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Lmao seriously? Yeah wow nice...Shadowing that is supposed to make People look more terrifying...did Sanji tried to scare nami off or what? Stupid example. And their shadows are About their whole face or mainly around their eyebrows. Sanji's was on his cheek and neck...
I see, the goalpost just moved further away.

Now lets stop pretending that "shadow" always looks like the examples given in the post you quoted before, alright?

Gran D. Master

CoO is very different to armament hardening lol. Completely different scenarios. Zoro stating he can sense Caribou's presence is him using CoO. That is an explicit usage of CoO. It is clear cut. Sanji has armament haki, but he has never explicitly used hardening.
No, an explicit usage of CoO would be him directly stating that he's using it. The example you gave is an implicit usage of it. you have an explicit example of Zoro using CoO?
I see, the goalpost just moved further away.

Shadows created by light or for effects like being angry, epic moment (shadows over eyes), make things more dramatic etc. Not a single one of these was at the same Situation as Sanji. Sanji was Blocking an sharp attack in form of arrows. Sanji having ''shadows'' on his neck and cheek make Zero sense - why should there be any of those shadows? But on the rest of his face, like his eyebrow - where normaly shadows are created is none.
The arrows which hit Sanji got deflected and there is only 1 thing in OP that is black and harden your Body - it isn't so hard to guess what is is right? It's a big ''coinsidence'' that the parts of his Body which are hit by arrows are black and the parts which are not hit are white...

I have the Feeling some People get butthurt for Sanji having Hardening - so they try everything to ''disprove'' it lol.
Well, then i guess Sanji has the hardest body of the SH's (besides Franky).

Gran D. Master

I knew this would be the case to be shared, but am i really to consider this the same as "sensing life force" from distance without visual contact?

Am not sure bout that :choppawhat:
Either way, Zoro wasn't the one to sense it first. Do you have a way to prove that Zoro actually sensed it at wasn't just playing along when Luffy told him to?

Why are you trying to make this so complicated? All I asked is if there is any explicit example of Zoro using CoO, nobody managed to provide me with one yet...


World's Strongest Swordsman
Either way, Zoro wasn't the one to sense it first. Do you have a way to prove that Zoro actually sensed it at wasn't just playing along when Luffy told him to?

Why are you trying to make this so complicated? All I asked is if there is any explicit example of Zoro using CoO, nobody managed to provide me with one yet...
On zou. Him ussop and law used it.
Either way, Zoro wasn't the one to sense it first. Do you have a way to prove that Zoro actually sensed it at wasn't just playing along when Luffy told him to?
Why are you trying to make this so complicated? All I asked is if there is any explicit example of Zoro using CoO, nobody managed to provide me with one yet...
We dont even know if it was zoro responding, could have been just sanji.

But either way, im fine with "implicit" examples of zoro using CoO, i.e. the FMI one, the PH one, the zou one.
this panel does somewhat look like hardening. I will treat it as a confirmation. If sanji in his next major fight wont use hardening, then we can dismiss this as regular shading lol
Anyway i'll be adding this as well, i do consider this to be hardening, but to pretend that shadows can never look like whats happening in the picture is just disingenuous, or mental gymnastics.

So yeah, i've stated myself before that i consider this to be hardening, voted that i consider this to be hardeinng, but apparently im so "butthurt" that i have to "disprove" sanji having hardening.
