Current Events Sanji's next course of action

What will happen with Sanji

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My personal opinion:

-I think after King sees the defeated scarbards on the floor via Law's teleportation, his next aim will be to kill Momo to win the war. Sanji finally escapes from BM via Robin, and interacts with Kin. Kinemon tells him to protect Momo.

Then Sanji flies Momo outta Onigashma with King chasing him. And Yamato stays and fights revealing her Zoan Power.
Robin and Brook can help him escape Black Maria, after that he either have option to try & go up again or attack someone in sight,
If he goes up, he will find Jinbe & Who's Who & i don't think Oda would draw that, that fight should be left alone

So imo Sanji will jump and attack someone, who?
There are two options, either he will save Nami from Page One or attack Queen & help Marco
However Drake is already down there & so is Chopper & other Samurai, Sanji shouldn't be there
So Queen & King it is
He will eventually check for his crewmates and will find them fighting off Tobi Roppo and will eventually pay assistance.

Meanwhile Marco could manage to defeat at least one folk amongst the calamity duo and the other one, albeit not fresh (it would be just natural), could be left for Sanji.