Latest chapter shows Marco saying hes tired of babysitting Great Pirates
As you see he says "Keep playing" so he was talking about in the past as well. Obviously not his highly likely hes talking about the New Gen he was "babysitting" in Wano.
Ofcourse Sanji is a member of the New Gen that caught Marco's eye twice.
First time was when Sanji's immense willpower didnt falter and give in to the fake lies of Kaido. And instead carried on fighting the BPs whilst the Samurai looked in at shock.
Marco then exclaimed... "This is why I like you guys"
After having caught his eye the first time....Marco then proceeded to call him one of the Stars of the Show along with Zoro.
With this evidence I can see that one of the Great Pirates Marco was reffering to was obviously Sanji. Due to the fact he complimented him twice and was impressed by him.

As you see he says "Keep playing" so he was talking about in the past as well. Obviously not his highly likely hes talking about the New Gen he was "babysitting" in Wano.
Ofcourse Sanji is a member of the New Gen that caught Marco's eye twice.
First time was when Sanji's immense willpower didnt falter and give in to the fake lies of Kaido. And instead carried on fighting the BPs whilst the Samurai looked in at shock.
Marco then exclaimed... "This is why I like you guys"

After having caught his eye the first time....Marco then proceeded to call him one of the Stars of the Show along with Zoro.