[FNZ] Super Role Madness [Season 2] Round 14 - Tower of Druaga

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Arbiter of Truth
After Time had created an alternate timeline, one of the remaining players had to be lynched.
Though unfortunately for Mr. Alibaba, they were all thirsting for his blood.

Their role was
Xlaw, the Stock Trader, a member of Town
You are Xlaw!
Write-up name: Stock Trader

HP: 3

[Fund]: You have 1M $ to invest.

[Portfolio]: You can have a portfolio of 5 players only. You can invest in 5 companies at a time only.

[Shares value]: Each listed company has specific value for each share. For Ex, Rej has a value of 300 $ per share. If I buy 100 shares of Rej company ill have to spend 30,000$.

Blue Chip:
1. @Rej 300 $
2. @TheAncientCenturion 295 $

Large Cap:
1. @Gambit 250$
2. @Nick 245 $
3. @Flower 235 $
4. @Ekkologix 230 $
5. @DynaMight 220 $

Medium Cap:
1. @Destroya170$
2. @Xlaw 150 $
3. @Fruitji 145 $
4. @Dr_Professor83 140 $
5. @RippedCal 125 $
6. @Ratchet 130 $
7. @Rhea 125 $
8. @Ryu Kishi 125 $

Small Cap:
1. @jinri 70 $
2. @Gruble 70 $
3. @Aether 65 $
4. @T-Pein™ 60 $
5. @SanjiIsStrongerThanZolo 10 $
6. @Grammaton 50 $
7. @Melontonin 45 $
8. @Jaguark101 25 $
9. @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna 30 $
--- Abilities ---

[Passive - Risky business is sexy business]: If you lose all your money you will become the vanilla town.

[Passive - Upper circuit]: If the player gets lynched, the stock will hit the upper circuit and you will get +100% profit on your total investment (also 10% profit per vote).

[Passive - Lower Circuit]: If the Player gets 0 votes or dies mid-DP, the stock will hit the lower circuit. And you lose -50% of your investment.

[Active - Intraday]: Once every day you buy shares of the company. Your profit is depends on the number of lynch votes they get in the DP. 1 Vote = 10% profit on total investment. You can book profit at any time of the DP. You will earn profit depends on how many votes they have before you book profit.

[Activve - Long Term Investment] (Min 3 cycle holding): Invest some fund in the equity market for long-term gain. Buy min 1 lot (100 shares) of any company. You will earn profit depends on companies’ performance in the game.

1 Post = 10 $ . for 100 posts , 100 x 10 $ = 1000 $ per share, 100,000$ long term profit

Successful day/Night action = 10K $

Good quarterly performance of company will increase its share value. You will get a 10K $ bonus for companies' good quarterly results.

Losing Life or failed action = -10K $
The bad quarterly performance of the company will affect its share value . Share value will drop and you will lose 10K $.

Town Credit, when someone mentions them in their town list = 50K $
When a company get positive reviews and shows good long-run growth, it's share value will increase. And stakeholders will benefit from it.

No Votes = 10 $ . When a company shows rapid growth with increasing turnover. And no stockholders left them. Stakeholder will get 10 $ bonus per share.
Example 10 x number of alive players. Ex. 10 x 20 Players alive. 200 x 100 shares, 20K $ Profit.

[Active - Options Master]: Bait on your stock. Select stock if they die tonight you will earn 100% return on your investment or Select stock tonight if they survive without losing a life or action failed you will earn 100% return on your investment.

[Active - Big Bull]: Buy 5% shares of any company. For that, you will have to spend 1M $.
---[Stake Holder]: Once you own 5% share of any company, you will become stakeholder in that company. You will get to all information about that company (their previous actions, role card). Their 1 live will be transfer to you. Your vote will overpower them. Their vote on you won't count.

Primary Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town
Secondary Wincon:
Become a Billionaire or Own max number of companies at the end of the game.
It is now Night 3 again
You have 10 hours to send in your actions
If you sent in your actions before this phase let me know if you want to change them, if not I will assume you are doing the action you submitted.




Arbiter of Truth
It is now Night 3 again
You have 10 hours to send in your actions
If you sent in your actions before this phase let me know if you want to change them, if not I will assume you are doing the action you submitted.
It's rewind time!

@Alibaba has been ressurected as the timeline went back to normal

Night time will continue as normal​


Arbiter of Truth
Maybe it's fear, maybe it's the exhaustion of climbing the tower, but we can feel the presence or lack there of from huge actions.
But alas that doesn't stop the select few who are clearly intent on winning the race to the top, in order to gain the Crystal Rod.

