Character Discussion Sanji is weak willed compared to Zoro and Luffy

Is Sanji as strong willed as Zoro and Luffy

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@Blother I need some copiummmmmmmm

That is always the greatest excuse in the book, Anytime Sanji loses a poll it's clearly because the fandom is 90% Zorotardedddddddddddddddddddddddd

I dont need to understand shit that comes from you. You clearly dont know the difference in the 2 scenarios. So lets agree to disagree
Every time i think we can have a civilized conversation i get called a ZoroTard
@Blother I need some copiummmmmmmm

That is always the greatest excuse in the book, Anytime Sanji loses a poll it's clearly because the fandom is 90% Zorotardedddddddddddddddddddddddd
Not talking about this specific poll but it's true. Zoro's fandom is much bigger than Sanji's on this forum so any poll results can't come out without any kind of bias involved.
Maybe sanji should have tried to find all blue to repay his debt the same way Zoro tried to repay his debt to koushirou and kuina by becoming the worlds strongest swordsman

Doesnt work that way. Zeff ate his foot because of Sanji, thus wasnt strong enough to look after the Baratie properly. That's why Sanji stayed behind to help. After Sanji heard Zeff wanted him to also go, then he felt could go follow his dream.


Talent is something you make bloom.
"I made an oath to become the greatest swordsman alive, no matter the consequences, and I would gladly die for that."
"I made an oath to never hit a woman, no matter the consequences, and I would gladly die for that."


Their ultimate dream is not necessarily tied to their will. They also have principles, they have other objectives, etc.
Shallow argument.
Not talking about this specific poll but it's true. Zoro's fandom is much bigger than Sanji's on this forum so any poll results can't come out without any kind of bias involved.
Yes there are more Zoro fans than Sanji fans on here, even though there is a displaced level of toxicity from the fandoms on here. That's not the issue it's everyone that votes against Sanji is automatically a Zorotard by association when that's clearly not the case.
Yes making a poll in a forum which is 90% Zorotard. I wonder what they'd pick? You really thought you did sumn

Because Sanji doesnt get Zoro's need nor his ambition. He sees him as a dude who's dying for no reason. Again Sanji will be biased, because he cares Zoro's life and thats why he wants him to abandon his ambition.

Again if you cant get it through your mind that I'm here to show the SH's hypocrital nature and their need to want their friends to survive. Sanji picked the danegrous route of fighting the CP9, Zoro picked the dangerous route of fighting Mihawk. Both Sanji and Zoro were against the other for making such decisions. And you need to understand that nakama's are just as important or even more important than ambitions. Yet both told each other to abandon for their own safety, yet we know the other would do it. That's the point im trying to show.
In this case, I agree with him @bennbeckman
It makes sense. Sanji has always tooken the cipher Pol incognito route whereas Zoro took the loud, brash and dangerous route
Doesnt work that way. Zeff ate his foot because of Sanji, thus wasnt strong enough to look after the Baratie properly. That's why Sanji stayed behind to help. After Sanji heard Zeff wanted him to also go, then he felt could go follow his dream.
Isnt this the point though? Luffy and Zoro no matter what didnt ever need someone to push them towards their goal. They decided when they were young and followed the dream since then. Sanji needed peoples helps along the way to follow his dream, Zeffs luffys even seeing Zoro inspired him and so on, Sanji needed a push from people along the way to even consider going to sea compared to Zoro and luffy thats weaker(weaker resolve).
Isnt this the point though? Luffy and Zoro no matter what didnt ever need someone to push them towards their goal. They decided when they were young and followed the dream since then. Sanji needed peoples helps along the way to follow his dream, Zeffs luffys even seeing Zoro inspired him and so on, Sanji needed a push from people along the way to even consider going to sea compared to Zoro and luffy thats weaker.
If Sanji never met Zeff, his Dream would never become a debt to Zeff. Thus he wouldn't stifle his ambition and wouldn't need to see Luffy to remind himself. In the case of Zoro, it was just pure hypocrticism. He just didnt want Zoro to die. Sanji's dream now turning into a debt for Zeff, he literally risked his life for Zeff and the Baratie....and allowed Pearl to carrying on hitting him till death just so the Baratie could last longer.
And you’re here complaining for what? No one cares
i wouldnt say i am exactly complaining. maybe my post looked like one??
tho i get surprised everytime when i see same group of people going at each other, with the same tactics, same trolling and everytime they have same energy. like they dont get tired at all:owo::owo:
but at least u cared about me:josad: