Questions & Mysteries Say something positive about Wano



This is my first arc following weekly, i caught up with the manga right as Snakeman was revealed in WCI.

So i can say one positive thing about Wano is me getting into the community, like WorstGen, and watching / reading takes about the story on reddit / twitter / youtube.

That's fun, even when i get pissed off. lol.

But it's a very different experience following an arc of One Piece from start to finish weekly. I've done it many times with other series of course.
It is not like there were not good moments in Wano. Wano was good, Onigashima was bad.

So, to be specific, Onigashima had:
1) Scabbards facing Kaido, even though they knew they cant win
2) Robin fight
3) Focus on Zoro (his arc)
4) Sanji and raid suite issue resolved
5) Momo's decision to man up
6) X Drake and SWORD plot
7) Apoo being Apoo
8) Hawkins getting what he deserved
9) Kidd and Law awakening
10) Sky splitting
11) Kanjuro not turning into a good guy
12) Kaido beheading Orochi (just crushing his confidence was satisfying)
13) Chopper making vaccine for oni virus
14) Kaido still going strong (if he has awakening that will be cherry on the cake)
15) Myself, for taking time to think about these good moments and still not liking the overall Onigashima raid. If I listed 15 good points, I can list 150 bad things about Onigashima. It just has been that bad.


Luffy getting one shotted.
We actually saw nami and robin getting hit for once.
Sanji destroying the RS.
Zoro finally getting a backstory, eventually....
Good lore.
Kaido actually lives up to the WSC title.
King is cool af and his fight with Zoro was surprisingly well choreographed.
Law being the no.1 support.
Luffy becoming the skysplitter he deserved. Luffy vs Kaidou to decide WSC throne as PK milestone.
Luffy's beautiful monkey-fight technique.
The lore of Enma-Oden-Shimotsuki related to Zoro.
Kaidou's Drunken Master as a fun martial arts.
King's handsomeness, stoic and silly yet creative head attack.
Sanji's character development
Yamato's beautiful Wolf Guardian form.
Kanjuro's betrayal.
Orochi's scheming.
CoC lore and levels, from black lightning to no-touch to skysplitter, related to flashback of WB vs Roger.
Up until chapter 1038:
1) rooftop battle is one of best in the entire series (If not the best).
2) all straw hats got their time to shine. Except usopp but who cares about his weak ass.
3) yamato, a strong female character at last.
4) roger flashback was insane.
5) general franky is finally destroyed. Lets hope we ll never see it again.
6) zoro and sanji got cool power ups.
7) ancient zoans.
8) cool character designs.
9) jinbei finally becomes an official crewmember.
10) world goverment-marines potential involvement.