When did I take his side lmao. Also welcome back, are you back or is this just you passing by?
But he does has sort of a point although for me I would consider Logias intangibility to be part of their durability and since Apoo didnt hurt Kizaru at all despite blowing him up then its not really a good comparison.
Of all the arguments you chose to mock, you chose the one about me pointing out that Saturn did in fact sweat from Kuma’s punch instead of the absurd comparison that the liar was making lol.
And no, he has no point. Durability is a measure of a character’s ability to resist damage. If an attack stands a 0% chance at injuring a character, it can’t be counted as a durability feat. A nuke could blow up in Kizaru’s face and he would take no damage because he’s a logia, thus it can’t be used as a measure of durability.
So to compare Saturn being gibbed by a falling building, a clear measure of how Saturn’s physical body cannot handle damage, to an attack that stands a 0% chance at effecting Kizaru’s actual body to begin with is a comparison brought to you from a straight liar and meant to pander to other straight liars. A better comparison would be comparing Kuma’s punch to White Star Gun since WSG bypassed intangibility and thus Kizaru tanking it is a durability feat.
And no, I wouldn’t say I’m back lol. I don’t enjoy this manga much anymore and I absolutely fucking abhor One Piece fans so I’m just here to laugh at Admiral haters tripping over themselves to excuse an anti feat that they would rake the Admirals over the coals for lol.