Character Discussion Sanji's Sigma Male Grindset (aka not a simp like many people thought he would be)

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from dictionary
What is a sigma male?

Sigma male is a slang term used in masculinist subcultures for a popular, successful, but highly independent and self-reliant man. Another term for a sigma male is a lone wolf.
Sigma male
has seen most of its usage by the same members of what is known as the manosphere and who use other Greek letters to form a social hierarchy, such as alpha male, beta male, and omega male. The term has also been used to mock all of these labels used to categorize men.

The term sigma male seems to be a creation of far-right activist and writer Theodore Robert Beale, who goes by Vox Day. Beale began using the term as early as January 2010, when he defined it on his blog. Why Beale chose specifically sigma (as opposed to other letters yet untaken in masculinist discourse) is unclear.

While a so-called alpha male is aggressive, sociable, and outgoing, the sigma male is constructed as succeeding in life and in relationships without actively engaging in social interaction. The sigma male is introverted and shuns mainstream society, yet still manages to be a successful man who is popular with women.

Beale described sigma males as “lone wolves” and likened them to introverted alpha males. He singled out actor Clint Eastwood’s movie characters as examples of sigma males. In a more recent post about the topic, he would further define the sigma male as “The outsiders who don’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow.” According to Beale, alpha males dislike sigma males because sigma males effortlessly succeed while alpha males have to work hard to achieve their status.

Sigma male would remain relatively obscure over the rest of the decade. It would mainly be used by followers of Beale and other members of the manosphere who came across it. In 2014, author John Alexander would use the term in the title of his relationship advice book The Sigma Male: What Women Really Want.

Highly doubt that sanji is sigma male :bamathink: