[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 6 - Naruto: Mafia Shippuden

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I did not like how Mr. Anderson ignored me when I asked for his results. Mr. Anderson might be scum who did not know what to fake claim on his results.

If this is multiball then one of Usopp or Midnight is scum for both claiming roleblocker.


I did not like how Mr. Anderson ignored me when I asked for his results. Mr. Anderson might be scum who did not know what to fake claim on his results.

If this is multiball then one of Usopp or Midnight is scum for both claiming roleblocker.
Been thinking about that more and what that role said. Just from the wording alone makes it seem like there is Def 2 teams, I think if it was accidentally hit their team by misdirected of town it would have been worded differently.


Zoro Worshipper
Sera disappears whether he’s town or scum, this is inconclusive by itself :seriously:
I was thinking about it yeah. I don't see it as a very exhaustive element by itself. In general there are more odds he is scum based off such demeanor but the difference isn't so legitimate after all. And I could be misremembering.

I was considering the notion he would show such confidence in TAC's flip as the biggest propellant to my case, he showed a certain synergy with Natalija whilst doing that, but he remains a yellow card overall...

His TAC vote isn't very town indicative since it was merely the first that was casted, so not a firm indicator at all unfortunately.
I was thinking about it yeah. I don't see it as a very exhaustive element by itself. In general there are more odds he is scum based off such demeanor but the difference isn't so legitimate after all. And I could be misremembering.

I was considering the notion he would show such confidence in TAC's flip as the biggest propellant to my case, he showed a certain synergy with Natalija whilst doing that, but he remains a yellow card overall...

His TAC vote isn't very town indicative since it was merely the first that was casted, so not a firm indicator at all unfortunately.
Natalija tried to get me off the TAC vote :seriously:
I dream one day you will stop speaking in Shakespearean when playing mafia.

Sometimes it doesn't even make sense. Doesn't help that it's long winded either.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
EoD Vote Count -

Juliet – Gambit
T-Pein – Gambit
Jew D. Boy – Gambit
Marimo_420 – Gambit
Finalbeta – Gambit
Seraphoenix – Gambit
LANJI CUCKSMOKE – Gambit > Marimo_420
Kvothe Kingkiller – Gambit
Go D. Usopp – Marimo_420
MangoSenpai – Marimo_420 > Gambit
Zem – Gambit
Flower – Gambit > Lanji
Midnight - Gambit

Gambit - 10
Marimo_420 - 2
Lanji - 1

If I missed anyone's vote, please let me know. @Gambit will be today's lynch.

I'm the Cop. I investigated Gambit and he is guilty.

Vote Lynch Gambit

you know about the town pool?
vote for Gambit I guess.

Vote lynch Gambit

Looks like he didn’t vote for Nat or at all yesterday, which is odd because he ALWAYS fucks with her in this game...not damning by itself, but your results could be.

Vote Lynch Gambit @Dragomir
I can relate on the stolen/destroyed stuff, but I do hope who is claiming this isn't also scum which might very well constitute the case.

Vote Lynch Gambit @Dragomir

I provided a scum tier list last day

Tier 1 Nat - Gambit - Marimo
Tier 2 Lind - Zem or LANJI

We shall see how many I got right, one was proven correct :memehm:
two ppl got guilty result on gambit. Gambit didn't mention he was miller or whatever

dunno about marimo yet if he's trying to bus gambit or something but

vote lynch Gambit @Dragomir
sup ningens, im on page 166

we yeet marimo/gambit

didnt we decide this yesterday lol

i wanna start with marimo first

[vote lynch marimo] @Dragomir
Vote Lynch Gambit @Dragomir

The save him from lynch is too strong
Vote Lynch Gambit.
Vote Lynch Lanji.
I will vote him then
Vote lynch marimo @Dragomir

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓

@Gambit [Deidara] has been lynched!
@Gambit - You are Deidara!