First up was the strange creature, the Cobra Chicken, they were seen looking over a dead body, as they though it could be alive. This was not the case..

Rest is for the weak, or for the week, well, for the Abberation Killer it's definitely the former, as he never rests. He tried to cut the supernatural out of someone.

All the while Slime was seen cleaning up his spellbook, while also changing the effects of another ability.
Then the Slime was seen sniffing around in someone's business, and lastly swallowed someone whole, leaving them commuted.

Someone did something, but nobody could make out what it was.

Then A man with a plan was seen attempting to thoroughly investigate someone.

And then during this night, the Witch of Crows was seen unleashing her ultimate attack bypassing all protections to kill

@Destroya the Cobra Chicken was killed.​
You are Canadian Goose!
Write-up name: Cobra Chicken!

HP: 3

[Passive - Honk, Honk] - Canadian geese are arrogant creatures and are always looking for attention via their honking, which many take to be a docile or even friendly sign, despite the obvious warnings. On odd cycles(D1, N1; D3, N3; etc), the first player to target you will have their action failed(with the exception of kills and role crushes). They will be told that they were attacked by an angry goose. You will learn who your visitor was.

[Passive - Migration] - Canadian geese are well-known for their seasonal migration. On even cycles(D2, N2; D4, N4; etc), you will migrate to a new spot on the player list. You will be bus driven with the player in that spot.

[Active - Anatidaephobia] - Somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. In this case, a goose. During the night, you may target a player to learn all their visitors.

[Active - Give Me Bread] - Despite the blind aggression that Canadian geese show to humans, humans still enjoy feeding bread to these dangerous beasts and allow their children near them, giving the geese the opportunity to slip into their blindside. Once during the cycle, you may ask a player for bread. They will be messaged "A goose has landed near you and it's looking for some food. Would you be willing to share a crumb of bread with the hungry goose?"
--- [Aw, poor birdie!] -
If the player decides to share some bread with you, you will learn one ability that they possess.
--- [Got no time for no goose shit] - If the player refuses to share some bread, then you will attack them in rage, causing them to investigate [Guilty] for one cycle.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town
Somewhere else in the tower @T-Pein™ was found dead on the floor.

You are Rimuru!
Write-up name: Slime

HP: 3

[Passive - Starved]: Each night he will absorb the first harmful action except kill and nullify it, and will gain it as a one-shot.

[Active - Great Sage] - You may use the following abilities. You are only allowed to use one ability per night.
--- [Analytical Appraisal]: Appraise a target and find out their character. [1-Shot]
--- [Analysis]: The target is studied and analyzed, can uncover one ??? in the write-up. [1-Shot]
--- [Unlimited Imprisonment]: It entombs the target in a complex number of spatial dimensions and seals them away. [1-Shot]

[Active - Predator] - Once per cycle, Rimuru may target a player.
---[Predation]: Absorb a target for the phase leaving them commuted.
--- [Analysis]: The same phase the absorbed target is studied and analyzed. In the following phase, you will Learn one of their active abilities.
--- [Stomach]: The phase after that, ability discovered via Analysis can be stored.
You can only store 2 abilities at a time.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Town

Due to Team Sun Knights not having enough members to climb they did not receive any items from the climb.
Maybe someone will bring them under their wing and have them join for the climb.

Team Big Booba Busters has Advanced to the floor of Diamonds:
- The floor of Diamond (金剛) - Upon reaching the floor of diamond the player may choose to upgrade one of their abilities, however you may not use the ability you are upgrading or vote for that day phase you are here. You can only visit here once.

And while advancing they found The Porridge that says moo

Team Town Core and The Burning Muffs has advanced to the floor of Silver.

Team Town Core found the item; The Uno Reverse Card

The Burning Muffs found the item; A copy of Minecraft

From yesterday's event @Nick won the Soda that makes you German

And @Alibaba won Father in a Jar

With 1 Legion Commander left, the death of your world will arive at the end of the 7th Cycle.



It is now Day 4, this phase will last for 23 hours (to make it go up)

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Things are looking rough for town... atleast 5 dead with 2 that didn't flip anything. Prof. looking bad after the Gambit gambit. Alteast Ali and Rej are confirmed now, which is nice...


Arbiter of Truth
Then A man with a plan was seen attempting to thoroughly investigate someone.
Edited that post for clarity.

The feaster from afar was seen banning a word from use.
If the taboo word has been spoken 3 times or more they will be vote silenced.​
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