You're a delusional imbecile and I find it hilarious, Im not going to answer the questions you already answered because that wouldn't be any fun for me.
I follow the origin while you follow your own narration of good for you and you keep asking yourself why I keep making fun of you

I follow the origin while you follow your own narration of good for you and you keep asking yourself why I keep making fun of you

You're overestimating yourself here, I just kept this conversation up cause I'm genuinely curious how far you're willing to go into stupidity instead of admitting something that's just plainly obvious, and I guess I found my answer
You keep dodging questions and repeating the same nonsensical bullshit, make fun of whoever the fuck you want dude, I don't care at this point and frankly I'm tired of arguing with you cause I'm pretty sure you don't believe half the shit you write