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True but to be fair there can still be a lot of conversation apart from Cal. What do you think about Dyna, Nat, and Rej?

Well Dyna seems to think that I investigated him and then claimed his role for myself so uh...not sure what's going on with him at the moment.


Nat seems like her typical nat self, i got a null read on her.

Rej is the most who interests me the most out of the three, very curious to know why he's so interested in Tobi. :shocking:

What do you think of those three? And have you been watching Love Island lately?


Blood Manipulation
Vote Count

T-Pein -> Dest -> Dr_Prof -> Conquist -> Fuji -> Juliet -> Nat -> Lind -> Cal -> Zara
Conquist -> Cal
Rej -> Tobi -> Cal
Dyna -> Dest -> Zara -> Cal
Ratchet -> Dest
Lind -> Nat -> Cal
Light -> Cal
Hayumi -> Cal
Dr_Prof -> Cal
Dest -> Cal
Juliet -> Cal
Fuji -> Cal
Krog -> Cal

Cal - 11
Zara / Dest - 1

If I have made any mistake, please let me know.
As I said, the phase ends at 10h30PM EST, in about 40 minutes.

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