo she always gives me hard backrubs (same ones strong enough to restrain Luffy but much stronger to properly stimulate my neck muscles) and that always leads to some good blood flow into my brain to stimulate good ideas. Now I had a really nice cake, and that got me thinking

This feat is never really taken seriously, and Zoro fans keep spiting Sanji fans by saying WCI was a shit arc for Sanji. I disagree. And Sanji fans must not take a defensive position but instead actively counter with this feat, because he not only did he have good battle feats in WCI but an absolutely disgustingly powerful lifting feat in my opinion.

Sanji kicked this cake plus the cart, the walrus and hundreds of people with one leg and propelled himself with it across the bay, a huge distance to meet up with Bege. That is a tremendous accomplishment!

this cake weighs almost 7 metric tonnes, or 15,000 pounds roughly. Now you guys have time to find panels where BM who is 8m something looks absolutely tiny in comparison to the cake, and the WCI cake is much more compact than this btw

So cube square law, the volume increase by the third power of a corresponding size increase. You find the panels to try to determine the length of Sanji propelling himself with the cake and all the rest (with one leg!) the size and, you know, approximate weight of the cake.

I am writing my Vergo thread now and enjoying my cake with Monet, so I’ll leave it to you guys to discuss

@Chaves @Admiral Kizaru @Admiral Lee Hung @Chrono @Jackteo @BakiDou @HopOnTheHype @Zara @sidestreetboy @MonsterZoro @kurwa etc
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Monet was serving me some very nice pastry lately, and after a hard days work in the dojo she always gives me hard backrubs (same ones strong enough to restrain Luffy but much stronger to properly stimulate my neck muscles) and that always floods some good blood flow into my brain to stimulate good ideas. Now I had a really nice cake, and that got me thinking
Best part of the thread.



Zoro Worshipper
Bamboo is just a plant, a means to express himself. His massive unstobpable power is that which makes the bamboo more than just a plant, but a vechicle of mass destruction
Yes what I meant. Weapons are just weapons, they don't make the man. Weapons can increase combat AP if they are used as tools which is completely different. It takes the man to fundamentally use the weapon, plus Base Vergo alone is much stronger than the gap intertwining Bamboo Vergo and Base Vergo.

If Base Vergo is already 100, Bamboo Vergo is not 200.

critical mindset

Vergo cant lift the cake
Vergo’s physical stats rely on more than just legs, he has massive stamina, lung capacity and fights with a bamboo so he has overall much better physicals than Sanji. Plus he owned Sanji.

I just watched the anime of PH, Sanji couldn’t carry a cannon when Nami was in his body so he needed help from Brownbeard, is that not so? (At least she didn’t know how to use his leg strength to carry it)
Vergo’s physical stats rely on more than just legs, he has massive stamina, lung capacity and fights with a bamboo so he has overall much better physicals than Sanji. Plus he owned Sanji.

I just watched the anime of PH, Sanji couldn’t carry a cannon when Nami was in his body so he needed help from Brownbeard, is that not so? (At least she didn’t know how to use his leg strength to carry it)
Sanji in Nami's body could probably still defeat Vergo slow, unbalanced ass.
