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𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝕾𝖕𝖆𝖜𝖓
@T-Pein™ @Naomi @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @BleakAsh @TheKnightOfTheSea @Juliet @Finalbeta @Natalija @Ratchet

Lets start with a simple question, can you guys give me your 3rd highest town reads so far?
TheKnightofthesea reading as town,and like his responsive to scum hunting and questioning
Juliet- still active and scum hunting which is good sign imo.
udell- paranoid town udell, usually he more calmer but when more town dies, he get super aggressive, and sus everyone.
Town reads btw? With a small explanation.
Final Beta - My 100% town read.
Has conviction and has been consistent. I like his reads and his reasoning for each push.
He seems honest AF

Sky - same, as beta, not flip flopping to the easiest lynch, wants to get rid of the anti town player.

MDL - Claims to be town watcher and no one has counter claimed.

Nword - Sheeps me and says I am an expert. claims to be able to cancel votes and create chats.

Rhea - Healer. saved a player.

knight of sea - he is a strong Lanji pusher, any lanji pusher is fine with me. Could be attempting to trick me.

Ripped Cal - Lanji voter, new to thread but replaced Poison and Poison looked harmless.

midnight - useless town

uwu - useless and confused town


xadlin - lynch survivor
Udell- tried coasting, called him out and faked the usual scum hunting.
Lanji - big resistance, lind was avoiding, anti town posts but active.
fuji - lynches ussop over lanji, baits for abilities, fake miller claim
natalija - was anti ussop lynch, very pro lanji saving.
hayumi - opportunistic ussop vote, scummy af, gave up and self voted on day 1 cuz 3 votes.

nothing out of /10

ryu kishi


Holy Simp

Lanji Cucksmoke > Ena
Fujishiro > Udell > Natalija > Ena > T-Pein > Ena
Sky > Lanji Cucksmoke > - > Ena
Finalbeta > Fujishiro
T-Pein > Lanji Cucksmoke
Udell > Fujishiro
Juliet > Ena
Ena > Lanji Cucksmoke
Alwaysmind > Lanji Cucksmoke >
RippedCal > Lanji Cucksmoke
Naomi > Ena

Ena: 5 (Lanji Cucksmoke, Fujishiro, Sky, Juliet, Naomi)
Lanji Cucksmoke: 3 (T-Pein, Ena, RippedCal)
Fujishiro: 2 (Finalbeta, Udell)

Let me know if I did any mistake. Going to bed now

@Midnight Delight
@Ryu Kishi
@The Destoryer
@Akai Haato


When were you under the impression this game is..
Final Beta - My 100% town read.
Has conviction and has been consistent. I like his reads and his reasoning for each push.
He seems honest AF

Sky - same, as beta, not flip flopping to the easiest lynch, wants to get rid of the anti town player.
Agree on sky.

MDL - Claims to be town watcher and no one has counter claimed.
I mean its a 30+ player game, there can be people with watching abilities, doesnt make them town.

Nword - Sheeps me and says I am an expert. claims to be able to cancel votes and create chats.
How is this behavior giving town points though?

knight of sea - he is a strong Lanji pusher, any lanji pusher is fine with me. Could be attempting to trick me.

Ripped Cal - Lanji voter, new to thread but replaced Poison and Poison looked harmless.
So this all hinges on your belief that Lanji is scum right?

Alright, thanks.
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