[Active - Explosive Clay] - Clay is Deidara's art. During the day, Deidara may create explosive clay that he can detonate at different levels during the next night. If he performs the faction kill the following night, the target will be janitored.
--- [C1] - Deidara targets a player to role-crush them.
--- [C2] - Forming his clay in a dragon, Deidara may use it to bus drive himself and another player that night, or alternatively, he may make his actions unstoppable that night. [3-shots]
--- [C3] -
Dropping this large-scale bomb on a target, Deidara will destroy a random ability of that player. [3-shots]
--- [C4] -
Deidara creates a copy of himself and when detonated, a cloud of mini bombs will be released and if inhaled by someone, it will cause them to explode at a cellular level. Deidara chooses target with this. If that player has role-claimed then they will be killed. This kill is separate from the faction kill.
--- [C0] - By feeding the mouth on his chest large amounts of clay, Deidara will turn himself into an explosion, where when detonated he and anything around him die. If lynched, the first player to vote on Deidara will be killed with him. This must be activated before it can work. [1-shot]

[C4] cannot be destroyed.

[Active - Eye Scope] - Pulling out his trusty eye-scope over his left eye, Deidara can see at long distances, learning of who visits his target. Additionally, he will be immune to genjutsu techniques.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the Akatsuki.

@Juliet [Neji Hyuga] has been killed.
You are Neji Hyuga!

[Active - Byakugan] - Activating his Byakugan, Neji may target a player to learn of their alignment.

[Active - Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms] - During the night, Neji may pummel a target with his Eight Trigrams technique. The target will have their active abilities disabled for 1 cycle(the current cycle is not included). If he uses this alongside [Byakugan] then he will learn the ability of the target as well. He will not be able to use [Byakugan] again for 1 cycle. [2-shots]

Wincon: Eliminate the Akatsuki.

It is now Night 3 You have around 24-hours to turn in your actions. @Dragomir might make a different announcement later.

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@Kvothe Kingkiller [Naruto Uzumaki] has been super-killed!​

You are Naruto Uzumaki!

[Passive - Sage Mode] - On odd nights, Naruto will be in Sage Mode. He will have role-crush immunity.

[Passive - Kyuubi Mode] - On even nights, Naruto will be in his Tailed Beast mode and as such be bulletproof. Additionally, he will be immune to genjutsu techniques.

[Active - Shadow Clone Jutsu] - During the day phase, Naruto may create 1 Shadow Clone. This Shadow Clone may either be used in conjunction with [Rasengan] and [Rasenshurikan] or, alternatively, for the following night, he may use one Shadow for the following night Clone as a bodyguard to protect a player of his choice. Naruto may not protect himself.

[Active - Rasengan] - After creating 1 Shadow Clone, Naruto may create his signature technique, the Rasengan, and blast a player away, role-crushing them for that cycle.
--- [Rasenshurikan] - Naruto may decide to use an upgraded version of the Rasengan and instead may kill his target. This will have him role-crushed for 1 cycle. [1-shot]

Wincon: Eliminate the Akatsuki.​
@T-Pein™ [Jiraiya] has been super-killed!​

You are Jiraiya!
[Passive - Legendary Sanin] - As one of the famed Legendary Sanin, Jiraiya is immune to role-crushes.

[Active - Icha Icha] - Each night phase, Jiraiya may write a new chapter in his famous book series, Icha Icha, based on the events of the previous day phase. At the start of the day phase, this chapter will be broadcasted for players to see. Players may vote "Yes" or "No" to if they like the chapter in their role pms. Depending on their answer...[Secrets]

[Active - Pervy Sage] - Jiraiya is a known pervert around these streets and has a habit of spying on people. He may target a player to learn who they visited that night.

Wincon: Eliminate the Akatsuki.​
It is now Day 4. You have 24-hours to discuss.
Countdown Timer. A new poll is up.
I apologize for starting this phase so late. I had a busy day at school today.


What could have been...
i think one of those superkills was the one they stole from me

but it shuda killed the user hmm

maybe drago gave them compensation for it cuz they r getting hard rekt rn


What could have been...
did anyone roleblock marimo btw? i didn't rb him last night

the 2 times i roleblocked him, a kill failed, and the one time i leave him this happens hmm


The Honoured One
RB jew tonight. Should be town given that there's been two kills. And my flying rajin has been stolen.

2 mafia teams smh.

Ussop is scum. I'm leaving this here since he's been adamantly on my dick for the past 3 phases on weak reasoning.

Let's get this over with



I had an ability just stolen too.

Honestly believe Usopp might be scum.

We will have to look into other players if the game doesn't end here.

I might be unable to particpate too much, having a pain flare up that started yesterday morning. :josad:
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