[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Because both of you were going hard at each other but now are both sitting at Conq, thus it could be Wolf theatre since you guys have moved off each other quickly.
That is something else I did notice, when everyone started looking at them and their argument as being suspcious they both also settled down, I believe Usopp more so than Fruit or was it the other way around I'm gonna have to read back because I playing a game while I was reading it but I do recall one of them became more chill faster than the other.
it only makes @Destroya look worst like ive mentioned earlier there is a chance he is pushing a claim off a player that might succumb to pressure early and claim a role that could be powerful

the issue is town dest also did the same thing to me in another website that encourages sheeping so every1 sheeped him and i had to claim gunsmith, a power role resulting in me dying the following night

so we r back to ground 0, except now we outed conq role so good job
I hope that if you guys think anything of me as a Mafia player, it's that I can play a similar way as any alignment.



When were you under the impression this game is..
Because both of you were going hard at each other but now are both sitting at Conq, thus it could be Wolf theatre since you guys have moved off each other quickly.
From experience i dont want to off Usopp rn, whenever i get heated with him i start a crusade to lynch him and he ends up town. So i choose to believe he’s just annoying town rn. Yes i changed my mind about him.

Im still gonna keep him on ignore all game though.


What could have been...
ok i just woke up. i have uni + work till like a another 3.5 hrs approx. i just skimmed through the posts, ill read everything after uniand reply. ill just say this though.

i was high last night, i shouldnt have been online in the first place and i know i wasnt doing myself any favours trying to defend myself with all the bunch of mixed emotions but it came from being a confused townie being called scum for "having an awk intro". going as far as soft claiming was wild from my side. i got really heated up for no particular reason.

i dont expect all of you to believe me. ill prove my towniness with my actions over the course of d1.
u have day actions?


The Rogue Prince
I feel like there is a lot of us that play this game under the influence of something, so this isn't much of an excuse. Kind of reflects worse on you for coming back to this when you already stated it once.
i woke up, went through ~10 pages and still saw myself in the crosshairs and rightfully so after the mental breakdown i had last night.
i guess i thought explaining why i was so nervous last night might help.

and @Ekkologix @Fruitji my claim was not diluc. i just googled who diluc is and no, my character is different. ill claim if i need to by the end of d1.


You asked why we sus you, I just told you why, don’t shoot the messenger!
That doesn't change the fact that your reasoning doesn't make any sense which is the point I am trying to make. Some reasons aren't always alignment indicative when it comes to the specific player you're presenting it to.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Because both of you were going hard at each other but now are both sitting at Conq, thus it could be Wolf theatre since you guys have moved off each other quickly.
And i vote Conq then him the Conq whereas he just tunneled me all game then swapped to Conq, id say his play is a but off. Mine makes sense as i was on Conq to begin with.
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